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Being Aware Is Your Acceptance of the Truth that You Are. Enjoy!

How do you keep people focused upon distraction? Tell them they need stuff. Cour
se that stuff would be outside of them and it's something they need to be attach
ed to in order for ignorance to continue. “Don't look inside. Uh oh! Don't go th
ere, You might miss all the nice stuff you're supposed to get.”
Course, the Annunaki set it up to where there would be a value system and they w
ould be the ones that were the most valuable cause they thought they knew what w
as going on. They were in charge of that thought, 2-dimensionally.
Through what We write and Share, Humanity could learn tremendous amounts in a ve
ry short amount of Moments. We don't hold back, We give Them Everything We Are,
Now they've gotta give themselves Themselves. You've gotta have a Receptor there
to Receive. Now you can clog it up with taking... Course, the takers are the on
es that collect all the karma, they just take it right away from You. Funny how
that works.
So the Annunaki were busy organizing the Universe according to 2d thought, and a
nything that didn't fit into 2d thought was thrown out. Guess where that went? A
nything There was placed on ignore. “Put it on a shelf, build a wall around it.
Ignore. It might come and get ya.” Kind of like Us out Here on a shelf, or maybe
it's a plateau... really, the side of a Mountain.
Last night I was visiting the volcano in Iceland, saying Hello and watching the
Flow of Energy. I watched where it was going and it was depositing on London cau
se it wanted to be fair to the bankers. There's something about the people of Ic
eland owing England a whole bunch of money cause the banks in Iceland took out l
oans, then the banks defaulted and Now it's the People's problem? Volcano says,
“Nope, that's not gonna work.”
Balance the equation of the volcano and ash. What is it, the Annunaki pretended
We were created out of dust? They forgot to say what kind. Star Dust actually...
But no, the Annunaki thought it was just dirt on the ground. That's separation
from Reality, 2d thought. “Creation's out there separate, someplace else, where
ever that might be...”
That's 2d thought for You, they're gonna protect Your Freedom by taking it all a
way. Gotta use Your Freedom to serve them.
Flowing along with the High Velocity memo downloads, Father God's braincells are
saying Yippee!
Course, I always vote for the Coffee Party. They assist greatly in the Awakening
Party (which We will have to postpone today due to lack of cash flow).
The Annunaki tried to come in with their reality disruptor and insert that in th
e Universe. The Universe tried to decipher what that was. Mike said, “I really d
on't have one of those in here, where's that coming from?” Mike looked around an
d He found nothing. Mike knew there was a difficulty there so he filled nothing
up with Everything. No more disruption. Short circuited that place into Reconnec
See, there's the Moment Now, and then there's the Moment Now. Any difference? No
tice That?
In that Moment the Universe has traveled how Far? Not to mention Galaxies and Ev
erything else that's moving around in that Universe, Multi-Dimensionally. You th
ink rabbits reproduce quickly, try watching Multi-Dimensional Thought.
“Changes” - Bowie
Creation is developing along the lines of Flight.
Love is such a great Delight,
Within, throughout, and All around,
Everybody's happy that's been Found.
Love looked at the Unknowable and said, “Now what are We going to do with Gods?
Especially those two!” The Unknowable just said, “Well, We'll Give Them Everythi
ng and See what They Do. We know Them, They're Creative and They're Delightful.”
Course, I was noticing in the Flow of the ash from the volcano how Brilliant the
Planet is at adjusting the frequencies. Ever seen the Grid work properly? You j
ust take a few switches, flip them and Everything Lights Up Brilliantly.
Right Now We Are Celebrating the Planet adjusting to the Higher Frequencies. Hum
anity has been seeing this as heavy snows, floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, and
now erupting volcanoes. Have They got the Hint yet? All of the Ships are celebr
ating the volcano because this represents tension release and the Planet moving
up into the Higher Frequencies. Ain't no 2-dimensional thought There, it already
got burned out.
Everyone on this Planet is going to die, one way or the other. It's the death of
their ignorance, or the death of their ignorance. Your choice, choose One. Ever
yone on this Planet is on the Path of Awakening and it will catch up to Them lik
e a Wave.
“Circle of Life” - Elton John
If the annunaki minions were gonna whack Us, they would have done it by Now. The
Knights of Templar know We Are Here, and if the minions even come close to Us t
hey say, “I don't think so.” The Archangels are also Here, waving their swords.
We are servants of the Community and We serve them right up... to Themselves.
One thing about Being an Empath, and going into 2-dimensional thought, is that t
here's a void. It tries to avoid us, the void is devoid of anything real. Being
an Empath in 2d thought, there's nothing to feel. Empaths Feel, that's what make
s them Empaths. Translate Feeling into Being Present and Joy occurs. You can't d
o that in a void. You pop up out of there just like a bubble.
We gotta slow it down to let the left brain decipher a little bit of it. Maybe e
very 20,000th word or so. How do You describe a vision? You use words or you pai
nt it? Sing it? I guess singing would be words, but music is a little more refin
ed... Or You just put it in Creation and Let It Go.
Ever since the Annunaki came in, there's only been lies about the Universe preva
lent. “You only exist in 2d thought and You can't go anywhere else. Wanna be ign
orant? Take this pill.”
The gestapo is starting to infiltrate Crestone, they saw there's too many Happy
People Here. If they associate with Crestone long enough they're gonna find out
that Crestone is full of Free, Intelligent People, and We like Each Other... Wel
l, most of Us.
It's funny how they harass people who live a “normal life”, the ones who don't i
nterfere with their so-called rules, until they make them break the rules. Of co
urse, all that will come tumbling down really soon.
Every once in a while, We actually get to Party with some of the People in Crest
In 2d thought, Love is much too controversial. In Multi-Dimensional Thought, Lov
e Is the Datum.
“Can you feel the Love tonight?” - Elton John



The Fun'd Drive:

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