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Murray – Controlling the [Ignorant] Masses


PARTS 1 - 2

Author: R.C. Murray

Date: May 1, 2010

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously; for I will
work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” -
Habakkuk 1:5

Even if you’re not one of their public school products – a willingly ignorant, dumb on purpose
[stupid] prole – educrats, the views media, Laodicean preachers and all politicians will treat
you like one. They expect you to gobble up every bit of propaganda they spin your way, and
sadly, most of you will. Yeah, me too – sometimes.

Sometimes, after hearing a report on a news station, say ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC,
CSPAN, PBS or CNN, I’ll compare their Democratic bias to a FOX News report with their
Republican bias; then, reading between the lines of what’s said and what’s not said, I believe
the lie being orchestrated by the puppet masters. I confess that for a while there, I began to
believe there was such a thing as a pro-life Democrat, that a small group of these mythical
creatures might succeed in killing ObamaCare. Not so. Being politicians first, Americans
second and Christians last, Stupak and his fellows surrendered to those who control their
thoughts and actions.

I’ve grown more skeptical than most, especially these last 30 years. I served four years in the
public school [prison] system (2001-2005), so I not only know educrats are lying every time
they speak, I know how they get away with it. I even documented everything I learned in the
classroom and about the classroom in a book about The System called “Legally STUPiD:
Why Johnny doesn’t have to read.”1 It’s too bad too few folks read much these days or
more folks might buy a copy and find out how educrats are dumbing down their kids – and
their parents.

I tuned out Balaamite preachers after I left a Southern Baptist seminary and the Southern
Baptist Convention in 1982 over the issues of Biblical authority and the inerrancy of the
Scriptures. I believe both, while my seminary professors and far too many Southern Baptist
preachers believe neither.

I stopped believing Democrats when I seceded from that left-wing bunch of baby-killing
perverts in 1980, and I stopped believing Republicans in 1996 when their presidential
candidate called people like me extremists, saying he didn’t have to listen to us. Million of
extremists like me chose to stay home that year, rather than choose between a left-winged
womanizer and a neo-con phony.

As far as journalist go – hey, I am a journalist and I know we are the most arrogant airheads
since the dawn of time. Even though I’m just as opinionated, my not being a socialist makes
me a little different than 99.9 percent of my colleagues. That’s why I dismissed Bill O’Reilly

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years ago; he’s a card-carrying neo-con, too full of himself to be taken seriously. When Glenn
Beck came along, at first I thought his ideas were bolder, fresher and more controversial –
enough so to get him kicked off the Clinton News Network, which I thought was admirable at
the time. That’s when I started to pay attention to what he said – what he really said.

To start with, Beck has a favorable, even worship-like attitude for Comrade Lincoln, the man
who destroyed the Union and supplanted the U.S. Constitution with executive orders. That
doesn’t sit well with me. If Beck knew the truth about Dishonest Abe, he’d know about his
dark side. I suspect he does know the truth about our first dictator, and wholeheartedly
agrees with what he did to this country.

Back in February, Beck decided to mix it up in Texas politics and help push the one truly
conservative candidate, Debra Medina, out of the race for governor with a contrived, cheap
shot question. With damage done, he then left Texas, grinning like the proverbial Cheshire

Last month, Beck teamed up with his mentor, O’Reilly, who took it upon themselves to
explain for us the differences between socialists and progressives. Beck admitted that, like
socialists, progressives want to get your stuff, and they want to control everything you do, but
– he claimed – progressives don’t want to kill you. To this, O’Reilly piped in, saying that if
progressives killed you, then you wouldn’t be around to make money for them to take and
redistribute to their supporters.

Hearing these talk show demagogues agreeing with each other, I imagined at that very
moment millions of genuinely conservative Americans were gobbling up every bit of garbage
spewing from their lying lips. I wondered how many of my fellow, supposed-to-be-thinking
Americans asked themselves this uncommon sense2 question: If progressives don’t want
to kill us, why have they worked so hard to disarm us?!

