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The Ides of March 2010 (# 3)


Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services
Home of the Bhrigu Project


Patita Pavana das Adhikary & Abhaya Mudra Dasi
Jyotish Shastris, etc.
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
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Dear God-brothers, God-sisters, clients, and friends,
Obeisances, blessings and greetings to all of you. By Srila Prabhupadas
divine grace, may each one of us remain ever protected by the power and grace
of the mahamantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Welcome to the ides of March! Of course the ides of March
became famous as the day on which Julius Caesar was met his end because
he failed to heed the warning Beware the ides of March. By the solar
calendar, the ides (meaning middle) of the month is significant because
that is when the Sun changes signs. On this day, 15 March 2010, the Sun
enters Pisces. The Sanskrit term is sankranti, which also means revolution
in the sense of drastic change. So on this day 15 Mar 2010 the Sun leaves
the fixed air sign of Aquarius and enters the mutable water of Pisces or
Meena, and hence is called Meena Sankranti.
However, it is likely that the Romans followed a calendar closer to the
Vedic system, the lunar calendar. By divine arrangement, today is also the
middle of the lunar month. According to the Gaudiya Vaishnava system

which we follow, a new lunar month begins on the day after the full moon
and ends on the full Moon. Therefore, the ides or middle of a lunar month
would be the dark of the Moon day. The Moon disappears from the heavens
at the end of the waning or Krishna fortnight; the day before the waxing or
shukla fortnight. That day also occurs today because by the lunar calendar
the tithi or phase is amavashya-tithi, or the dark moon day. So whether you
are considering a month to mean the thirty days of a solar cycle or the nearly
thirty days of the lunar round, we welcome you to the ides of March!


Patita Pavana das Adhikary, Ed.
This edition of The Astrological Newsletter carries a series of
predictions ostensibly taken from a collection of South Indian nadis. In the
days of old, the great sages would ask their students to draw horoscopes and
predictions upon wooden leaves or nadis detailing future events. Of
course, the Bhrigu nadis are most famous, but I have also seen nadis from
Shuka, Sapta-Rishi, Nandi, Sanat Kumar, etc. Naturally, I have no way to
vouch for the authenticity of any of them, but from what I have understood
from authorities, most are genuine, but there are forged specimens also. The
one described hereunder has a mixed of a ring of truth with some obviously
questionable elements. For example, nadi leaves do not speak of the
Western calendar nor do they give dates from it. Neither do the nadis give
modern country names like Bangaldesh.
Ultimately, however, the Bhagavats prediction about Kali becoming
king has now come true, and it is up to devotees to take evasive actions. Our
point is that there are bleak days ahead, and devotees must prepare for them
according to Prabhupadas directions. For example, I heard that a devotee
fireman was killed in the World Trade Center. In Chile, the recent
earthquake has demolished the ISKCON center there.
Regarding the predictions--call them what you like--below, in the
1990s a German traveling in South India met one Pandit Ganesh Babu, a
reader of nadis, who revealed a series of disturbing predictions regarding
future events, spanning the bloody dawn of the 21st Century to around 2050.
Whatever the circumstances behind the following, the subject matter of the

worlds future is of urgent importance. No one will deny that we have

entered into an era of great crises.
We know that Washington, DC has never been shy about keeping
citizens in the dark once the votes are counted as campaign promises
dissolve. Srila Prabhupada in his rare but insightful comments on demonic
politicians pointed to the false flags of the sinking of the Lusitania, the
Viet Nam War and the colossal Moon landing hoax. False flags are staged
events that have been orchestrated specifically to bring about particular
changes. That means events favorable to keeping the demons in power and
the giant corporations who own the politicians in the black. Such attempts at
hoodwinking the public are nothing new. Colonial Britain used false flags in
India so that a tiny minority could divide, conquer and enslave the teeming
masses. The Reichstag fire, a ploy which Hitler used as an excuse for seizing
power, is said to have been set under Hitlers despotic schemes. In the same
way, Americas motives for invading Iraq and Afghanistan, do not add up.
Americas War on Terror launched before the asbestos-laden clouds of dust
settled over Manhattan falls way short of any reasonable arguments. Nothing
about 11 Sept 2001 makes sense until, like a skeptical detective, you ask a
few questions. Like, who stands to gain? And, what happens next now that
every citizen has become a terror suspect in the tyrannical rise of the New
World Order? Have Americans been tricked into voting for their own
enslavement as a test pad for the rest of the world? It appears as though
Rahus little corporate soldiers have made a giant leap forward in their world
stranglehold towards their incremental dark era of totalitarianism.


