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CASE # 1

A NEW TEACHER, Miss Angela Ruiz, fresh out of College and with substantial student
journalism experience, is appointed moderator of the school paper. Several members of the staff
seem to resent the new teacher and her way of doing things. They always refer to the way the
previous moderator used to do things. Miss Ruiz realizes her way of doing things is different
from that of the previous moderator. She believes the previous moderator was too unstructured
and gave too much freedom to the staff, but she tries to overlook critical comments from the
students. One day however she reached the breaking point when she sees the editor getting
advice from the previous moderator rather than checking with her first.

CASE # 2
JIM is a large and somewhat rowdy and aggressive Third year boy from a broken home. He
plays the roe of tough guy in front of his friends, but his English teacher, Mr Robert Generoso,
has observed that he drops the tough guy act when he is away from them. Mr Generoso has tried
to befriend and encourage Jim and has had moderate success. He misbehaves less in English and
has shown academic improvement in this subject. On the last day of school however, while Mr
Generoso was at the faculty room, he saw Jim set fire to the trash can.

CASE # 3
Susan and Eva are “popular” girls. They are from relatively better off families. They are known
to frequent the more expensive malls and coffee shops. Their mothers are OFWs who send home
gadgets, clothes, and cash. Scholastically they are average but their behavior can sometimes pose
challenges to teachers. One such teacher was Mr Jesse Jimeno, their Math teacher. They
occasionally talk to each other, ignoring what is going on in class. Mr Jimeno tells them to stop.
They do, but instead they start passing notes to teach other and giggling. That was the last straw
for Mr Jimeno, who loses his patience and angrily tells them to pay attention. Susan makes an
ugly face and slams her book shut. Eva sits quietly but casts dagger looks at the teacher.

CASE # 4
Wilson is 15 year old from a rather low socio-economic background. His clothes are rather faded
from wear, and were not good quality to begin with. His parents work in the city while he lives
with a grandmother. He works to have enough for the day’s expenses – he sells pan de sal early
morning and banana-que in the afternoon. Wilson’s body gives off a strong disagreeable odor
which disturbs the class. Several teachers have noticed and several classmates have complained.
Some classmates tease him about his odor. He seems to withdraw more and more as the year

CASE # 5
Two students asked to be excused to go to the rest room. The teacher readily gave permission but
became suspicious and worried when they did not return at once. She immediately suspected
they might be smoking in the rest room, which of course is against the rules. She entered the rest
room and found the two girls. She did not actually see them smoking but the rest room had
smoke and the strong odor of tobacco. They were the only ones in the rest room.

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