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* Multiple subcontexts now supported. Separate them with semi-colons. AGTH cod
e converter will add two subcontexts, when appropriate.
* Using aliases for hooks added. Prefix a hook with "[Alias Text]" and that's w
hat will be displayed on the context manager screen as the hook's name. Makes i
t easier to see context strings.
* Locale selection added to injection dialog.
* "Hook delay" added to injection dialog. Actually doesn't delay hooking, delay
s how long before hooks that use filtering based on calling function's dll are e
nabled. Generally only the default hooks do this. Increasing this delay may ci
rcumvent issues with games that crash when launched with AGTH, but work fine whe
n injected after launching.
* Added "!" and "~" operators.
* Stomp's admin privilege fix when using some 3rd party software added.
* Excite fixed
* Fixed sanity testing for injection addresses, so when specify a dll or exe nam
e in a text hook, shouldn't erroneously think it's an error when the module isn'
t loaded in the current address space.
* Fixed some JParser dicrionary common word parsing, when using versions of edic
t with entL entries. Also changed treatment of Kanji entries when only their co
rresponding Hiragana are marked as common.
* Fixed substitution matching Hiragana with Katakana and vice versa.
* Fixed a clipboard-related crash bug.
* Fixed hooks causing crashes when relocating call/jumps (Hopefully...)
* Fixed AGTH repeat filter length placement (oops).
* Fixed current context text not updating promptly when loop handling enabled.
* Stomp's tool tip font configuration code added.
* Fixed substitution loading/deleting.
* Fixed << and >>.
* AGTH code conversion tool.
* Injection code checker added.
* New child process injection handler (Really nifty injection code for that...).
Should be a little more robust than before.
* Option not to inject into child processes added.
* Auto copy to clipboard added.
* Both extension filters fixed.
* Both eternal repeat filters fixed/upgraded.
* Phrase repeat filter fixed/upgraded.
* OpenMP/MSVC 2008 SP1 runtime requirement removed
* char/charBE fixed
* GetGlyphOutline fixed
* Copy to clipboard crash when auto translate disabled fixed.
* Slightly improved dll injection error handling.
* Added support for loading substitutions with 0-length replacement strings (i.e
. nothing).
* More context/filter options.
* Repeated phrase filter now handles cases where phrase is being extended by a c
ouple characters each time (123412345123456, etc). Extension filters no longer r
eally needed, unless the repeat starts out too short.
* Line break options added.

* Option to handle eternally looping text.

* Option to ignore text without any Japanese characters.
* Text which substitution rules reduce to nothing no longer overwrites translate
d text.
* Log length limit added.
* Options to manage default internal text hooks added.
* Clipboard treated as a context. Its default settings should mirror the old han
* Added it's own text hooking engine. Probably still buggy.
* Fixed excessive redrawing when a hidden furigana window had clipboard translat
ion enabled.
* Works with new, even more poorly formatted edict files.
* Handles EUC_JP characters that Windows does not (Doesn't use them properly wit
h WWWJDIC at the moment, however). Only really fixes loading edict files with th
ose characters.
* Fixed right clicking when full screen.
* Fixed not checking auto Hiragana mode.
* Less picky when reading MeCab output.
* JParser now has an option to use mecab to aid in word detection.
* Mecab now hooked up to JParser popup definitions.
* Auto to hiragana option added. When a string contains no Japanese characters,
will automatically convert to hiragana before translating, when enabled and sour
ce language is Japanese. Disabled by default.
* Minimal plugin support added. Will only add to it if there's any demand for/in
terest in it.
* Now supports compressed dictionaries. To use them, just stick edict2.gz or sim
ilar in the dictionaries directory.
* A couple to/from hex functions added to right click menu. Mostly useful when s
earching binary files with hex editors and the like.
* Option to disable substitutions added.
* Default translation direction now from Japanese to English.
* Config dialog layout fixed.
* Fixed JParser configuration flags corruption bug.
* Added a couple options to hide and reformat JParser tooltips, most of which we
re at Setsumi's suggestion.
* Added a hotkey for substitution menu.
* Added logging option to injection menu.
* JParser now breaks untranslated words at spaces (Mecab still does not).
* Use kana color for dictionary entries without any Kanji text.
* Use kanji color for full-width ASCII text used in some dictionary entries.
* Fixed mysteriously disappearing * profile.
* Fixed JParser tooltip coloring of parens.
* Fixed code for displaying definitions on own line in JParser.
* Fixed bug that would remove leading/trailing spaces from the clipboard when co
pying text.
* Substitution dialog updated. Clear and delete buttons added, profile sort orde
r changed, initial selection choice changed. Number of lines for each profile al
so displayed, though currently only updated when entering the dialog.
* Fix for words with both common and uncommon spellings. May improve JParser res
* Proper names prefixed with "(proper name)" in JParser, and names appear at bot

tom of list.
* JParser dictionary format changed. Dictionaries should now be about 10-15% sma
* JParser no longer puts "Furigana" above Japanese centered dot separators.
* Japanese repeat marker now recognized as Kanji. Affects auto-clipboard detecti
on, but that's about it.
* Save to/from languages as strings, rather than integers. More robust against f
uture language additions, though will lose your setting when upgrading to 0.3.3.
* Cut/copy/paste/etc removed from furigana subwindows' right-click menu.
* Minor memory leak when adding substitution lines fixed.
* Added support for FreeTranslations English to Japanese and German to English (
?) options. Don't plan to add any more, those just happen to use the same server
as Japanese to English.
* Can select from/to languages (Probably buggy).
* Added convert to romaji to right click menu (Hiragana/Katakana only).
* Fixed adding duplicate strings to substitution list.
* Fixed font color not working.
* Fixed not populating strikout/underline settings of font selection dialog.
* Fixed minor bug with a couple very rare characters in hiragana/katakana conver
* Fixed crash on some systems when going to the subsitutions config page when no
substitutions have been created.
* Fixed reordering RGB color data in JParser/Mecab config screens.
* Fix for loading JParser words with furigana highlight color.
* No longer color delimiters around Hiragana characters in tooltip display.
* Changed default tooltip Kanji color slightly.
* Fixed tooltip parentheses coloring bug.
* Improved tooltip wordwrap algorithm (Now break after most punctuation).
* Added enamdict support. Any dictionary that starts with "enam" is now heavily
filtered. Only exact Katakana matches surrounded by non-katakana characters are
allowed from such dictionaries. enamdict worked before, but would give so many h
its to every imaginable character combination as to swamp out everything else.
* Fixed updating clipboard chain when quitting through menu or via keyboard shor
* Works with the bizarrely modified edict format.
* Configurable tooltip colors added for Jparser. Note that the idea and coloring
scheme come from Setsumi.
* Can set per-game pre-translation substitutions. Must set up a launch profile f
or a game first. Which substitutions are used is determined by what games are ru
nning. Will use all strings for all running games and the default one (*). Note
that it doesn't affect menu translations.
* Fixed clipboard bug on close. Line to restore clipboard chain was never reache
* Fixed a bug with escape sequences in substitutions.
* No longer have to have menu translation enabled for DCBS hack to work.
* Added handling of new format for long google results.
* Fixed a bug where code to remove "potential potential" conjugations could caus
e crashes.

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