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PARTNER/phone number: &

Students will work in groups of 3 depending on class size. Each group will choose an animal group out of a hat
to research and learn about and teach the class in a 30 minute interactive, multimedia presentation. Within the group,
each individual student will research a specific animal or type of animal that belongs to the animal group. [For
example: Animal group-Fish/ Individuals: 1) bony fish (salmon) 2) cartilaginous fish (shark) 3) rays and skates
The group project will be a 25-30 minute presentation which must be in an interactive, multimedia format. The
possibilities and creative ideas are endless. Each member must speak the same amount of time and must present a
significant portion of the project. No one may read off of their notes! This makes for a very boring presentation! Your
group can talk to me to discuss further questions or concerns.
There will be class time put aside to work on this project in the library, but students must come prepared to
work on their project or library time will be adjusted.
For this project students will use a variety of sources (minimum 12 individual, 28 group). You must use at least
the number of each source listed below, but are not limited to that number except internet sources. Within the group,
resources can be shared.
Individuals must use 12 sources: (sources can overlap with group members). Group could end up with 36
sources, which is a great amount of information. (min. 28 different sources/group)
-3 internet sources (maximum) -BONUS: interview a person/scientist who is an
-3 journal articles(database is fine) expert on your animal (25 enrichment points with
-3 book sources a signature and thank you letter)
-3 magazine/newspaper articles (database)
Students must keep a flash drive to put all typed written work on. This must be with student at all times and is
worth 5 points.

Each GROUP will keep an organized ½ -1 inch binder that holds hole punched papers throughout the project to
be turned in on each due date (dividers are recommended). Every group member’s assignment must be in the binder.
All assignments are listed below along with the due date. All assignments must be typed and double spaced. You will
not receive credit for any work not turned in on the due date unless you have spoken with the teacher. You may
turn in assignments early for 2 bonus points. If you used any sources for information, YOU MUST CITE!
(These assignments are subject to change at the teacher’s advisement).

Assignments Due Date

All assignments can be turned in early for a bonus 2 points
Students must keep a flash drive to put all typed written work on. This must be with student at all times.
All Assignments are due at the beginning of class at the bell.

1. Parent Signature: Animal Project handout (this paper on top) and

flashdrive to save work Friday, March 5
- This will serve as your checklist 5 points

2. Research source list Friday, March 5

-What does the school library have that can help you? 5 points
-Make a list of books, articles, websites that may be useful in the future of this project

3. Taxonomy picture ( use book to help) Friday, March 5

4. Annotated Bibliography #1 of 3 sources Tuesday, March 9
-must include a brief outline of source of info you will use for the project 5 points
-What are you getting out of the source?
-Attach the front page of the source

5. Food Chain or Web for your animal with PICTURES!!!! Tues, March 16th
AND 20 points
Colored Picture of animal’s environment with a paragraph about the animal’s niche (10 each)
(picture can be printed but source must be cited and paragraph must be your own
Thoughts typed)

6. Annotated Bibliography #2 of 3 sources Tues, March 23

-must include a brief outline of source of info you will use for the project 5 points
-What are you getting out of the source?
-Attach the front page of the source

7. Introduction outline (Remember to include citations) Thursday, March 25

-What animal group are you researching? What do you know about this group so far? 10 points
-What animal or type of animal are you researching within your group? What is the scientific name?
-What taxonomy groups (Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species) does your animal group
belong to? Why? (What features does your animal have that classifies it in those 7 groups?)
-Where does your animal live? What does it eat?
-What do you want to learn about your animal?
-What are you hoping to get out of this project?

8. Annotated Bibliography #3 of 3 sources Mon, March 29

-must include a brief outline of source of info you will use for the project 5 points
-What are you getting out of the source?
-Attach the front page of the source

9, 10, 11. Pictures of each body system of your animal due as a printed powerpoint slide set #1 Tues, March 30
(More than one slide may be needed. you can hand them in early) set #2 Mon, April 12
Must also include bullet points about the function of the systems and set #3 Fri, April 16
each organ in the system on the slide with the picture. (10 points each)
All pictures and information must be cited. 90 points
It is fine if the pictures are photocopied and scanned for the powerpoint, but must be neat and labeled.
(If you can’t find a picture and have spoken with the teacher, a paragraph about the system detail may work.)