JULY 4TH 1776: For many, the signing of the Declaration of
Independence marked the beginning of America as a country. Historians
agree that this was carried out in the morning. The Moon changed from
Capricorn into Aquarius at 8:04 am by topocentric (actual) positioning,
which was 2hrs. 13min after Sunrise giving these disciplined and punctual
men plenty of time. Since America reflects the qualities of Capricorn more
than Aquarius, a socialistic sign, I have accepted Capricorn as the Moon sign
of the nation.
Since 16 Aug 2008 there have been five eclipses in Capricorn, an
extraordinary number of celestial foretellings that cannot be ignored:

Recent Eclipses in Capricorn

1. 2008 Aug 16: Partial Lunar Eclipse
2. 2009 Jan 26: Annular Solar Eclipse
3. 2009 Jul 07: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
4. 2009 Aug 06: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
5. 2010 Jan 15: Annular Solar Eclipse
No omen speaks of the work of Rahu more poignantly than an eclipse.
Rahu is so vile that he attacks the very eyes of God, the Sun and the Moon
by which the Lord blesses the earth with food and light. Rahu rules smoke
and smoky situations, clandestine plots, things that encompass and ensnare
through the most deceptive of measures. Hence, these five recent eclipses in
Capricorn reveal a stunning array of problems for America. And as one
government insider said (paraphrase) If there are problems, you can bet that
somebody upstairs caused them in order to invoke solutions advantageous to
the powers that be. The financial collapse, the depression, the loss of jobs,
the smokescreen arguments over health care when hundreds of thousands are
being mercilessly slaughtered by our own sons and daughters: all these are
distressing. But considering that they are manipulated and that the fixes will
be worse than the problem are causes for genuine concern. The time to take
action is now.
At the end of the following essay on future events supposedly from
the Sapta Rishi Nadi, I have suggested a few eye-opening documentaries
that I consider worthwhile viewing. Bear in mind that none of the films
offers a viable solution, even though each offers credible research in
identifying problems. Neither are any of them alone, Srila Prabhupada
eloquently addressed these issues in his earliest issues of Back to Godhead.
And His Divine Grace also identified solutions so crucial that the very fate
of the entire world hangs upon carrying out those instructions of Krishnas
First, there must be reinvigorated chanting of the holy names in
every town and village. Sankirtan is the yuga dharma and there is no
other yagna that will truly please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
Lord Shri Krishna. This means visibly chanting Hare Krishna, clanging
caratals, beating mridangas and distribution of literature in dhotis and saris.
Second, devotees must make immediate plans to carry out Shri Guru
Maharajas instructions regarding varnashram dharma. Our salvation will

come in the form of an agrarian-based implementation of simple living and

high thinking with no dependency on oil. When Krishna has given us
Mother Earth, the cow and the bull to satisfy our needs, what is the use of
man-made hells in the form of polluted cities?
Thanks for reading this, and we look forward to comments and
Yours in Krishna consciousness,
Patita Pavana das Adhikary, Ed.

