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If firms perceive the usefulness of communicating to the outside, the internal communication
can be seen as a gimmick. Yet, everyone passes 65 000 hours of his life in the office or
factory and asked to be informed. A "good atmosphere" in the company does not improvise.
Internal communication correlates among men in order to facilitate their collective action. It
enables a better implementation of decisions. It relies on technology and methods that this
book describes and explains, and seeks to business success.

The internal communication is one of declensions of the corporate communication. It
is the constituent of a global system of organization of the flows of information and
the exchanges.

His peculiarity lives less in the used techniques of communication than in the aimed
target, that is all the employees of a company, and in the particular objectives which
are pursued.

In company more than somewhere else, the information, which is the raw material of
the decision, is not given but it is built.

The corporate communication can be defined as the production of information about

the internal and external environment and as the creation of interface.

3The internal communication channels

The development (clarification) of a permanent, opened and fast system of circulation of
information in the company, became an important stake of efficiency.

• The hierarchical circuit: the hierarchical line conveys naturally and inevitably information.
His existence is an organizational necessity which commands(orders) the smooth running
and the efficiency of the company.

• The circuit of the representative authorities: the representative authorities have an

existence governed by the law. Their mission of representation counts a shutter(sector)
mattering in communication: straight ahead to receive information on behalf of the
direction(management) and the right(law) to pass on information to the staff. There is thus a
legal device of information, introduced by the legislator, whom it is advisable to respect.

• The circuit of the internal communication. This third circuit is organized by the direction of
the company and intended to get wide internal public. Beyond the hierarchical, functional or
geographical distances, it is a question of irrigating the society of the company by a set of
information. His characteristics are strictly connected to the size and the complexity of the

La communication interne dans les organisations

Chaque organisation possède des structures pour communiquer. La communication
interne et le management y sont étroitement lies dans les organisations. Pour que la
communication interne soit efficace, elle doit être accompagnée par une politique de
relations humaines concordante et par un appui du management de l’entreprise. Or
dans plusieurs entreprises, les communications sont sous la responsabilité du
département des ressources humaines, faute de moyens financiers et techniques. La
communication dans les organisations est un outil important, à la fois pour le
management et pour la gestion des ressources humaines.
L’importance accordée à la communication à entrainer le développement des canaux
(Courriel, Intranet, ordinateurs sur les chaines de montage, vidéoconférence) utilises
au sein de l’organisation, et de plus en plus de gestionnaires incluent la
communication dans leur plan de gestion.
En effet, seules les très grandes entreprises, les multinationales et les organisations
gouvernementales possèdent un département de communication. Autrement, la
communication est rattachée, la plupart du temps, au département des ressources

4Internal communication in organizations

Each organization has structures to communicate. Communication
internal and management are closely linked in organizations. For internal communication is
effective, it must be accompanied by a concordant human relations policy and support of
company management. But in many companies, communication is the responsibility of the
department of human resources, lack of financial and technical resources. Communication in
organizations is an important tool for both management and the management of human
The emphasis on communication lead to channel development
(Email, intranet, computers on the assembly line, video conferencing) used within the
organization, and more and more managers include communication in their management
Indeed, only very large companies, multinationals and government organizations have a
communications department. Otherwise, communication is attached, most of the time, the
Department of Human Resources.

Les procédés de communication en entreprise

Parallèlement à l’engouement pour le management participatif, la communication

interne,un support au management, s’est également développée. Dorénavant, la
communication interne est à la fois descendante (messages envoyés par la direction
aux employés), ascendante (messages envoyés par les employés vers la direction)
et horizontale ou latérale (messages échangés entre collègues d’un même
département ou pas). Malgré le virage « humain » entrepris par les organisations,
certaines entreprises sont demeurées très hiérarchisées. Or une structure
organisationnelle plus lourde affecte la communication interne. En effet, les
hiérarchies plus plates et la répartition des pouvoirs de décision permettent de
diffuser les renseignements rapidement au sein des entreprises et améliorent les
capacités innovatrices et créatrices des employés, ainsi que la capacité de répondre
aux besoins de ses clients. À l'inverse, une hiérarchie de type vertical diminue la
vitesse de transmission de l'information. La hiérarchie verticale est souvent
accompagnée d’une communication unidirectionnelle qui se distingue par son
fonctionnement de haut en bas, de la direction vers les employés. Ce type de
communication n’a pas de système de retour de l’information, pas de processus de
feedback efficace. En général la façon de représenter le phénomène de la
communication a été dominée par le schéma classique suivant :

