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Air quotes
Ass crack: the split between someone's ass cheeks.
Ass man: a man obsessed with the female (or male if one is gay) buttocks. ant:
breast man
Ass play
Attagirl: an expression of congratulations or praise directed at a female.

Back of: to tell someone to get out of your face.
Be running on fumes: an euphemism for very tired.
Blab: when someone gives away a secret they weren't supposed to tell.
Blackmail: situation arisen when a person threatens another person with some
form of punishment unless they offer some form of concessions.
Blow up: to become famous, successful, and respected usually within a small
amount of time.
Boastful: arrogant.
Boo: boyfriend or girlfriend
Broad: word for a woman. Less respectable than lady but much more
respectable than bitch.
Bump: To sniff any kind of drug.
Bunkie: a man who shares living space with another man in a 2-man cell in
Burlap: a sexual act consisting of the insertion of one person's scrotum into
another person's anus.
Butt: to press up against or to jostle.

Champ: champion.
Chicken shit: coward.
Cig: cigarette.
Clatter: to hit someone.
Connect: a drug supplier, usually dealing in large quantities.

Cooze: a superficial, shallow, provincial, and generally ignorant girl, who is so

intellectually and socially repulsive, that their only redeeming qualities come in
from of sex appeal.
Corny: trying to be cool, but ultimately very uncool indeed, and often even
extremely embarrassing.
Cunt: derogatory term for a woman.
Cut me some lack: relax and get off my back, stop giving me such a hard time
or back off and take it easy.

Dawg: close friend.
Dyke: lesbian.

Ex-con: ex-convict.

Faggot: in these times not really used if somebody is really a homosexual
mostly used instead of calling somebody stupid or a loser.
Felt up: When two people feel eachother's private parts i.e. bum, boobs, vag
and dick. This can be wanted or unwanted but when people say this, they usually
mean it was unwanted.
For Gods sake: shit.
Fuck around: the centre of a womans breast
Fuck down: to quit doing something, or to tone down an activity. Typically used
towards drunken idiots who are being obnoxious or just generally any friend who
is taking a joke too far.
Fuck of: used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.
Fuckload: many.
Furlough: in the United States, a furlough is a temporary leave of some
employees due to special needs of a company.

Gday: good day / good morning.
Gasp: a word uttered when in shock.
Get the fuck outta here

Goddamn: damn.
Goof of: to pass the time through the most unproductive means possible.
Gotcha: I understand what you've communicated.
Grunt work: shit work.

Harbor: to have. Usually refers to a male's genitalia.
Heist: steal.
Ho ho: a black person that speaks, acts, and lives like a white person.
Hoo-ha: female genitalia.
Horse shit: being worse than bullshit.
Horses ass: a stupid or obnoxious person.
Howd: slang terminology for "how did" or "how would".
Hubris: advanced arrogance.

Jacky: adj. inferior quality.
Jostle: to move through a crowd fondling the breasts, vagina and/or butt of any
girl who is in the way.
Juvie: juvenile hall; children's prison.

Kite: correspondence received while incarcerated.

Lame: adjective describing someone who is not funny. Pity.
Lay down: to murder a human being
Lay of: leave me alone.

Mattress: a sexually available girl who has many partners.
Moolah: An event in which multiple people engage in the exchange of openhanded strikes followed by the word "Moolah!".

Mourn: to run around naked.

Nipple: the centre of a womans breast.
Nut: crazy.

Outta: out of.

Pal: a good friend or mate.
Pen: jail.
Pig-fucker: an annoying person.
Pigsty: totally unnecessary.
Pimp: a man who beats up women and owns over a thousand sex slaves.
Piss of: freak out, get lost, go away, fuck off.

Rack: set of breasts.
Rep: reputation.
Revoke: withdraw.

Scof: to mock someone or otherwise treat them in an offensive manner.
Screw up: make a mistake.
Shitbird: a completely useless individual who is unaware of his/her own
complete uselessness.
Shitpot: used as a term of friendly derision.
SHU: Security Housing Unit.
Sicko: a person that has mental problems.
Simmer down: calm down, chill out.
Slack of: to goof off.

Smack: heroin.
Sneakers: tennis shoes.
Stash: drugs.
Stubborn: someone who doesn't listen to other people's opinions.
Stud: really cool person everyone looks up to and wants to get with.
Swirl: black people and white people having sex.

Tighten up: prison slang for "pay attention". Can also be used to tell another
inmate to stop goofing off.
Tongue fuck
Tune out: to ignore someone by playing music really loudly, while they are
talking, to cover up the sound of their voice.
Turd: a log-shaped piece of shit.
Turdbag: a bag of turd that can be found in the toilet.

Who da thunk it: "Who would have thought it" or "I cant believe it".

Yo: you.

Zilcho: when youve totally nothing done.

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