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Hussain has accepted the Qatari citizenship

The Picaso of India Mr. Maqbool Fida Hussain has finally accepted the Qatari citizenship. Well that’s the
sad part of the great painter’s last years.

Well according to the Hindus, it’s a fair deal. But truly within themselves they didn’t want thePicasso to
leave India.

M.F. Hussein is living in self exile for the past four years. The reason being that he panted Hindu Gods
and Godesses and even Mother India nude! Yes, he should be thrown out. He himself realized this fact
that he will not be given any security from the apex court and would be forced to suffer the
consequences for his work.

Well, there we are, the problem with us is, that if we go and visit Khajuraho temples where all kinds of
physical intimacies are carved. Well if M.F. Hussain’s paintings are controversial then what about t those
Khajuraho temple buildings.

I guess it is the best decision that he has taken. For last four years nobody from India, neither the
Central Government, nor the Apex Court were worried about him or lent him a helpin shoulder at the
age of 95!! Then when the Qatari Government decides to give him the citizenship. Hola la we want him

We are all hypocrites. What if the same paintings were made by some Hindu painter? 4 years back no
one even cared for him rather if he would be here, he would have been brutally murdered and now the
same Apex Court wants him back because he is an Indian.

Why is he not coming back even though the Apex court is assuring his security? The reason being when
the controversy broke up no one helped him out to find a way. Now that he has found his way to Qatar
and has been living long enough so that he could earn the Qatari citizenship, the Apex court wants him
back at any cost.

The problem is not that he is a Muslim, but the problem is that we will only see whatever we like.
Irrespective of, if the same thing is being painted by a Muslim painter we will take the hell out of him.
The reason being we do not want to curse our ancestors as they are Ours for Gods sake. But we can
make this man’s life a hell because he is helpless and we can see him and track him down so we can
murder him.

When the controversy broke up in the yester years, we the politicians, the journalists, the media said we
are a Hindu country so we banned his paintings and today when the ball is in his court we say that
please Mr. Hussain our country needs you, we will give you all the protection please come back because
whatever we said is wrong we are a secular country.

So now even he will be selfish, and hence has accepted the Qatari citizenship. Wake up, India, otherwise
we will lose such men like M.F. Hussain!!!
He knows that the Indian Government is using a double edged knife with him so he ran away from his
motherland. So it’s the people of India who are at loss not him.

But this is the real scenario. We want to believe that whatever we are doing is correct and whatever
another minority party’s man is doing is wrong.

Then we put up this shit of Hindu Muslim BHai Bhai. And yes the biggest thing we maintain their
dargarhs. No use folks. In front of God there is no difference between M.F. Hussain and a common
Hindu man.

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