The 21st Century

According to the Sapta Rishi Nadis
From the German original:
Die Palmblattbibliotheken und ihre Prophezeiungen zur Zukunft Europas
Translated by George Vodvrka.
According to legend, the library was created more than 5,000
years ago by seven holy rishis. They apparently wrote biographies of about
80,000 people who will come to ask their fate. About ten percent of these
leaves apply to persons born out of India. In the course of centuries, several
copies of the original text were done, so that today there are 12 libraries
of palm leaves, located in different places of the Indian subcontinent.
These palm leaves each have a dimension of 6 x 46 cm. Written
upon them are the fates of people who come to them to ask about the future
life. The questioners fate is apparently recorded on both sides of the strip
sheet palm. The letters are reportedly only about 1 mm high, and to the
untrained eye, are not easily distinguishable. In these tiny letters one can
find all the details of his life, including information of his parents and
siblings, life partner and children, profession and certain physical
characteristics and possible shortcomings. Modern concepts are sometimes
figuratively translated. For example, the driver as a profession defined as
a vehicle manager.

Sometimes in the palm sheet, the name of the person is

recorded and also the names of his close relatives; if at the time of his visit
still alive. In many sheets are written in advance and the date and name of
the person who visits the library. According to von Buttlar the visitor usually
is confronted with two sheets. The first give the name, details of his life as
well as data on previous incarnation. If specific information relating to the
life agrees, the Nadi interpreter reads from the second sheet also its future.
There is the Bhrgu- samhita and the Shuka Nadi.
According to an article in Magazine Esotera year 1992/8,
Johannes von Buttlar says that the library in Bangalore stores 3,665
"bundles palm leaves", each of which consist of 365 palm leaves.
The interpretation of palm leaves in the family apparently a tradition
transmitted from father to the oldest son. The particular copies I analyzed
with c14 system where 350 years old.
I started to investigate the nadi leaves in Feb of 1993 in libraries
in Bangalore and Madras. From the palm leaf nadis, each person receives
only the information which may help his personal spiritual growth. Just in
case that his karma is one of active participation in the
political life of the country and for helping the future; one receives the
necessary information from the relevant volumes of palm leaves.
There was some doubt initially raised in me in the context as to whether
I have the right to publish the content of these prophetic texts palm leaves.
In discussions with Ganesha Shastri and other interpreters of palm leaves in
Madras and Bangalore, however, I came to the belief that it is my task in this
life, to try to make this information accessible to as many people as possible.
This obligation for me is already clear from the fact that I received an
extraordinary honor and I could get these rare prophetic manuscripts.
These Bhrighu Nadi readings were done by Ganesha Babu
Shastri to Thomas Ritter from old Tamil palm leaves in his Nadi center in
Madras, on Sept 2001 the information is originally published in a book in
German language in 2006, and then translated into Czech language.

The palm leaf text volume "prophesied" contains forecasts concerning the
further development of Europe and western hemisphere starting on
second half of the 20th century. First, there was a chapter in general terms of
essential features of the development of the western world in the coming
decades. The following passages deals with the detail of the various aspects politics, economy, social conditions, military conflicts and health problems.
The preliminary information Mr. Shastr gave me established the belief that
the manuscript is only a small part of an originally much larger work. The
very purpose of these is to warn of upcoming events that will have a global
"...The eleventh day of the ninth month of 2001, according to the western
calendar there will be a crime without precedent. The crime scene is
a most important city of the east coast of the northern part of US continent:
The goal of crime will become a great building, considered a symbol of the
western world. The construction consists of two high towers. These towers
attacked by vimanas (airplanes). Two of them are thrown directly to the
tower and causes huge damage. The Towers tumble, but however, not due to
the vimana's impact, but by deliberate and targeted explosions inside each of
them. In the attack die thousands of persons. Millions of people worldwide
will be shocked by the offense.
In the capital city of the country of this attack will be made one
raid. The High command military forces quarters as attacked by heavenly
arrow (a missile rocket - note. G. S.). The public will be informed that in the
building (meaning the Pentagon - note. G. S.) will be found also a vimana.
However, this is not true. Similarly, a false report said that hostile warriors
abducted one vimana crew. However, passengers offered resistance
and the vimana eventually falls in some uninhabited area. This vimana will
actually be a shooting rocket, close to the summer place of the ruler of the
country. The ruler of the state shortly afterwards accuses the conspirators of
the Arab-European countries of the attack and proposes a war; this threat
comes a little later.
He will be aware that the allegations raised are not based on
truth. In fact, he will know in advance about the attacks, and on the
preparations involving people in the area. Crime will not benefit the