History is replete with examples of wanna-be tyrants first disarming the masses – for their
own good, of course – before seizing complete power. Immediately thereafter, there’s always
a purging of those considered to be a threat to the new regime.

As surely as left-wing socialists have enacted local, state and federal laws that violate the 2nd
Amendment (which is really one of those unalienable rights spoken of in the Declaration of
Independence), right-winged socialists have given us the Patriot Act, Homeland Security,
NORTHCOM and CBRNE brigades. Think about it.

Both the left and the right are responsible for continued construction of containment camps
scattered around the county. With so much evidence that these camps exist, do you believe
the government and views media denials and promises that they don’t exist, or, their
explanations that what we think are camps are really storage facilities or training areas? I
don’t. Do you?

So, despite what Speck and Smiley have to say, historically, progressives have no problem
with killing us then taking all our stuff. Their mutual hero, Adolf Lincoln, had no problem
with killing every Southern man, woman and child – white or black – in order to keep the
land and resources belonging to the 11 states that had chosen to withdraw from his empire
[union]. If you want to know the truth about Mr. Lincoln’s War Against the Southern People,

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get a copy of Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s “Lincoln Unmasked,” or Walter D. Kennedy and Al

Benson’s “Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists,” or H.W. Crocker’s “The
Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War.”

Lincoln’s same ethnic cleansing policy was later applied to the plains Indians who were
resisting what left and right-winged socialists [progressives] called their manifest destiny. If
you doubt my word here, just ask a Native American.

Progressives are not simply kinder, gentler socialists. They may be a little more patient in
their tactics, but once they take over, the results will be the same. You’ll have nothing, or
you’ll be dead. They will control you and what’s yours, and if you won’t let them control you,
they will kill you. They cannot leave you alone and allow you and your family to enjoy your
unalienable rights. By the way, did you know there were those here planning how to control
the masses here even as those masses were rebelling from Great Britain because the
monarchy there had tried to control them?

It’s always about controlling the masses. But the masses cannot be controlled if they’re aware
someone is trying to control them. That’s why it’s so important for the elitists who would rule
over the masses to make and keep the masses ignorant.

The British were unsuccessful at this in their American colonies because of several factors
peculiar to the New World and the rugged individualists that came here to settle it. And it was
the British, not the Spanish or French, who laid the cornerstone of the house that became the
United States.

You have to look back at the time of British colonization, starting with the failed attempt in
1587 at Roanoke to Jamestown in 1607 then Plymouth in 1620, finally ending with Savannah
in 1733. The British subjects who settled here came here with a commitment to stay, to start a
new life in this new world – not simply to find gold or get rich off the resources of the land.

The world they left behind was a class society of a few, very rich; a small, middle class -
tradesmen; and an enormous population of poor. Europe was just coming out of the Little Ice
Age and the Great Plague, and the Reformation along with the Renaissance had awakened the
souls of men at every class level. The mostly middle class-tradesmen and the poor who first
settled here brought with them hope for real change, not change caused by some government
action [interference], but hope that rested in their faith in God and their willingness to work
hard to provide for their own families.

The Texas School Board3 is right to correct its history and economics textbooks about our
Christian heritage. Along with their courage, their swords and guns, our forefathers brought
with them the Bible, now printed in English for all the faithful to read.

For more than 1,200 years, the Catholic Church had resisted, discouraged and even
persecuted those who sought to translate the Bible from Latin or Greek to the native
languages of the masses they kept Biblically ignorant. The Church told the masses what it said
that God said, making it the ultimate spiritual authority. But following the Reformation, a
series of Bibles were translated into other languages – German, French and English, to
include the Geneva Bible and the 1611 Authorized Version, better known as King James Bible.

