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12 June 2007



1.0 Purpose of Report

To seek endorsement of proposals for the development of Integrated

Youth Support and Connexions transition into North Yorkshire County

To provide feedback on reaction to date to the proposals.

To clarify the decision-making process and further actions required.

2.0 Background information.

2.1 There are currently two developments taking place simultaneously – the
creation of Integrated Youth Support (IYS) and the transition of
Connexions into the Local Authority. Both of these need to take place
within the context of the Integrated Services Strategy.

2.2 By April 2008 Local Authorities will have to have taken responsibility and
funding to deliver services funded by the current Connexions grant. By
that date Local Authorities should be delivering or be ready to deliver
services currently commissioned or delivered by Connexions. There will
be a need to demonstrate how policy developments, particularly in
relation to Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), Positive Activities,
and Integrated Youth Support Services are being addressed.

2.3 ‘Youth Matters: Next Steps’ (DfES 2006) uses the term ‘integrated youth
support and opportunities’ for defining how youth provision fits within a
framework for integrated services.

2.4 The key components of integrated youth support and development are:

• The delivery of Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) for all young
people that meets the national IAG standards (not yet published).
• The provision of integrated targeted support for the most vulnerable
young people referred to as Targeted Youth Support. (Guidelines
released April 2007)

• The provision of positive activities related to the Education Act 2006
which places a duty on Local Authorities to provide sufficient positive
leisure time activities in their area.

2.5 There is no definitive Government guidance on how IYS should be

established and therefore Local Authorities are establishing their local
services in different ways. In most areas there is a lead director within
the Local Authority and a project manager. For North Yorkshire it is Chris
McGee, Assistant Director for Learning, Youth and Skills and the project
manager is Louise Dunn, Development Manager at Connexions.

2.6 Initially the aim has been to better define what is understood by the term
Integrated Youth Support and there has been some consultation with
stakeholders in North Yorkshire about the scope and principles
underpinning IYS. These are summarised as follows:

3.0 The scope of Integrated Youth Support

3.1 Whilst the term ‘youth’ tends to be associated with teenagers there is a
rationale for considering a broader age range when defining IYS. This is
driven not only by the sociological and physiological influences on young
people but by the recognition that entry to secondary school is a key
transition point for most children.

3.2 Whilst many of the organisations that will contribute to IYS have to target
their resources at the 13 -19 age range it was felt that in North Yorkshire
IYS should be targeted at 11-21 year olds (25 for those with special
needs) who require additional support to that provided in the universal

3.3 IYS should operate predominantly at the tier 2 (early intervention) level
with overlap into tier 1 as part of the preventative agenda and into tier 3
for the targeted youth support aspect of the service.

3.4 IYS should adopt a targeted, structured approach with an emphasis on

supporting young people to re-engage with tier 1 universal provision or
be routed into tier 3 for specialist support.

4.0 The principles underpinning Integrated Youth Support

4.1 IYS should:

• be young person centred, enabling them to participate, progress and

achieve their potential within the context of the Every Child Matters key
• promote equality, diversity and inclusivity

• ensure that there is consistency across the local strategic and
operational policies and plans related to service provision for children
and young people
• promote geographical and cultural proximity between practitioners so
that access and support is responsive to the needs of the young
• facilitate the effective and consistent application of processes and
protocols in particular those relating to assessment, information
sharing, recording and referrals

4.2 IYS should not:

• create something different to that already established through the

North Yorkshire Integrated Services’ strategy
• assume responsibility for individual organisations’ work and/or targets
• replace or duplicate, but should inform and complement tier 1 and tier
3 provision

5.0 Developing the delivery model.

The delivery model needs to reflect the scope and principles set out
above, relate to the Integrated Services’ Strategy, maintain the work
currently carried out by Connexions, and meet the targets and
performance measures set for IYS by the Children and Young People’s
Strategic Partnership Board.

6.0 The proposed delivery model.

6.1 The proposal is to establish a mixed economy approach to the delivery

of IYS across North Yorkshire. Some aspects will become directly
delivered by North Yorkshire County Council and the remainder will be
contracted out through a tendering and commissioning process.

6.2 The proposal is for there to be young people’s centres located in each of
the six Integrated Service Manager areas that will act as ‘hubs’ for the
co-ordination and delivery of IYS. It is intended that where possible
these young people’s centres will be located in existing Connexions
centres where these are deemed to be ‘fit for purpose’. Where this is not
possible alternative facilities will be sought, in partnership with other
providers of IYS.