conspirators, but to he himself, and the people will be at that time doubtful
whether his coming to power was done in a legal way. After the attack,
however, this issue will not be addressed. The crime will fulfill its purpose.
Rulers of the Western powers will have the opportunity to unleash several
other wars, designed to promote their own power interests. These wars will
be held seemingly in the name of peace, security and freedom.
(This scary reading I got the late afternoon on the 10th September 2001)
On the seventh day, the tenth month of 2001, according to
Western U.S. calendar, war will begin against Afghanistan by deploying a
large Air Force, by the ruler of the United States to justify the fight for
freedom and security of their country. In fact, the U.S. gains control of the
land and its resources. The U.S. accuses a local tribal chief and their military
units. Afghanistan is a country torn for several decades and wars of armed
conflicts. There's poverty, hunger, and disease. Words of the politicians on
peace are just empty phrases; the country continues to suffer a civil war.
Children can not play or go to school...Afghanistan was formally
independent, with a free elected government, that government was not in
fact dependent on foreign powers.
The United States participate in the military campaign in this
country along with many other states. Description of events in
Afghanistan continues in several other palm leaves. Initially it appears that
the U.S. campaign is successful; however, their plans fail in the long-term.
In the period from 2008 to 2012 U.S. gradually withdraws from Afghanistan
and will have to admit its defeat.
In the eight month of 2002, Western calendar the east and the
south of Germany will be affected by floods, which will extend to either
surrounding countries. As a result of unusual reasons, there is an increase of
the level of many rivers in eastern and southern Germany, so they flow out
of their shores. Floods come quickly and unexpectedly. Causes considerable
damage, destroy houses, bridges and communications.
Many people lose their homes and a large part of their
property. However, due to the solidarity of other large populations and rapid
action offices, the consequences of the flooding will not be too dramatic.
It will take two to three years to fix the damages. The prophetic palm leaf
manuscripts also inform that in Europe there is yet a pending a wave of

terrorist attacks of an unseen scale. The eleventh day of the third month of
2004, according to Western calendar, in the capital of Spain there are several
attacks, using explosives. The aim of the attacks will be urban
vehicles. More than 200 people will die and several thousand will be
In the last month of 2004, according to the Western calendar
South East Asia will be affected by a huge disaster. Under the west of
Sumatra island sea bed there is a strong earthquake. This earthquake causes
a huge flood wave, which propagates to large coastal areas of Sumatra,
Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and even East Africa.
Kills more than two hundred thousand people among them many foreigners,
including from Europe. However, most affected will be the local population.
Millions of people come on the roofs with all their assets. The report on this
disaster, however, cause wave of solidarity throughout the world and to the
affected area start flow-aid money, in kind donations, and rescue teams of
Germans will become donors, because they will still live the
memory of the floods that hit their own country. Anyway the effects will last
three years, before the worse of the disaster is healed. Much of the aid is not
reaching the needy people, but will end be in the hands of the unjust, using
them as goods for sale. Sumatra recovery will be very long, because the
complicate civil war situation on the island. The submarine earthquake
against the coast of Sumatra but will be only the first in a number of
disasters, which incoming decades will affect not only Asia, but also other
parts of the world.
For 2005, it contains other important forecasts: one week after
some religious holidays of one of the two main Christian churches (the
Easter means - note. author) the leader of the Church dies, which stood in
the forefront of more than twenty years. (Pope John Paul II. Actually died on
2 April 2005 week after the Easter holidays.) His death will cause great
sadness and participation among the believers of this church, but also other
religions shows how much respect they acquired for this man. The successor
of the deceased and the new head of the Christian Church
becomes a man who for many years belonged to the earliest collaborators of
the deceased and for many years held one of the highest offices of this
Church. The new leader will be in functions surprisingly quickly, and the
new man leads the church forward in the same spirit of the late predecessor.

