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Pratyahara the branching of the 5th limb

In oral traditions much effort is given to numbering spiritual precepts.

The four noble truths, the ten commandments, eight-fold path, three
sections of the Torah, five pillars of Islam and others. This continues in
print and online with titles in the self-help genre: the twelve step
program, four agreements, seven habits of (fill in the blank) and the
eight steps to seven figures, a healthy back, better communications,
and on and on.
So it is with the Eight Limbs of Yoga. The list helps to compartmentalize
the main areas of concentration for the yogic path. The limbs provide a
mind map revealing interconnectedness and the endless suffering of
the human condition. The word limbs is very well suited to the Eight
Limbs of Yoga because it has many straight branches, curvy branches,
leaves, roots and berries and bark of every texture imaginable! If
turned into a pure listing it would be called the 16 subcategories of
the infinitesimal inspection of spiritual molecules found in the human
species. Thats a little long to be memorable!
For this discussion Id like to turn the fifth item on the list of the Eight
Limbs of Yoga into an analogy. The fifth limb, Pratyahara involves so
much branching that it seems better suited to analogy. Lets consider
this analogy: Pratyahara is to the Eight Limbs as trunk is to tree. Its mid
point in the Eight Limb list makes it a good candidate for a trunk,
supporting the top four limbs and connecting them to the lower three
limbs. The trunk of Pratyahara reaches right down to the last item on
the list, the ultimate oneness of Samadhi.
A few translations and definitions to get us started:

To draw toward the opposite

Sanskrit prati means against or away
Sanskrit ahara means food or anything we take into
ourselves from the outside
Control of the senses, or sense withdrawal
Withdrawing from thoughts or actions (i.e., internal: thoughts,
impressions, emotions; external: all that we take in with the five

Ok, here we go. Start climbing the tree. Did I mention it was a Sequoia?
Pratyahara is one tall order. Shut off all input of the mind and all
information coming in from the five senses. Withdraw all attention to
what we experience as being alive and draw to the opposite. Got it?

B.K.S Iyengar explains that Pratyahara is a hinge or pivotal moment

in the yogic path. He describes that the practice of yoga Asanas and
Pranayama breathing generates an expanding energy that can spin out
of control. The loss of control comes when the yoga practitioner falls in
love with the extra attention and greater attraction that they receive in
the world with their new found yogic strength. The hinge point comes
when we incorporate Pratyahara in our practice by withdrawing from
the desire to control, consume and seek gratification. The forward fold
of this hinge comes with our detachment.
It is quite human and instinctual to experience and indulge the senses
and to entertain thoughts and emotions. So how do we begin the
practice of Pratyahara? Is it even possible to reach such a state?
A few ideas for practicing Pratyahara:

Breath. Pranayama Control the breath to control the mind. The

mind is governed by the breath and the senses are governed by
the mind.
Spend time away from sensory overload turn off the TV,
computer and cell phone
Stay away from wrong food, wrong thoughts and wrong
Open up to the opposite (right diet, positive thoughts, right
Use Visualizations (creating positive impressions and pleasant
thoughts that clear the mind of external worry, anxiety, anger,
Karma yoga right work, right action, service to others,
surrendering personal rewards

And the most difficult practices of Pratyahara:

Withdraw from unwholesome impressions

Place your attention on the formless nature of the mind

At the very least it is helpful to remember: where the prana flows, the
energy goes!

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