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The KJV was published without a copyright, thus allowing the English-speaking masses an
affordable copy of God’s Word and allowing them to read God’s words without theological
clarifications and misinterpretations of those who would rule over their souls. The effect was


Reading and thus learning for themselves what God had to say changed everything for those
who would become the first Americans. Despite what public school textbooks now claim, even
before there was a U.S. Constitution, those who came to this country to start a new life in a
new land understood certain rights were God-given [unalienable] and not delegated from any
governmental body. The fact that those rights were later delineated in the Bill of Rights only
recognizes these rights as something conferred to the people by God, not government, so any
attempt to subvert, amend or challenge these rights is not only a breach of political power but
an affront to the God of Heaven!

Despite what liberals opposing the actions of Texas School Board officials say, the
conservatives are not “changing history;” they’re restoring it. They’re clearing up 150 years of
progressive lies that started the public school system then took it over altogether. Although I
expect they’ll get an unelected federal judge to stop these conservatives from messing with
their prole-producing textbooks, this school board’s actions are laudable.

Now, back to our history lesson, the poorest passengers on board the first ships from Great
Britain to America were not able to pay their own way, nor were they the most literate types.
But most could read well enough to learn they could “indenture” themselves to a wealthy
sponsor, who would pay for their passage to America in return for temporary bonds of
slavery. These servants would clear the land and start building colonies in the New World.

What the wealthy soon learned, however, was the vastness of an entire continent and all the
opportunities the New World offered these indentured servants enabled them to pay off their
debts and start a new life as free men and women. [This apparently led the rich to seek
permanent servants from another source, another continent. Remember, it has always been
about control.] With their new liberty, these freed servants could improve their literacy skills,
buy or homestead a piece of land, build a home and eventually change their class status from
poor to middle class-tradesmen. Many became rich.

Once free from their indentured service, they and their families started out with nothing more
than their God and their guns. So even before there was a U.S. Constitution acknowledging
their unalienable rights, the first Americans put their trust in their Savior and their guns. And
with their God and their guns, they built a nation in a wilderness. Not many Americans are
like that today.

Few of us today still have our guns. Most Americans have allowed local, state and federal
governments to disarm them, forcing them to depend on the police, the local sheriff, a litany
of federal law enforcement agencies or the military to protect them from the savages of this
world. But who will protect them from the government?

Even fewer of us still have our God, or at least the God of our forefathers. Less than 10
percent of Americans today have a Biblical world view. They’re Biblically ignorant

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because they don’t read the Bible – not because anyone is stopping them anymore [yet] – but
because they choose to be ignorant [stupid]. They don’t know the Christ of the Bible, so they
look for other saviors. Most have deferred so much to the government to do and be all things
for them that the government has become their god.

And so many wonder why this country is on the verge of collapsing!

Tea parties are nice and serve a purpose, I suppose, in getting and keeping conservative
Americans focused on those trying to control them. It bothers me to see them being
manipulated by neo-cons using their rallies to campaign for immigration reform candidates
like John McCain and Lindsey Graham and only proves that politics won’t solve America’s

Even if the Republicans can get a super majority in the House [roughly 80 more seats] and
the Senate [about 20 more seats], do you think they’ll repeal ObamaCare? Don’t hold your
breath. Once passed, no piece of socialist legislation since the 1860s has ever been
overturned! Remember, both sides are socialists.

Where the Tea Party Movement would be useful, where all online, conservative voices would
be useful would be if we could all come together and agree to form a new political party. That
new party could be much like the one I talk about in Chapter 12 of Legally STUPiD and
Chapter 2 in “Prole Nation.”4

The American Party is currently only a fictional political party made up of truly
conservative Americans, a coalition of those Christian conservatives who’ve been abused by
the Republicans, God & Gun [Blue Dog] Democrats who’ve been abused by their party, as well
as Constitutionalists and Libertarians. If such a political party really existed, it would be a
nightmare to both the parties.

I implore the founders, writers and readers of,,,,, and all other
conservative, online voices to set aside minor differences, contact and communicate with each
other and call for a political convention this summer for the purpose of establishing a third
political party. A fellah named Peter Bove recently sent me a draft of something he calls the
“2nd Declaration of Independence,”5 which I think would serve well as a party platform
to a third political party, one founded on the Constitution and the government our forefathers
created, not the one socialist devils currently control.