The new main representative of the Church will come from Germany and its
name will be "Blessed". And shall remain in the highest office for about
eight years.
The manuscript future of Germany and Europe speaks about
general disillusionment. People will elect a new leader, but he will be no
better than their predecessors. The gap between the rich minority and the
poor majority will continue to deepen, and to show up at a faster pace. More
and more people will be without work. Their work will be done by
machines. This shall not apply only in Germany, affects other European
countries, in fact it will to some extent, a global problem. General people
will be burdened by greater burden of taxes and various levies and charges.
Owners of large factories and shops will have on the contrary, continuously
growing profits, they will do what they want, living as in a fairy tale.
The simple people will be seen as slaves and the new
factories will be established only where it will be possible to pay the hungry
low wages and the local rulers will receive rich gifts. Ordinary citizens will
afford less and less and will be satisfied with cheap mass entertainment
the institutions offer. They listen to music, watch TV and play computer
games. (Here the terms are text interpretation formulations- footnote.
Mass entertainment will be aimed at providing the minimum
value. People will be presented a kind of a virtual reality, to forget how
bleak for them is in reality the world in which they live, to make their daily
life filled with existential worries, tolerable. People will pay attention
to what will be free fun for them, to what is really important for them. This
keeps them in a gross materialism; and the Mayic illusion will
celebrate victory. As a result, a worse situation will continue to increase and
make people uncertain. Many of them will realize that the system in which
they live is ceasing to function properly. This will start major changes.
Epoch called Kali -yuga reaches to an end and will be replaced by a better
age, Satya-yuga. However, the end of Kali-yuga will be linked to large
disturbances and the resistance of certain quarters against the new
tendencies. Many people will loose perspective and use violent speech.
These people are totally focused on the material values
and will look backward instead of a forward view; they will complain
of better times past and the future will appear for them as
completely hopeless.


There is a call for a strong ruler who would eradicate all wickedness
and punish properly the perpetrators. But a number of despotic rulers
in European countries and Germany actually come to power because the
wish by the people. This occurs in the years 2019 to 2046, Western calendar.
However they soon realize that this solution is not proper. Gradually they
begin to understand that a real change will be achieved only if they assume
responsibility for their own lives and the lives of his closest people
and neighbors.
This knowledge, however, will lead a long way, but even more
will be required for the practical path of this knowledge. After a continued
disintegration of values and social structures, positive social changes
in Europe and Germany do not appear before 2048 Western calendar,
Initially, the people will help itself, or even at the expense of others.
Only when the situation becomes completely hopeless, they will realize that
they can survive only if there is cooperation among all.
Since public authorities will not be able to help, mutual assistance and
solidarity between the families will be the distinctive characteristics of the
new age.


Most European nations are part of the same political and
economic system, like Germany. The EU Community was originally
founded by six countries with the aim of improving conditions of the
population by trade liberalization and industrial development production.
Over time, other countries joined. There will be a common currency.
However, the larger the EU becomes, the more difficult will be to govern it
and achieve the objectives which the individual nations wish. The EU
Community serves primarily the interests of powerful corporations.
In 2004, the Western calendar there is a further large extension of
the community by a number of states of Eastern Europe joining. Until 1989
Western Calendar these countries lived under a completely different
system and large part of their population is poor. New country members
hope that their membership in the Union will bring greater prosperity.
However, it remains only a hope. Powerful forces in the European
Union control the situation only to be ruthlessly enriched. They all promise
equality; however, for most people this will mean equality in poverty.