6.3 The young people’s centres will be part of the direct delivery component
of IYS and will become a resource for the provision of IYS by a wide
range of partners. This change will have an impact on staffing
arrangements with some staff employed by the existing contractor being
offered the opportunity to become directly employed by NYCC.

6.4 Connexions currently has a number of additional service level
agreements and contracts with partners including the voluntary sector for
the employment and management of Personal Advisers. It is anticipated
that these arrangements will be retained and strengthened to ensure that
IYS is available to all communities not just where there are the IYS
young people’s centres.

6.5 The main contract will be for the provision of Information, Advice and
Guidance (IAG) to schools/colleges. This will encompass support for
Careers, Education and Guidance (CEG) and the 14-19 curriculum
requirements. This contract will be subject to a competitive tendering
process. There will be full engagement with the key stakeholders,
including schools and colleges for this process with the intention that the
contract be awarded by the end of 2007. The requirements for this
contract will be determined by a stakeholders group but the contract will
be integral to the delivery of IYS, reflect the national IAG standards and
support the broader Integrated Services Strategy.

7.0 Rational for proposal

Proposal Rationale
Adopt a mixed economy This is consistent with the message that has been
approach (see 6.1) conveyed to partners since the government’s intention
to change the funding and delivery of Connexions was
announced. It offers an opportunity to strengthen the
implementation of the Integrated Services Strategy,
build on existing good practice, and address some of
the problems that have arisen out of the Connexions
sub-contracted arrangements.

Establish the young Whilst progress has been made in refurbishing and
people’s centres as a changing the names of the old Careers/Connexions
directly delivered centres there has not been the cultural shift that
component of IYS (See Connexions envisaged. Having to operate through a
6.2) contractor has constrained the introduction of
operational changes, hindered communication and the
feedback received from partners has reflected
dissatisfaction with the degree of integration.

Direct delivery of Further to an agreement on the function and

additional staff responsibilities of IYS there would be some core posts
delivering IYS (See 6.3) that would be required to support the service. There
are some core staff currently working out of
Connexions centres who would have rights under
TUPE for transference into these posts – however

there would be an opportunity through this exercise to
better define these posts and to make them a resource
for the delivery of multi-agency IYS.

Retain and strengthen Connexions has been successful in establishing a

contracts with range of positive relationship with the voluntary sector and
partners. (See 6.4) using this to enhance provision and address unmet
need. Where necessary there will be an opportunity to
refocus existing provision so that it reflects the needs
of IYS.

Tender for the delivery The size of this contract requires that NYCC
of IAG in procurement policies are followed for a formal
schools/colleges (6.5) tendering process. It will provide key stakeholders,
including schools the opportunity to inform the
commissioning process and to define the requirements
for the contract. The contract will make explicit the
links between IYS and other policy drivers related to
education including the delivery of the Information,
Advice and Guidance standards and the requirements
for schools and colleges in relation to 14-19 and
Careers, Education and Guidance.

8.0 Further Action and the Decision-Making Processes

8.1 Refinement of the proposal is taking place through a series of

consultations with key stakeholders including Integrated Service
Managers, headteachers, management meetings with providers ( youth
service, Youth Offending Team, and Children’s Social Care, PPS) and
relevant committees and planning groups including the 14-19 task groups,
Connexions Partnership Board and Local Management Committees.

8.2 Young people have been involved scoping Integrated Youth Support and
consultation groups are being established to guide the further
development of the service.

8.3 Parents and carers focus groups will be established through existing
parent/carer networks.

9.0 Corporate Objectives

This issue relates to the following Corporate Objectives:

Security for All – by promoting safe, healthy and sustainable 9


Growing up prepared for the future – through good education 9

and care and protection when it is needed

Independence – through employment, opportunity and 9

appropriate support

Keeping us on the move – with good roads and a safe and

reliable transport system

Strengthening our economy – by supporting business, 9

developing our infrastructure, investing in powerful
telecommunications and helping people improve their skills

Looking after our heritage and our environment – in our 9

countryside and our towns and villages

Keeping in touch – by listening to your views, planning to meet 9

your needs and by telling you what we are doing.


9.1 That the Executive endorse the proposal for the development of a mixed-
economy approach to the delivery of Integrated Youth Support as set out in
section 6.

9.2 That the Executive acknowledge and support the action and decision
making as set out in section 8.

9.3 That a further report be made when contracts are ready to let and when
internal commissioning arrangements have been developed in detail.

Report prepared by Louise Dunn, Connexions Development Manager, and Chris

McGee, Assistant Director (Learning Youth and Skills).

Cynthia Welbourn
Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service 4 June 2007


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