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Cameron Marotto
Professor Nolan
Writing 105 Section 95
630 November 2014
Computer Addiction
Technology has become so crucial that it is almost impossible to not have
electronic devices at home. Technology as discussed for this paper is defined as
personal electronics. For example, desktop computer, laptop, tablets, cell-phones, video
game systems and portable game machines. Teenagers lives are so centered around
technology it is hard to imagine life without them. However, while having computers at
home and in their pockets is handy and convenient at times, it could also have a
negative effect on them. Computer addiction can cause teenagers to be physically ill,
antisocial, and lead to poor academics.substantial negative effects on teenagers and
the worst part is, they and parents are unaware of these problems.
Many teenagers who use their computer and smartphones religiously, dont
realize the potential harm they are causing to their bodiesy. Between a teenagers

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personal computer, iPhones, tablets, and handheld video games, the overuse of these
technologys becomes a problemcan lead to physical damage. When staring at digital
screens humans eyes blink less frequently causing dryness in the eye and dehydration,
which leads to headaches. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found ... children
and teenagers (ages 8-18) are spending more than 7.5 hours a day consuming
electronic media which can cause blurry vision, difficulty focusing, dry and irritated eyes,
headaches, neck pain and back pain(Headache and Migraine).
Computer aAddiction is not only a problem at home however, it is also affecting
education. Technology is causing students to procrastinate their studying and
homework. When students are at home they are more inclined to play video games and
browse the Iinternet than study. Not to mention, classrooms have computer and laptops
available to students, and students bring their own laptops and cell phones to class.
While this could be good for taking notes and performing computer-related exercises,
students are misusing them and it becomes a distraction to them and other classmates.
misusing them. Students should be taking notes on their laptops, but because of their
addiction they end up browsing the Iinternet or playing games. Also, because most

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children have a cell phone now, they spend more time looking at their lap chuckling,
then paying attention to the instructor. All these distractions eventually cause poor
performance in class and exams.
The most dramatic effect of computer addiction is the way teenagerswe
communicate. At first advancements in technology allowed uspeople to connect with
people who are notn't local and in theirour everyday lives, but now we are so absorbed
in technology that our social skills are suffering.(Ellison) Of course, this is not rule of
thumb for everyone, but the number of people with flourishing social skills is diminishing
(Ellison). More often than not teenagers are making friends online instead of in person.
Briana Ellison is a student at James Madison University who explains in an article on
technology dependence, Often we make friends over social media until it comes
time to actually interact with others in real life.(Ellison) Because some make friends
over the internet now, talking and finding common interest with another person in real
life becomes scary and a difficult task. EllisonBriana goes on to say, We may turn to
our phones as a lifeline, but this further diminishes any interpersonal contact. Even
when teenagers spend time with their friends, chances are they are communicating with

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another individual via their cell phone. BrianaEllison explains that even though
conversations may be held in person, ... it is doubtful that everyone is paying full
attention, or that it contains much depth. With teenagers lacking important social skills,
how will they survive in today's their future work environment?
Computer addiction leads to many physical, social, and psychological effects on
a person and it should be taken as seriously as any other addiction. Harmful or not,
computers are here to stay. With a generation that is so dependent on technology, there
is no stopping it. Parents of todays youth should be monitoring and limiting the use of
their children's technology usage. As Ellison says, Until we sever our dependence with
technology, we may be doomed to become a society that rejects the value of social

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Works Cited
Ellison, Briana. "Off Topic Technology Dependence Decreases Social Skills."
University WireApr 30 2014. ProQuest. Web. 30 Oct. 2014 .
Crompton, Simon. "Computers and Toxic Chemicals." The Times: 0. Oct 31 2000.
ProQuest. Web. 30 Oct. 2014 .
"Headache and Migraine; Children at Risk for Eye Strain due to Growing use of Digital

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Devices." Computers, Networks & Communications (2011)ProQuest. Web. 30

Oct. 2014.

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