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Once upon a time in a village of the Doro Ntika in the Eastern part of

Sumbawa, Indonesia there lived a group of Dou Donggo, a native group of people
consisting about 20, 000. Dou Donggo are known peace loving people, therefore they
value law and order in their village. They have their elders as peace-keepers by
solving disputes. If dispute arises, they will the involved individuals to their
community court of justice to investigate and to inflict punishment to the guilty
based on their traditions and customs.
One night, Peter Just, an anthropologist and researcher is sitting inside a
friend’s house in Doro Ntika when a male relative of the house owner came into the
house bursting and shouting. The man informed them that Ina Mone, his sister-in-law
has been assaulted by La Ninde, a young man in the community. They rushed into
the house of Ina Mone and they saw her on the floor of the room with a medicinal
paste on her face and her clothes were torn as result of the assault.
Upon seeing the condition of Ina Mone, the raged relatives prepare their
armors, spears and even sharpened their bush knives planning a revenge to La Ninde.
The event spread like wildfire thus, the head of the elders, Ama Tife came together
with his fellow elders to prevent the plan of revenge and suggested them to bring in
the court the case and not by means of taking one’s life.
The next day, Ina Mone and La Ninde face each other before the court. Ina
Mone showed her face and even bring her torn clothes as evidence. La Ninde on the
other side, admitted that he shouted Ina Mone but he denied physically hurting the
woman. Ama Panci, the head of the court assessed both sides then he pronounced his
final verdict. La Ninde was found guilty and given a minor fine. To end the dispute,
La Ninde Knelt before Ina Mone and the woman gave a symbolic slap on the young
man’s face.
Peter Just with question in mind being an outsider in the village asked a friend
why the verdict is like that. “Wasn’t that terrible, what La Ninde did to Ina Mone?”
The man replied, “Yes it was but he never hit the woman.” The man explained to
Peter Just that the story of Ina Monde was not true and she just make an evidence to
punish La Ninde violating the engagement culture of the Dou Donggo. Ina Mone
who is conservative of their practice of engagement has seen La Ninde hanging with
La Fia, a young woman betrothed to someone away from the village. Being
conservative woman, Ina Mone reported La Ninde to his mother and he got
admonished. As usual reaction of enraged man, La Ninde went to Ina Mone’s house
and threatened her. Having known what really happened, Peter Just concluded that
culture of marriage is highly respected in the village that no one must violate it or
else they will face the wrath of their laws.
The dispute between Ina Mone and La Ninde became a warning to the village
not to violate the traditions and therefore the peace and order of the Doro Ntika
village came back and everyone lives a peaceful life in the village.

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