The ruling circles do not fulfill their promises at the end. While
various European countries participate alongside the Americans in some
military operations against oriental countries, ordinary citizens will begin the
first public protests. In 2005 western European calendar, rulers try to enforce
basic uniform laws for the whole community, but it fails. In two countries,
the majority of people refuse this common law. (In a referendum organized
in the Netherlands and in France people actually rejected the so-called
European Constitution -- note. author.) This is caused a by prolonged crisis
in which the system falls apart. Since the living conditions of people will
deteriorate, the year 2004 by the Western calendar is becoming increasingly
socially conflictive. On one hand, people seek refuge in the circle of family
or close friends, on the other will be subject to spontaneous manifestations
of discontent, that will often be directed against groups of
foreign immigrants.
Since 2007 Western calendar there will be protests of people in
general, mainly in large cities against the politics of the government and the
powerful 'captains of industry. First it appears that these protests have the
intended effect on the political leaders; finally however, it will be just a false
impression. The situation will further deteriorate and governments will begin
to lose control to ensure safety and public order. Economic situation will get
worse as immigrant people will come to Europe in large numbers from other
parts of the world, fleeing from crop failures, famine and civil war.

AFTER 2010
From 2011 western calendar, the crisis deepens since in the U.S.
and in Europe money will lose its value fast. This will result in wrong
economic and financial policies based on fake basis - on the assumption of
hopes for a continuous economic growth. Influential circles in the U.S. and
Europe believed for decades that the world is governed by the selfish benefit
of some greedy people. However, people do not have knowledge of this and
become victims of cruel illusion physical world game- Mayas veils. Earthly
world is not infinite nor are its borders, or human happiness nor there
unlimited economic growth.
In 2012 the U.S. financial system collapses. The state will no
longer be able to pay its employees. This will lead to a chain response and

chaos in the society as a whole. Many shops, factories and banks will
become bankrupt, more and more people will be without work, and thus
without livelihoods. In cities there will be social unrest and looting, and
armed gangs in the countryside. People will die. The government tries to get
the situation under control, deploying its army; however, it succeeds only
partially. The economic situation leads to conditions that will resemble a
civil war.
This situation will last until mid 2017. Then a military force
from a friendly country from the north maintains order again. The riots will
be the largest since the Civil War in the 19th century, but north and south
will not fight against each other, but east and west United States.
The decline of the U.S. economy and the depreciation of the U.S. currency
seriously hits Europe, in particular Germany, which is largely dependent on
exports. Inflation in Europe reaches proportions as in the United States,
and its implications, especially for poorer sectors of the population, is
catastrophic. Many people will live in real poverty. In big cities in Europe,
unrest breaks out, there will be looting, and the aim of the attacks of
the discontented crowds will be the public buildings and offices. The
situation, however, is not as dramatic as in the U.S. because in Europe the
private possession of weapons is not so widespread. The police and army
maintain the situation fairly intact.
As a contrast, in America, soldiers and police go without
payment, and will often revolt. In European capitals there is a storm, whose
target are mostly foreigners who have settled in the past. Especially bloody
fights break out in Paris, Rome, Madrid, London and Prague. In Rome,
people attack and take the head seat of the Catholic Church. The Pope
initially manages to flee, but later falls into the hands of rebels who trap him.
The riots in Germany and Europe continue to autumn 2016, up to the
intervention of Russian and Chinese troops, which will be solicited
by European governments, as they will not be able to keep control. Least
affected countries will be Russia, China and India, because their economic
systems are mutually supportive.


Since 2017 the situation will be somewhat calmer, but only
seemingly. There will be new challenges and immediate dangers. While the

war will be avoided, a changing climate becomes rapidly an acute threat.

