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Actu Mdias

A Palestinian Salafist shouts in the course of

a protest against satirical French weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of the Prophet
Mohammad, outdoors the French Cultural Centre in Gaza city January 19, 2015. French
columnist for Charlie Hebdo Patrick Pelloux (4thL) and cartoonist Luz (2ndL) take element
with household members and relatives of the seventeen victims in a solidarity march (Marche
Republicaine) in the streets of Paris January 11, 2015. French Justice Minister Christiane
Taubira reacts outdoors of the headquarters of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo
in Paris on January 7, 2015.
A Gendarmerie cordon is noticed at a gas station in Villers-Cotterets, north-east of Paris,
exactly where armed suspects from the attack on French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie
Hebdo had been spotted in a car, January 8, 2015. The extremist Islamic State group has
threatened to attack France, and minutes prior to the attack Charlie Hebdo had tweeted a
satirical cartoon of that extremist group's leader providing New Year's wishes. He also
featured in children Television show like Rcr A2 that virtually my whole generation watched
(there were three Tv channels nation wide at the time) when coming back from college.
Dans un dcor ultra moderne, Arthur et ses talents recevront chaque semaine two invits,
qui, entre jeux, quiz, micros-trottoirs ou parodies, ne verront plus l'actu de la mme faon !
L'Hebdo Show, propose tous les vendredis en deuxime partie de soire partir du 29
avril, proposera un tour d'horizon de l'actualit de la semaine passe : politique, men and
women, sport, mdias... Tous les sujets seront dbriefs par Arthur et ses chroniqueurs,
journalistes et artistes recruts pour leur ton et leur humour. Their images show a shocked
and saddened Paris, reeling from the worst mass killing it has seen in decades.
Whilst L'Osservatore Romano said the Texas exhibition could be compared to Charlie Hebdo
for its provocative intention, almost a need to throw gasoline on the fire, the Vatican
newspaper reserved a stronger condemnation for those behind the attacks. France's
National Gendarmerie released footage of its unique forces raiding the printing residence in
Dammartin-en-Goele where the two Charlie Hebdo attack suspects were holding a person
A lady holds a sign reading 'I am Charlie' in the course of a tribute for the victims of the

shootings at the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish deli in Paris, in
Ottawa January 11, 2015. A partir de 22h59, Arthur et ses chroniqueurs Charlotte Namura,
Manu Levy, Christine Bravo, Christophe Beaugrand, Jarry, Titoff et Kevin Razy accueillaient
les invits du jour, l'animatrice Marianne James et le chanteur Amir, class la 6me place
du dernier Eurovision.
Cette figure de Tlfoot arrive pour revisiter le sport faon L'Hebdo Show et il va falloir faire
gaffe ses tacles ! Following globe leaders left the march, Hollande stayed to greet survivors
of the Charlie Hebdo attack and their families. Three masked gunmen stormed the office of
the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo at noon-time on Wednesday and then escaped
in a vehicle. An audio recording posted on YouTube attributed to a leader of the Yemeni
branch of al Qaeda (AQAP) stated the attack was prompted by insults to prophets but
stopped short of claiming duty for the assault on the offices of Charlie Hebdo. Un peu plus tt
dans l'aprs-midi, Arthur a pris possession de son nouveau plateau.
Hacktivist group Anonymous released a video in which it states that it will shut down jihadist
internet sites to avenge the Charlie Hebdo attack. The brothers behind the Charlie Hebdo
attacks were already well recognized to French authorities, and have been on the American
no-fly list, just as a lot of of the 9/11 hijackers have been also identified quantities. Ce sera un
grand test pour Arthur ce soir 22h45 puisqu'il lance sa nouvelle mission l'Hebdo Show
entour de ses chroniqueurs.
A child holds up a sign during a tribute to the victims of the shootings by gunmen at the
offices of the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, in Medellin January 11,
2015. Packed copies of the most recent edition of French weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo
with the title 'One year on, The assassin nevertheless on the run' are observed at a printing
house close to Paris, France, January 4, 2016.
Security forces remained on higher alert ahead of a march on Sunday which will bring
collectively European leaders in a show of solidarity for the 17 victims killed in three days of
violence that began with an attack on the Charlie Hebdo weekly on Wednesday and ended
with Friday's dual sieges at a print works outside Paris and a kosher supermarket in the city.
Peinture & Art Graphique
Le programme a t regard par 1.72 million de personnes en moyenne, soit une component
d'audience de 17.three%. C'est moins bien que le prcdent numro qui avait intress 1.91
million d'amateur vendredi dernier, signant une portion de march de 18.six%. Propose
dans la foule, la rediffusion de L'hebdo show a t suivie par 408 000 personnes, soit
14.2% du public prsent devant son poste.
Journalists of international press agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) hold signs reading 'Je
suis Charlie' (I am Charlie) at their headquarters in Paris as they observe a minute of silence
on January eight, 2015 for the victims of an attack by armed gunmen on the offices of French
satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7 which left at least 12 dead and
many other individuals injured.
Entour d'une grosse quipe de journalistes mais aussi de talents de la scne et de la
chanson, de la radio et de la tlvision, Arthur prsentera tout ce qu'il ne faut pas rater de
l'actu travers des jeux, quiz, micros-trottoirs et parodies. Enfin l, il tait surtout query de
dzinguer Arthur et sa nouvelle mission, L'Hebdo Show, dont le premier numro sera
diffus ce vendredi.

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