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I am a 'real flesh and blood' man of America to regain their rights as free man ...
natural rights ...

Heather Walter

2:00am Jan 22

Asalam wa alaikoum, when you see yourself transfer to sayidna musa 3lahi as salam, dont forget that
saydna musa suffered in his life, from the time he was born he was supposed to be dead, killed by the
pharoh. then look back to yourself to when you were young. something very bad but donot worry
because just like musa allah will gift you with something for what was taken from you, and also
remember that musa took a soul and that was the reason that he worked for free for years, and allah
rewarded him after all of these problems to become a prophet and speak to allah. all these problems lead
to his greatness, you may have some form of problem, but allah will give you something to replace it all.
walking on water, means a crucible will befall you because water, like oceans rivers and lakes, are all the
places where the shaytin and jinn live. if you fell into the water and came out it is okay, because there are
treasures in the water. and speaking with the devils and saying bismillah and all around you they are
trying to take you away from your dean. the shaytan only wants the evil and bad, and saying bismillah is
from the strength of your iman. hamdullilah you didnot fear them. also telling the shaytan that you are a
mahdi. the prophet muhammed (saw) said that the mahdi will be from him. and his last name will be the
similar to that of the prophet muhammed, either just like it or the inverse of it. and the people will gather
around him for he will not know he is the mahdi and people will give him the dawa. if you see yourself
with alot of keys, opening doors. that is knowledge and maybe one of the kids you are teaching or you
will teach inshallah, or maybe one of them will teach the mahdi. that is why we say, the teacher is similar
to a prophet from the knowledge they give. may allah bless you and seeing the shaytan is not a good
thing. i want you really to go for ruqya, especially since you are in egypt you will have access to very
good imams, because possibly one of your exes maybe did something on you and that is why you are
seeing the shaytan. and nothing will help you more than a good ruqya. ruqya is when someone reads
quran on you, you can do it upon yourself by reading the fatiha and ayat al kursi. i am not trying to scare
you but somepeople have very weak iman, and they let the shaytan help them, and accept this help from
the shaytan, and still call them selves muslim, may allah give us more hidaya, and patience in this world
and i am sorry about last night, I had a small problem and im sorry but i have other things that i also
have to take care of. As salam walaikoum.

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