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Name- k


Triumph of
It was a day of exultation for the gellukig tribe.
The lands of efforasia were submerged in the
ecstasy. Glee was evident in the eyes of every
efforasian. Joy was omnipresent on the lands of
efforasia and this part of the world seemed to be
the happiest on the entire planet.
But this feeling was limited only to the local folks.
The fortress of chieftain ritsara was in contrast to
the outside lands. A feeling of darkness
surrounded chieftain ritsara and his wife
starakha. There seemed no bounds for the
remorse of this couple But their grief was
justified, for the heinous crime which they had to
commit within hours- to pour all the blood from
their 2 day old daughter, Hestia into the poisoned
waters of Mavros River.

As evident, it was not their will but in accordance

to the laws of gods, who governed the lands on
efforasia and to a greater extent, pertaining to
the myths of the folks. Mythologically, ten
thousand years ago , displeased by the atrocities
of the then chief kufsiha, 40 gods had to come to
efforasia, where they fought a ferocious battle,
which ended with the beheading of kufsiha. The
folklore ran that as kufsihas blood flowed out of
his body, it poisoned everything in its way, thus
giving birth to the Mavros River. The Mavros River
poisoned every field on its way, mutilated every
lifeform which consumed it and brought the lands
of efforasia to the stake of an famine.
Apprehended by this, the people begged for a
solution, to which the gods answeredKufsihas blood was inhabited by the demon,
Pazuzu and was still alive in the form of mavros.
Efforasia is on its way to cataclysm, to a
complete ruin. The only thing which could end
this martyrdom is blood of the holy child, a girl,
who shall be born in kufsihas lineage, which had
the ability to quench the thirst of Pazuzu. Till
then, the mavros had to be restricted, had to be
engaged in a war and we are pledged to the holy
duty. Saying so, the 40 gods jumped into
mavros, and were never seen again.
From that time, every girl in kufsihas lineage
succumbed to this evil heirloom, to be sacrificed
for mavros. Meanwhile, the entire land of

efforasia was submerged into a famine ,The only

plant which grew were the toadstools and
harmal. The general folk skipped into a cycle of
indefinite addiction to these harmal plants.
Drugged by these, the people lost emotions, they
lost humanity, they resorted to cannibalism for
food, went on into a culture where might was

Centuries passed by and efforasia grew into a
barren land with moral less morons. Murders
prevailed, and ethics became scarce. Now, as per
the tradition, it was chieftain ritsaras turn to
perform the ugly ritual. This poor fathers mind
was filled with conflicting ideas, with one side

forcing him to be dedicated to the holy duty,

while the other urging him to be humane.
Knowing ritsaras bugaboo, and that his devoir
towards his duty will mould him to this heinous
crime, a different idea is being cooked up in the
queen consort, starakhas mind. She immediately
summons for besimta, a jester and a loyal to the
chief. As the oral literature goes, besimtas
ancestors were made out of the sweat of the
gods and from the mud of the battleground and
were left by the gods to guide them to the holy
child. Besimta was known to suggest solutions to
the chief by his acts. As starakha took besimta to
a secret chamber, she told-I always believed in
the folklore that your family was a descendent of
those gods, and now it is the time to prove its
rightful meaning. Take Hestia and run away to
the sulhahi kingdoms in the west and raise her
like your own child and never return back.
The wise Besimta didnt react for a moment, but
soon interpreted off as a sound decision.


18 years passed by, and by now Hestia grew up

to a gorgeous young girl with bewitching looks.
But everything wasnt composing. The curses of
efforasia still haunted her life. Now, Besimta
turned to be a fishmonger and Hestia helped him
in beheading the fishes and selling them.
Spending most of her life in aridity, Hestia was
kept unaware of past by Besimta.
One fine day as she was beheading the fishes,
she mistakenly cut he finger and to her
amazement, the blood which flowed from her
finger rejuvenated the dead fish. Witnessing all
this, even besimta was dumbstruck. Even though
he was successful in hiding the truth from Hestia,
a battle of ideas had begun in his mind if it was
the time to reveal the truth.
Meanwhile he received information from
voyagers that mavros had overflown for the first
time in a thousand and the black waters engulfed
everything in its way heading straight towards
the west. Which meant-the gods had lost the
war and Pazuzu had smelt Hestias blood and was
fast approaching to quench his thirst. Soon, the
entire nation of sulhahi quivered with fear.
Besimta appealed Hestia to run away. As she
smelt something fishy this time, she asked with a
firm determination about her past. This time,
Besimta couldnt contain it and had to reveal it.

Upon listening it, is to how mavros consumed her

entire tribe, she set on to fight a war with Pazuzu.
Besimta knew he couldnt stop her by acts.
Within no time, Hestia reached the banks of
Mavros. Smelling her, the waters swelled and
pounced upon her. Immediately she drew her
shield but it stood powerless before the waters of
mavros. As it approached Hestia, a pool of blood
splashed onto the river. Besimta beheaded
himself and his blood spurred out.
The skies lighted up, and the heavenly voice of
Zeus could be heard-As every man devotes his
life to the benefit of mankind and not to his
personal pleasure, the lands of efforasia shall be
freed from all curses.
Witnessing this, everybody sprung up with joy
proclaiming besimta as a form of Zeus as Hestia
as the queen of Sulhahi.

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