The average annual temperature will continue to increase. The Gulf current,
which brings billions of tonnes of tropical waters to the north areas begin to
lose strength and changes its direction. This will be due to the fact that the
Atlantic Ocean gets huge quantities of fresh sweet water
from the melting polar ice, as well as Antarctic Ice Sheet Polar Regions. As
a result of this climate changes, there will be in the U.S. a disastrous drought
affecting its south; while in China in some areas there will be
extensive floods. Scandinavia transforms into an ice desert, while coastal
countries will be threatened by rising sea level such as Netherlands and
Bangladesh. Millions of hungry refugees will leave their homes and seek
asylum in richer countries. These events occur from 2029 to 2034 Western
Ice storm will slash areas of northern Europe, devastating storms
and floods affecting coastal states. Forests will die low areas of the coast of
Northern and the Baltic Sea freeze and becomes a tundra. Dramatic changes
in climatic conditions throw nations and their governments in a desperate
situation. A lack of fuel will erode progressive international cooperation and
peace agreements. Again armed conflicts breaks out, all continents will be
desolated by a war of raw materials and foodstuffs. Within a few years, the
world comes on the border of a total anarchy.
Countries with unstable governments, like Pakistan in a
desperate struggle for raw materials and foodstuffs will have temptations to
use its nuclear arsenal. In 2029 there may be another war between Pakistan
and India. There is a greatest danger threatening the two fighting parties to
deploy nuclear weapons, which would result in complete devastation of
large areas of India and Pakistan.
As Central European countries will not have enough sufficient
strategic stocks, the authoritarian rulers decide to deploy lethal gases in
order to reduce the population. The overcrowding as a result of the influx of
immigrants from all over the world, becomes a large problem and the
political leaders will considered it the main cause of existing problems.
Especially Great Britain will widely use gas to bring a quick and painless
death. However, due to the extensive cooling of the earth's atmosphere,
which is due to the collapse of Gulf Stream, and the glaciation of large areas
of North America and Scandinavia, it will take several years for the Gulf
current to start to circulate again.

After this, there is a certain stabilization climatic conditions.

This happens from the year 2035. Gradually, agricultural yields improve,
the harvest will be richer and there is a pacification of the social unrest.
Moreover, in years when the world is affected by natural disasters a political
confusion, epidemic diseases break out again, which are considered as
already eradicated. Millions of people falls victim as a result of poor
sanitary conditions, caused by a civil war that will rage epidemics of plague
and cholera. Global climate change in turn causes health problems of
another kind. Especially in Africa and Asia, but also in some areas of Europe
more intense solar radiation produced upon the skins of both humans and
animals in the form of tumors.
After 2018, another strange disease will kill hundreds of
thousands of human lives in U.S., Europe, Asia the infected person easily
gets ill by normal diseases such as colds, as their organism, is unable to
deal with them. Death usually arrives within three days. (Ganesh Babu
Sastri called the disease by an English acronym RISC - Rapid Immune
System Collapse, the accelerated collapse of the immune system - authors
note) In most cases the disease causes death. After the year 2023 in Europe,
some African refugees bring a fatal disease called Kunu. Weak people get a
high fever and their internal organs cease to work in a few days. The
sickness will be deadly and will spread as fast as flu. But two years before
the outbreak of the epidemic, they will discover the parasite worms in the
blood. Internal organs get affected, especially the heart and liver; and the
infected person dies within a week. This disease is transmitted by animal
The biggest disaster happens in 2046. Although unnoticed by
astronomers, closer to our planet a planet will approach from the depths of
space. This asteroid, whose path in space enters in our solar system, between
earth and the Moon, will just miss the earth. Several days before, the
asteroid becomes visible in the sky to the naked eye.
The gravitational force causes many earthquakes and massive
flooding on the earth. California will be affected by its largest earthquake in
their entire history. Also Japan and China will be affected by strong
earthquakes and large parts these countries will be covered by ocean water.
Earthquakes will also affect Europe, mostly Germany, England and the
Mediterranean area. Over the coast of Northern and Baltic Sea there is a

huge flood wave. In Bohemia a volcano wakes up to life, considered long

ago as extinct. Its eruptions will spread far wide. During the eruption there
will also be released large amounts of volcanic and poisonous gaseous
clouds of condensate rain and the lands will become very corrosive. As a
result of the wounds, millions of people will be killed. In affected areas of
Central Europe large part of cities will be destroyed.


