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Hardy was born in upper Bockhampton,in country of Dorset.

He was
descended from Nelsons captain hardy and was the son of a builder. He was
educated a local school and later in Dorchester and his youth was spent in the
country side around that town, where shortly after words he began to study with
an architect. In 1862 he moved to London as a pupil of the architect Sir Arthur
Bloomfield. His first published work was the rather sensational desperate
remedies, which appeared anonymously in 1971.In following year the success is
under the Greenwood Tree established him as a writer and soon afterwards he
abandoned architecture for literature as a profession. Most of his writing life
spent in his native Wessex, where his heart lies buried; through his ashes have
a place among the great in Westminster Abbey. In 1910 he was awarded the
order of merit. The success of the book, through great was eclipsed by that of
the ironical. A pair of Blue Eyes, which appeared in Tinsleys Magazine in
1873; and the following year 1874 saw the first of the great novels which have
made him famous far from the madding crowd, a tragic comedy set in Wessex.
Nature in Hardy:
Nature has always exercised a fascinating influence on the minds of poets
right from the lines of recorded history. Homer has given brilliant description of
sea, island in Illiod and Odyssey. Spencers treatment of nature is pictorial;
there is not a word of criticism against nature in Wordsworth who sees a sprit
which pervades in his nature keats description of nature is picturesque and
when we come to Hardy we find his attitude is different from others. He is
opposite of Wordsworth and never regards nature like the romantics as a kind
and generous mother. For Hardy nature is the agent of cruelty and destruction
insensible to the feeling of man. So many critics have pointed out the terrible

nature of Egdon Health in the Return of the Native where many lives are
Egdon Health is not a mere background where human drama takes place
but it assumes a cruel human personality. The virginity of Tess is ravished by
Alie in the very lap of nature. Hardy describes dark and somber atmosphere of
the scene of incident, darkness and silence ruled everywhere around. Above
them primeval views and oans of the chase. About them stole the happing
rabbits and hare. But might some say where Tesss guardian angel was.
To quote David Hardys attitude towards nature was not worlds
worthian. He did not believe that nature has any holy plan or healing power.
Being influenced by the theory of evolution Hardy found much in nature that
was cruel and antagonistic to man. In the mayor of casterbridge nature played a
prominent part in the fortune in the two important characters Michael Henchard
and Donald Farfare.
In woodlanders death of Gills Winterbone is caused by forces of nature.
The rural setting is even more strikingly used in the woodlanders (1887) the
tragic story of Giles Winter bourne and Matry south two of Hardys most noble
figure also. The scene which Hardy describes the death of Winter bourne nature
appears before us as the arbiter of human desting. The sheep of Oak on which
Hardy has staned all his fortune is swallowed up by nature.
The influence of nature ion humanity has been prescribed in different
ways in his novels. Nature influences the moods and actions of human
characters towards the language of Hardy. In: The woodlanders the spell of the
woods has its impact on the character. One can observe a kind of latheric
gallacy in some of the novels of Hardy. The Hardy also put an very cleaver

description on nature in the ethics of the human society with a tragic incident.
One thing storm scene in King Lear where the king is driven away by an
ungrateful world fins himself in a desolate heath and out pours his feelings
against a cruel moment Shakespeare describes violent storm growing and the
storm reflects the inner storm of the character in the mind of King Lear Hardy.
Line Shakespeare establishes on emotional connection between nature and
human beings.
Towards the view of Hardy sometimes nature is affected by human
emotions and sometimes man is affected by natures feeling in accordance with
the emotional change in Tesss life. Nature first of all played a larger part in
Hardys books than in those of any other Novelists. It is not just the background
in his drama, but nature exercises an active influence on the course of events;
more often it is a spiritual agent colouring the mind & shaping the disposition of
human beings. Line Shakespeare rustic character. Hardys characters are born
out of nature. Hardy is also a keen observer and a meticulous painter of nature.
His description is graphic, vivid for external beauties of nature. The far from the
madding crowd described the external nature with all its vividness Oak sleeping
in the open and surveying the sky and the stars.
Hardy is essentially a poet his description of nature reveals him a poet.
He is aware of the pictorial charm of nature at the he sees deep broading
mystery in her. He has an almost super natural consciousness of some relation
between human passions & nature impulses. The Hardy sees the beauty & terror
of nature Nature red in tooth and claw simultaneously.
His feelings towards nature are that of an awe struch pagan. As Gardener
says Nature is never a mere picturesque background for human play. It is the
most pofeat personality. It is the chief actor in the Hardys drama- Nature vast

sentiment mysterious upon where bosom the brief human figure is lossed like
drift wood in its panage from eternity to eternity. Hardy felt grateful the
intrusim of modern factors in the quiet rural life. Before the coming of reality
industrialisation brought ufliness and destruction to the calmer frural Wessex.
Hardy has immortalized his native district of Wessex and there he struch
the true vain of his talent. The Wessex region with its springs, heaths, Roman
monuments, tales of sorrow and superstitions loads and enchanting and highly
romantic background to invest his novels with symbolic breadth. The Hardy
viewsa the scene along with its past. His Wessex presents before us like R.K.
Narayans Malgudi, a beautiful Panorama of places people, history,
conventions, customs and superstitions when Hardy is . ? R.K.
Narayans :Malgudi breaths an air of comedy and at the same time tragedy in
Wessex the old association and old history are irrationally mixed with the
present mustic people and their ways of life. His canvas is grand and vast.

Hardy felt greatly the intrusim of modern factors in the quiet rural life.
The creative collaborating between man and nature is the theme of far from the
madding crowd with the central symbols of the farm and Oak as the ideal
farmer. We see him, how nature proves her power to defeat men and to render
useless all his service in her cause.Hardys character are mostly ordinary men
and women living close to the soil. As a unifying influence in his novels, the
wessex scene which he immortalized is second only to his philosophy. But
nature provides more than a mere background: often it is a protagonist in the
story, an unfeeling, impersonal force exerting its influence upon the lives of the
characters. Probably the finest examples of Hardys use of nature are in The
Woodlanders and The Return of the Native. A group of critic says Hardys
novels based on nature, have reached a gigantic proportion. And that indeed is a
brilliant remark.


Thomas Hardy:A Romantic Revival

History of English Literature:R.D.Trivedy

The WoodLanders

Far From The Madding Crowd


W.B.Yeats:The Poems By A.Norman Jeffares.

The Poetry of W.B.Yeats by Louis Macneice.

W.B.Yeats:His Poetry and Thought by A.G.Stock.

The Lonely Tower by T.R.Henn.

In Excited Reverie by Jeffares and Cross.

The Romantic Imagination ; By Maurice Bowra

The Prelude (Book 1); William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth ; By Geoffery Durrant

Romantic poems;By Ram Bilas Sharma.

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