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MCH Multimedia

MCH Multimedia is a company dedicated to bring educational multimedia at the secondary and college
level to students at affordable prices. Concomitant with this, MCH also offers eBook developments, copy
protection and marketing to academics wishing to publish their own works.

Bryan Sanctuary, a Professor of Chemistry at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), is the primary author
as well as president of the company. In the early 1990's Professor Sanctuary started to use the
multimedia developing tools of Macromedia's Authorware (version 2) and Autodesk's DOS based
Animator Pro to develop multimedia for classroom presentations. In 1995 he began MCH which is an
acronym of his children's names, and coincidently stands for More Chemistry Help.

In the late 1990's most of the development concentrated on five courses: Introductory Chemistry;
General Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; General Physics (cal) and General Physics (non-cal). In that
period, he employed both professionals and students to help in the development. Academics were
consulted to review the material for accuracy. These products have been upgraded to version 7 as of

In 2002 Professor Sanctuary was signed on as an author of the Physical Chemistry text book with co-
authors Professor Keith Laidler (U. of Ottawa); and Professor John Meiser (Ball State U.). MCH received
the contract to develop a multimedia package to accompany the book. Although Laidler, Meiser and
Sanctuary was one of the top books in Physical chemistry, upon the passing of Professor Laidler,
Houghton Mifflin decided not to continue with hard copy production. The copyright for the book
returned the authors. Starting in 2007, MCH, working with various devolopers, but primarily BandByte
Media Inc, started to convert Laidler, Meiser and Sanctuary to a top quality eBook which was published
in December of 2009.

MCH Objective

To make use of electronic technologies to advance teaching and learning. In particular these
technologies have been used to develop educational programs in the sciences. To provide our
customers with customized e-learning and educational technology solutions. Our primaary interest is
eBook design, copy protection solutions, and marketing.

MCH Multimedia's mission is to maximize the potential for successful learning and teaching through the
effective use of educational technology. MCH strives to create educational tools that will help achieve
successful learning outcomes. We provide educational and instructional software for academic
institutions (elementary and high school, university and post-graduate), government agencies and all
types of business and industry.

MCH engages software programming experts; individuals trained in educational research; marketing
experts, and has strong ties with other software companies. These skilled individuals work together in
order to develop successful learning and teaching tools, suited to the needs of a variety of specific
audiences, and especially those who have grown up reading from computers.


Part of what makes MCH educational software solutions so effective is that we know the importance of
understanding our learner-the learning context, learning goals, prior knowledge and preferred learning
style. One of the most common problems with educational technology and instructional design is that
these important considerations are often ignored. These basic principles can be applied to any setting in
which meaningful transfer and retention of information must occur.

The process begins by acquiring an understanding of where a learning problem or need may exist. The
main areas of focus of course are the needs of the learners and instructors in each situation. We use the
most recent educational statistics, and conduct interviews with learners and instructors in order to
determine how we can develop educational supplements that are appropriate for them.

Equally important to appealing to the sensibilities of the learners is creating programs that are accurate
and rich in content. MCH works closely with subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and content-
richness. Our team puts great effort into meeting the highest standards. Rigorous pilot testing and
content evaluation are central to any MCH development project.

It is important to us that we create learning tools that engage learners in the instruction and help
motivate them towards meaningful learning, in whatever educational or informational setting they may
find themselves in.

We can deliver learning tools in a variety of formats such as CD-ROM, Web- based courses and on-line
downloads, soon available in a number of different languages. MCH is committed to making profound
advances in learning and teaching through the intelligent use of educational technology.

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