But even if we do this and we succeed in taking political control away from the socialists, their
bureaucracies would still be in place and have to be destroyed. You cannot have
representative government when the real power is in the hands of unelected elitists. Even
then, something I’ve been troubled with for several years now cannot be avoided. As I said,
politics won’t solve America’s problems. Politicians cannot save us.

Judgment is coming to America, whether we turn things around politically or

whether the socialists continue to control us.

I was watching His Arrogance at a pep rally for his worshippers shortly after he signed the
House’s health care fiasco. With his usual egotistical defiance, he was mocking those who

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warned against his newest piece of socialist legislation, even to the point that he turned his
proud face skyward, ridiculing God, as if daring the Creator of the universe to pass judgment
on him and his socialistic empire. With paralleled vanity, he laughed scornfully, saying he was
looking for meteors or asteroids but didn’t see any. He should have added the word “yet.” (See
Chapter 7, Prole Nation.)

At that moment, I realized I could never again say or sing, “God Bless America,” because God
will never bless the proud, the lofty or the lifted-up (Isaiah 2:12). I could only pray, “God,
have mercy on us.”

Did you notice that I began this article with a verse from Habakkuk? Notice that I italicized
the ending prepositional phrase then take a moment to read the verses preceding this verse:

“O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of
violence, and thou wilt not save! Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me
to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that
raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth
never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous;
therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.” -Habakkuk 1:2-4

Now re-read verse five. I published Legally STUPiD three years ago with the intention of
warning [telling] parents to save their children from the public school system, which is the
chief means by which the government controls them. Even most online conservative news
magazines have ignored my warning, most not taking the time to read the facts I documented
in that book. Too busy fighting the war to notice the new weapon I was offering them, I

Last year, I published Prole Nation with the intention of warning [telling] Americans about
the feasibility of our coming destruction. But again, too few are willing to help me spread the
warning. Even though they have been told, few believe me or others with the same message.
Most won’t even listen [read]. I don’t know what more I can do but pray. But when I pray, I
get an overwhelming sense of dread for what I know is about to happen to those who refuse to
heed my warnings.

“When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice: rottenness

entered into my bones, and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in
the day of trouble: when he cometh up unto the people, he will invade them
with his troops.” -Habakkuk 3:16

As I’ve said in other NWVs articles, I sincerely believe Jesus is coming soon for his church.
But if my Lord is not going to come for his church before he judges my country, I now pray
that he at least come for me before that day of trouble. I don’t want to be here to see its
destruction, having tried so hard to warn so many for so long.

Maybe some of you can identify with this prayer; if you do and you’d rather go home to
heaven than watch our country burn in hell, pray with me. If enough of us pray, maybe God
will hear us. We may even stay his wrath for a season as in the time of King Josiah. Maybe
he’ll send a spirit of revival that’ll wake up Christians like no other time in church history.

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(See Chapters 5-6, Prole Nation.) Maybe the Holy Spirit will take control of this country and
turn it around before it’s too late.

I’d like to think many carnal Christians and many Laodicean churches today are much like the
prodigal son at the moment he’s feeding the swine and hungering for their slop – just before
he comes to his senses and repents. I’d like to think so.

R.C. Murray is a disabled veteran and former public school teacher. He left a good job as
a technical writer for a satellite manufacturer in order to teach high school English, only to
immediately be told he could not expect, much less require his students to read their
literature assignments. After four years of fighting The System and having a stroke then a
mini-stroke, he decided he was safer in the airborne infantry and returned to being a
technical writer for a military contractor.

He has also dedicated the rest of his life to exhorting parents about what’s really going on in
their local public school, the one they think is a good school. R.C. Murray is the author of
two books, “Golden Knights: History of the U.S. Army Parachute Team” and most
recently, “Legally STUPiD: Why Johnny doesn’t have to read.”









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