5The processes of communication in company

At the same time as the craze for the participative management, the internal
communication, a support in the management, also developed. From now on, the
internal communication is downward at once (messages sent by the direction to the
employees), ascending (messages sent by the employees towards the direction) and
horizontal or side (messages exchanged between colleagues of the same
department or not). In spite of the "human" bend begun by organizations, certain
companies remained very treated on a hierarchical basis. Now a heavier
organizational structure affects the internal communication. Indeed, the more flat
hierarchies and the distribution of decision-making powers allow to spread the
information quickly within companies and improve the innovative and creative
capacities of the employees, as well as the capacity to meet the needs of his
customers. On the contrary, a hierarchy of vertical type decreases the speed of
transmission of the information. The vertical hierarchy is often accompanied with an
unidirectionnelle communication which distinguishes itself by its functioning from top
to bottom, of the direction towards the employees. This type of communication has
no system of return of the information, no process of effective feedback. Generally
the way of representing the phenomenon of the communication was dominated by
the following classic plan:

4/ Les objectifs de la communication interne

L’objectif global de la communication interne consiste à gérer de manière
optimale le couple demande/offre d’informations dans l’organisation.
�Au service du projet d’entreprise : la communication interne
accompagne le projet socio-économique de l’entreprise dont elle présente
les objectifs et les modalités. La communication dans l’entreprise repose
sur les projets concrets découlant d’objectifs réels. Ceux-ci sont tirés des
orientations stratégiques et des engagements budgétaires. La démarche
de projet est acte de communication, il devient insensiblement principe
� Accompagner le management : L’imbrication de la communication et du
management résulte de la pratique quotidienne des relations organisées
aux différents niveaux hiérarchiques entre les différentes équipes de
travail. Les organisations modernes dites cellulaires ou en réseau reposent
sur la réduction de la ligne hiérarchique et sur le travail de projets
transversaux. Elles sont irriguées par la communication : multiplication
des échanges, réunions de travail collectif et communication inter métiers.
Information et communication sont aujourd’hui des compétences exigées
de tout cadre quelque soit son métier ou son secteur d’activité. Pour
mener à bien sa mission, l’encadrement doit être bien informé par la
direction et aidé dans son rôle communicant.
� Relier et informer : le troisième grand objectif de la communication
interne est de mettre en commun un langage, une culture, un ensemble
de valeurs afin de développer une appartenance à l’entreprise. Elle créé
un langage commun qui permet à chacun d’orienter et adapter son
comportement professionnel.

6/ The objectives of the internal communication

The global objective of the internal communication consists in managing in a optimal
way the couple demand / offer of information in the organization.
- In the service of the project of company: the internal communication accompanies
the socioeconomic project of the company the objectives and the modalities of which
it presents. The communication in the company rests on the concrete projects
ensuing from real objectives. These are pulled by the strategic orientations and the
budgetary commitments. The approach of project is act of communication, it
becomes imperceptibly principle of organization.
- Accompany the management: the interweaving of the communication and the
management results from the daily practice of the relations organized at the various
hierarchical levels between the various working teams. The cellular said modern
organizations or in network rest on the reduction of the hierarchical line and on the
work of transverse projects. They are irrigated by the communication: reproduction of
the exchanges, the meetings of teamwork and communication inter jobs. Information
and communication are skills required from any frame today about is its job or its
business sector. To bring to a successful conclusion its mission, the frame must be
informed well by the direction and helped in its communicating role.
?? Connect and inform: the third big objective of the internal communication is to
share a language, a culture, a set of values to develop a membership in the
company. She created a common language which allows each to direct and to adapt
the professional behavior.
La communication en entreprise : information ou relation? Nous répondons que la
communication en entreprise est à la fois information et relation. Si on la qualifie de
difficile, mauvaise ou problématique, la communication est malgré tout essentielle et
joue un rôle fondamental chez les individus, dans les organisations et la société.

The communication in company: information or relation? We answer that
Communication in company at the same time information and relation. If we qualify it
of difficult, bad or problematic, the communication is nevertheless essential and it
play a fundamental role at the individuals, in organizations and company.

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