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Therese Anne B.


Does Social Anxiety, Social Fears or Phobia have a Significant Effect on Self Esteem among
Adolescents and Young Adults?
This study will aim to provide the following:

Identify the effect of social anxiety, social fears or phobia

Describe self esteem among adolescents and young adults
Describe the relationship between social anxiety and self esteem
Determine the coping mechanisms of adolescents and young adults about having social anxiety

Definition of Terms:
1. Social Anxiety, Social Fears or Phobias the independent variable that will be asked to the
participants. It is the condition or behavior that will support the scores or results from the participants.
2. Self Esteem the dependent variable that will be used for the study.
3. Adolescents and Young Adults participants that will be taking / answering given questionnaires,
guide questions.

Social anxiety, social fears or phobia among adolescents and young adults does not have a
significant effect among adolescents and young adults.

Theoretical Framework:
Self-verification theory suggests that individuals seek out, elicit, and prefer information
congruent with their self-images, and dislike, dismiss, and disbelieve incongruent information. The selfverification view of social anxiety suggests that some problematic interpersonal behaviors that contribute
to social anxiety are performed with the goal of maintaining a negative self-image. To fully understand
these problematic behaviors, one must have a firm grasp of the nature of the negative self- image that is

possessed by those who are socially anxious. Social anxiety is believed to be characterized by a negative
self-concept in terms of social 46 behavior. Moscovitch (2009) proposes that social anxiety involves a
view of the self as defi- 47 cient in social skill, social anxiety, social value, and character (Moscovitch,
2009). Similarly, 48 Turner, Johnson, Beidel, Heiser and Lydiard (2005) propose that social anxiety
involves 49 images of the self as socially awkward, unskilled, and incompetent. Hook and Valentiner 50
(2002) offer a characterization, proposing that social anxiety involves a view of the self as not 51 worthy
and not deserving of, nor likely to receive, warmth, affection, friendship, and love.

Method of Research:
This study will utilize the correlational research method. Correlational research method is widely
accepted method, for as this study will provide information and results according to what the respondents
will accomplish. This study needs to identify the relationship between two variables self-esteem as the
dependent variable and social anxiety as the independent variable.

A survey and/or a questionnaire containing the subject will be distributed to a group of
adolescents and young adults. The participants will answer the questionnaires the researcher/s will give
them which supplies the information needed by the researcher/s.

Respondents of the Study:

The respondents of this study are the ones who would be assumed to have generalized social
anxiety, fears or phobia will be adolescents and young adults, male and female, ages 17-20.
Statistical Treatment:
This study will be using Pearson R to measures the strength between variables and relationships.

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