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For the outher layer

All purpose flour/maida 1 cup

Ajwain/vammu 1tsp (more if you like)

Salt to taste

Butter 1 tsp

Salt to taste

Butter 1 tbsp

For stuffing

500 gram potatoes boiled peeled and chopped

cup oil

1 tsp cumin seeds

tsp turmeric powder

tsp red chilli powder

2-3 green chilli

1 tbsp curiander leaves


2 tsp chaat masala powder

1 tsp fennel seeds

tsp garam masala

For the Ajwain outer layer
1. In a bowl, take flour, salt, ajwain and butter, crumble well. Slowly add water and

knead to a stiff dough. Cover with a wet muslin cloth and rest it for 10 mins.
2. To make the roasted potatoes
3. In a non stick pan, heat oil and add boiled potatoes.Then add all the spices and
combine well.roasted well, remove and allow it to cool.
To make the samosas.
1. Knead the dough again, pinch out five equal balls. On the rolling board, take the
ball, dust the balls in flour, and roll out thin discs. Using a sharp knife cut into 3 inch
strips. Remove the sides and use with the next ball. Place a spoon of the potatoes stuff
and roll over diagonally across and cover well.
2. Press the sides and make sure the outer layer covers well. Have all the samosas
3. Heat oil in a kadai and gently slide in one samosa to check if the oil is hot. Then
cook in batches and drain to a kitchen towel. Cook over medium flame to get crisp

Colacatta leaf rolls


5 leaves colacasia


150 gram flour

100 gram tamarind pulp

20 gram chilli powder

0,5 gram tomaric powder

2 gram asafoetida

2 graam roasted cumm seeds

20 ml oil

Salt to taste


30 ml oil

0,5 gram mustard seeds

10 gram sesame seeds

25 gram coriander seeds

75 gram coconut

1. For the preparation, chop the coriander leaves
2. Grate the coconut
3. Cut of the thick veins and wash the colacasia leaven
4. Mix the lasied ingridients and make a thick latter
5. Place a collacasia leaf on the table and spread a thin layer of the batter on top,
place another leaf on top repeat appliying the batter
6. Fold in the sides of the leaf, then roll lengthwise into a tight roll
7. For cooking steam the rolls for 30 minutes
8. Remove and cut them into 1 cm thick slices
9. Arrange the slices on a platter
10. Heat the oil and add the mustard seeds, when they crackle add sesame
coriander leaves and coconut
11. Pour this temparing on the sliced patra, serve warm.

Thanda tamattar ica soup


Tomato juice

Tomatoes, blanched and chopped

Finaly chopped capcicum

Onion and garlic

Salt and papper

Red chilli sauce

Bread croutons

Chopped parsley


1. Add potatoes into the pan and simmer for 20 m.
2. Puree the soup and season well, sprinkle cliced chicken with salt
3. Head oil in a pan and add ginger paste, garlic paste and coriander and chilli
4. Add chicken and stris fry for two minutes before adding the pureed soup
5. Sharpen with lemon juice and garnish with coriander



1 cup (220 gr) Tepung Gandum/Atta/Tepung Taj Mahal (Bisa juga diganti
Tepung Terigu biasa, tapi teksturnya akan berbeda)

1 cup Tepung Terigu

2 sdm Minyak

sdt baking soda

- 1 cup (250ml) Air atau susu hangat

1 - 2 sdt gula (Jangan kuatir, tidak akan bikin rotinya manis kok)

sdt garam

Cara membuat:
1. Ayak semua tepung dengan baking soda.
2. Buat lubang di tengah, masukan gula, garam, minyak, dan air hangat.
3. Campur dengan tangan, lalu uleni hingga kalis. (Kalau adonan masih terlalu
lengket, tambahkan sedikit tepung, tapi jangan sampai terlalu kering supaya
adonan tidak menjadi keras.)
4. Setelah kalis, tutup dengan kain, diamkan sekitar 45 menit.
5. Bagi adonan menjadi 8 bagian, bentuk seperti bola.
6. Satu per satu, giling dengan rolling pin setipis mungkin, lalu olesi
permukaannya dengan minyak.
7. Ambil satu sisi adonan, dan lipat (seperti hendak membuat kipas dari kertas.)
Untuk ilustrasi cara melipat, silakan lihat video ini.
8. Gulung lipatan hingga menjadi seperti spiral, sisihkan selama kira-kira 15
9. Panaskan wajan rata (Teflon), lalu giling lagi gulungan adonan sampai
berukuran sekitar 15 cm.
10. Setelah wajan panas, masukkan adonan dan masak hingga roti mulai
kecoklatan (sekitar 2 menit) di kedua sisi.
11. Hidangkan bersama hidangan kari favorit kamu.

Chicken Jalfarezi
* 3 lb. Chicken breast-boneless
* 8 oz Green Pepper
* 8 oz Tomato
* 8 oz Onion (Red-Large)
* 1 tsp Cumin Seed
* 10 Garlic cloves
* 2 oz Ginger root
* 2 oz Green Chili pepper
* 2 ts Salt
* 1 tsp. Red Chili powder
* tsp Turmeric Powder
* 8 oz Butter solids
* bunch of Cilantro
1. Gather all ingredients
2. Cut chicken in to 2 x inch pieces.
3. Dice 6 oz tomatoes, 6 oz onions & all green peppers into 1" pieces.
4. Melt butter in a wok
5. Finely cut 2 oz onions. - Finely dice garlic cloves and make a paste
6. Add chicken pieces, finely cut onions, cumin seeds, salt & garlic to butter and
mix well
7. Cover and let the chicken steam at medium heat. Stir occasionally.
8. chop remaining 2oz tomatoes.
9. Cut ginger into julienne.
10. Wash cilantro and separate leaves from stem.
11. Remove cover. Add red chilies, turmeric powder, green chilies & finely
chopped tomatoes.
12. Mix well and let the chicken cook in this mixture at medium heat until almost
all water has evaporated.
13. Add julienne garlic when half the water has evaporated.
14. Add diced green peppers, onions & tomatoes and mix.
15. Turn off heat and add cilantro. Cover.
16. Keep the cover in place for at least 5 minutes.

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