1 set = 3 body systems

( additional internet cites are ok here for the pictures, but must cite them!!!!!)
1. Integumentary system – body covering and protection
2. Skeletal system- body support
3. Muscular system
4. Circulatory system- Heart and oxygen transportation (veins/arteries/capillaries)
5. Respiratory system- Mouth  Lungs
6. Digestive and excretory systems
7. Nervous system- brain structure and sense organs
8. Reproductive system – Both Male and Female organs
9. Endocrine system – chemical pathways (may be easiest to relate to Nervous system)

12. Annotated Bibliography #4 of 3 sources Tues , April 13

-must include a brief outline of source of info you will use for the project 5 points
-What are you getting out of the source?
-Attach the front page of the source
13. Animal Group Multimedia Presentation Outline and story board (powerpoint slides) Wednesday, April 21
-Use the Presentation outline attached to make an outline to present in order 10 points
similarities and differences of animals in group for each topic (especially anatomy)
-Combine all individual animal information together for group presentation
-Slides should be at least titled with ideas bulleted for each slide

14. Detailed Animal Group Presentation Storyboard: Complete Powerpoint Slides Tuesday, April 27
-Final draft for editing by teacher 10 points
-On printed copy, handwrite who in the group is saying what

14. Animal Group blank presentation outline: 1 page (front/back ok) PRESENTATION DAY
-Group must make copies of blank presentation outline for each member of the class 10 points

15. Group Presentation 25-30 minutes DATE:

Individual grades: 40 points 100 points
Group Grade: 60 points

16. Project Evaluation Day After Presentation

-attached 10 points

17. Final Binder neat and complete with Table of contents and pages numbers Day after Presentation
-all returned and corrected work must be included 13 points
The following outline topics should be included in every report (Individual paper and Group Presentations) no matter
how simple or complex the group. Please stay with this order throughout your presentation and paper. If you have any
questions, please ask.

I. Group Description/Introduction
a. What descriptive characteristics make this group unique from all other groups?
b. What are the defining characteristics of the group?
-Give examples/visual of this group

II. Taxonomy (use from original Intro paragraph)

a. Give the main categories your animals fall into.
b. Explain why the animal group splits apart in the taxonomy system

III.Habitat and Ecosystem

a. Where does the animal live?
b. What is the animal’s niche/role in the community it lives in?
c. What determines the distribution of the group?
d. With what photosynthetic community is it associated?
e. Where does the group fit in the food chain?
f. What is the animal’s primary diet?

IV. Anatomy and Physiology : Need to compare and contrast each system to the human systems.
a. Describe the basic body plan or symmetry
b. Cover extensively and completely the structure and functions of these main body systems
-Make sure to include descriptions of each organ and it’s function (many animals have specialized organs
humans don’t have – explain differences and why animals have these)
1. Integumentary system – body covering and protection
2. Skeletal system- body support
3. Muscular system and locomotion
4. Circulatory system- Heart and oxygen transportation
5. Respiratory system- Lungs and Gas exchange
6. Digestive and excretory systems – follow the path of food consumption through system
7. Nervous system- brain structure and sense organs
8. Reproductive system
9. Endocrine system – chemical pathways

V. Life Cycle
a. Reproductive and mating habits
i. Mating season, mating rituals, type of fertilization
ii. offspring numbers and care of offspring
iii. Stages of development or metamorphosis

VI. Human Interaction

a. Importance to humans – benefits or harm presented by the group
-products or food sources
b. Human impact on group
c. Research scientists are performing on animal and why (use research journal articles)

VII. Other interesting information/Conclusion

(all sources: All the ones that have been graded should be corrected (if needed) and compiled
together in end of presentation. Add any additional sources you have used- you do not need to include the
annotations at this point.)
Cnidarians Arthropods
Class Hydrozoa Subphylum Crustacea
Class Schyphozoa Class Arachnida
Class Anthozoa Class Insecta

Mollusks Echinoderms
Class Gastropoda Class Crinoidea
Class Bivalvia Class Echinoidea
Class Cephalopoda Class Asteroidea

Platyhelminthes Fish
Class Turbellaria Class Chondrichthyes
Class Trematoda Class Agnatha
Class Cestoda Class Osteichthyes

Annelids Amphibians
Class Oligochaeta Order Anura
Class polychaeta Order Urodela
Class Hirudinea Order Apoda

Order Chelonia
Order Crocodilia
Order Squamata

Choose 3 orders from pg. 872- 874

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