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The regular meeting of the Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners was held on Wednesday,

December 16, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. in their office located at 13300 Fifteen Mile Road, Marshall, Michigan.

PRESENT: Commissioner Scott Brown, Chairman

Commissioner Hugh Coward, Vice Chairman
Commissioner Charles Monaweck, Member
Commissioner Christopher Vreeland, Member

ABSENT: Commissioner Eric Tobin, Member - Excused

ALSO PRESENT: Kevin Henning, Managing Director

Pixie Coats, Board Clerk
Mary Jo Crumpton, Deputy Board Clerk
General Public

Chairman Scott Brown called the regular meeting of the Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners to
order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion made by Commissioner Coward and supported by Commissioner

Vreeland to approve the Claims Payable Listing ending December 10, 2009 for
$347,719.14. Roll call vote: Vreeland-Yes; Coward-Yes; Brown-Yes;
Monaweck-Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Coward and supported by Commissioner

Vreeland to approve the December 2, 2009 regular meeting minutes. Voice
vote: Motion carried.


Mrs. Coats read the communications as follows:

a. Received the 2010 Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners Meeting Schedule

b. Received a memo from Angela Kline, Assistant County Highway Engineer, requesting the
certification of Oak Ridge Hills and a portion of Hickory Hills as County Local Roads

c. Received a memo from Angela Kline, Assistant County Highway Engineer, requesting the
certification of Burlingame Drive as a County Local Road

d. Received a memo from Angela Kline, Assistant County Highway Engineer, requesting the
certification of Oakvale Court as a County Local Road

e. Received the 2010 Fee Schedule


2010 Meeting Schedule: Mr. Henning noted a change to the meeting schedule under
December 1, 2010 that should read Public Hearing for the 2011 Budget, rather than 2010
Budget and requested Board approval of the amended 2010 Board of Calhoun County Road
Commissioners Meeting Schedule.
Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners
Minutes of December 16, 2009

Motion made by Commissioner Vreeland and supported by

Commissioner Coward to approve the 2010 Board of Calhoun County
Road Commissioners Meeting Schedule. Voice vote: Motion carried.

Resolution 2009-16, 2009-17, and 2009-18: All certifications, testing materials and reports
have been reviewed by our Assistant Engineer for the certification of the three local roads on the
agenda and Mr. Henning requested approval of all three resolutions separately.

Motion made by Commissioner Monaweck and supported by

Commissioner Vreeland to approve Resolution 2009-16, certifying Oak
Ridge Hills and a portion of Hickory Hills in Marshall Township as
County Local Roads. Voice vote: Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Monaweck and supported by

Commissioner Vreeland to approve Resolution 2009-17, certifying
Burlingame Drive in Marshall Township as a County Local Road. Voice
vote: Motion carried.

Motion made by Commissioner Vreeland and supported by

Commissioner Coward to approve Resolution 2009-18, certifying
Oakvale Court in Emmett Township as a County Local Road. Voice
vote: Motion carried.

2010 Fee Schedule: Mr. Henning noted that there are no changes to the Fee Schedule
from 2009. We have assessed the fees of our neighboring counties and determined our
fees to be in line with other counties and we do not anticipate an increase in costs to
provide these services.

Motion made by Commissioner Monaweck and supported by

Commissioner Coward to approve the 2010 Fee Schedule. Roll call
vote: Vreeland-Yes; Brown-Yes; Coward-Yes; Monaweck-Yes. Motion

Five Year Plan: Mr. Henning gave an update on the status of the 5-year plan and
provided the following materials and PowerPoint presentation that was given at the
Township Supervisors’ meeting earlier today:

a. Updated Patching Report - Includes cost information on total patching by township and
is broken down between primary and local roads, as well as hand patching and spray
patching. Mr. Henning noted that over $2.5 million has been spent on patching from 1-1-09
through 12-15-09 on our 1,300 miles of road. Data was provided noting the percentage
of the total as it relates to each township, and Mr. Henning pointed out that it is important to
review the two road systems independently.

b. Patching 2009: % of Variance - This graph compares the percentage of miles to the
percentage of patching by township. Mr. Henning explained that 0% would be perfect
distribution throughout the county and noted that 10 townships were under and nine were
over 0%.

c. PASER Ratings - A cost analysis on preventative maintenance/rehabilitation was included in

the presentation and breaks information down by primary and local road and current PASER

Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners
Minutes of December 16, 2009

rating. A definition of PASER ratings was also provided and Mr. Henning reviewed the
measures needed for each rating. He emphasized that a plan is needed, either
deconstruction or reconstruction, for our roads that are currently rated one and two.

d. Five Year Plan - The Construction Estimate Worksheet for 2009-2013 outlines the
estimated costs for various operations. Mr. Henning noted that every road needs a plan and
we cannot continue to spend all MTF funding on patching our roads. Patching has no
positive impact on PASER ratings and does not improve the quality of our roads. We cannot
continue to pave our roads one shovel at a time or all of our roads will decline.

As a road commission, our primary responsibility is to ensure that our roads are safe for
travel. While we believe that capital preventative maintenance is the key to saving our
roads, roads require this every five to seven years and we are faced with the challenge of
how far we can stretch the funding. In 2010, we are expecting a 6% decrease in the MTF

Mr. Henning stated that we need to focus on “return on investment”. While patching
potholes maintains a safer road surface, it does nothing to increase the structural integrity of
the roadway or substantially increase the life expectancy of the road. We need to
significantly decrease the miles of road which require such significant patching so that what
limited amount of funding we do get can be spent on capital preventative maintenance such
as sealcoating and paving.

e. 2010 Federal Aid Projects - We continue our efforts to increase funding from non MTF
sources. Federal Aid projects planned for 2010 are Verona Road from 12 to 15 Mile Road; 6
½ Mile Road from B Drive North to Christian; N Drive North from 15 to 16 Mile Road; 11 Mile
Road from Wheatfield Parkway to Verona Road; and the 22 Mile Road Bridge over the St.
Joseph River.

f. Blizzard of 2009 – Mr. Henning provided cost information on the recent five-day snow
event with a total cost of over $189,000.

Mr. Henning noted that much of the discussion at today’s Township Supervisor meeting focused on
funding options and the need to look at locally generated revenue.

Commissioner Vreeland asked how many Township Supervisors attended the meeting. Mr. Henning
replied that seven townships were represented.

Commissioner Brown asked how many of the one and two rated roads are at risk of being returned
to gravel. Mr. Henning replied that all would be at risk, since there is no plan or funding to
reconstruct them at a cost of $46 million. If nothing is done, our roads rated above three will begin
to deteriorate over time and become ones and twos. Commissioner Coward noted that this needs to
be part of our five year plan and applauded Mr. Henning for his data collection efforts and
PowerPoint presentation.

Commissioner Vreeland asked the cost of deconstruction. Mr. Henning replied that the cost is
dependent upon the road and condition of the road, but estimated $4,000-$7,500 per mile to
pulverize. He noted that core samples should be taken prior to deconstruction to determine how
much of the road should be claimed when pulverizing.

Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners
Minutes of December 16, 2009

Commissioner Coward asked if township match would be used for deconstruction. Mr. Henning
replied no, this would be at the Road Commission’s cost as it would be considered maintenance. Act
51 does not speak to deconstruction.

Commissioner Coward asked about the discussion at the meeting regarding locally generated
revenue. Mr. Henning responded that several options were discussed including a countywide millage,
township millage, flat fee per parcel, etc.

Commissioner Brown commented that a lot of creative brainstorming will be necessary to address
these issues and thanked Mr. Henning for a good report.

Commissioner Monaweck commented that Albion Township has been successful with their township
millage for roads.


County Commissioner Julie Camp thanked the Road Commission staff for their prompt response
to constituent inquiries. She also thanked the Road Commission for doing what they do with
limited resources. County Commissioner Camp asked if CCRC employees ever came across
portable meth labs.

Commissioner Monaweck commented on the following:

Complimented the Road Commission on the snowplowing during this past snow event and
commented that it was a big improvement over past years.

Reported that more tires have been dumped on the roadside further north on 10 Mile Road in
Newton Township.

Commissioner Coward reported on the recent BCATS meeting and noted that projects are being cut back,
as the State is not providing matching funds.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Calhoun County Road Commissioners will be held on
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 5:30 p.m.

There being no additional business before the Board, Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at
6:25 p.m.

Submitted by:

_________________________________ ___________________________________
Mary Jo Crumpton, Deputy Board Clerk Scott A. Brown, Chairman

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