Immediately after this disaster, those who survive, will be
cleaning up and doing disinfection work, as it will be necessary to
remove mountains of corpses human and animal carcasses to avoid new
epidemics. There will be a large demand for daily needs that was destroyed
or lost, due to natural disasters.
The climate changes in Central Europe will stay permanently.
The average annual temperature will remain high and the snow in winter
will be only in mountainous areas. For agriculture the change will be
advantageous, there will be richer harvest, and yields will increase. The
tectonic activity changes the face of the whole Earth.
Some coastal areas and islands will disappear permanently
below the level of the seas and oceans. Japan will be particularly affected,
California, Eastern coast of North America and certain areas of England. At
the same time, from the water of the Atlantic Ocean emerges new land.
Economic rehabilitation will take place relatively quickly. However the
brake will be the lack of primary energy sources, as many of the raw
materials will not be easily available.
After this, the economy starts to recover. At that time in
Europe a new society will be formed, based on the personal freedom of
individuals, which in turn will be linked to the needs of society and
to meet its needs. People will learn a lesson by the recent events and
becomes aware that selfish motives can endanger the very existence of the
whole community. A new society will spread from the Atlantic coast to the
east coast of Asia; and each of the areas, however, retain their own
characteristics. All regional matters will be decided by local governments
without having to wait for the authorization of a remote authority.

The new constitution will guarantee all citizens of a Eurasian

Union, external safety and internal sovereignty. The economic base of the
new society will be a non-interest financial system which will be tested and
then permanently established in year 2048. [Note: Arab Bank lends money
interest-free now, because the Koran forbids taking interest; banks instead of
account only for fees for processing the loan conditions and accounting.
Incidentally, the Bible also prohibits lending money at interest.]
The prosperity of the new society will be maintained by the use of
a particular kind of an alternative energy source. This source was discovered
in Europe and studied the beginning of the 20th century, but its practical
wide application comes now. This energy will be named after its discoverer.
This energy does not harm the environment as previously used energy
sources. It will also be available to almost an unlimited extent and its use
will be free. Soil and water resources will not be kept as private properties.
People will realize that no one can claim proprietorship for something that
already previously existed. However, everyone will have the right to have
ownership of a house, whether bought or built.
After 2049 people will have knowledge that they are not alone in
the universe. Repairing the damage caused by natural disasters in Europe
and the Middle East, artifacts will be found, which will clearly demonstrate
to the public their extraterrestrial origin. This discovery will have farreaching impact on religious and philosophical systems. The period since
2049 bears a sign of a new beginning, a spiritually-oriented age
forthcoming Satya-yuga.
(distributed via the internet by Thomas Ritter)
Prophecies of Europe / Libraries from Palm Leaves
[From the German original:
Die Palmblattbibliotheken und ihre Prophezeiungen zur Zukunft Europas]
Translated by: George Vodvrka. Pub. Jochen Kopp,
Rottenburg (2006), e-mail:



Whether or not the above predictions are reliable, I cannot say, except
where the coincide with Srila Prabhupadas prophetic description of a miniSatya Yuga, the worldwide spread of Krishna consciousness. They are
passed along to you as a matter of general interest in order to stimulate your
understanding of the great need for devotees to find a safe environment in
the coming crises. What we know is that the cities and the artificiallycreated oil-dependent prosperity must come to an end, and end--sooner
rather than later. Alongside these harsh realities, shadow governments are
vying for world domination using so-called elected fall-guys to play
world leaders.
The Corporation by Mark Achbar
Zero: An Investigation into 9/11 by Giulietto Chiesa, etc.
A Crude Awakening by Gelpke and McCormack
The Core of Corruption by Jonathan Elinoff
Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo
The Obama Deception by Alex Jones
Police State by Alex Jones
End of Suburbia by Gregory Greene
Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon by Bart Sibrell (see it
Search Youtube for DUMBs, FEMA camps, Denver Airport, etc. Its not a
conspiracy theory any more. You know what to do.


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