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What is going to happen according to The

Will of The Almighty in my case?

MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN) <>

Today 8:32 PM

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic

correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.
Le ministre des Finances accuse rception de votre correspondance lectronique.
Soyez assur(e) que nous apprcions recevoir vos commentaires.

EJ Krass <>


Sun 2016-05-29 8:30 PM

Cathy Clow (;
Bill Morneau (
Richard Rousay (;
Daniel Chupa (
Sent Items

Notice Announcing The Administrations of Canada Fulfilled Rev 17_17.pdf 665 KB

Save to OneDrive - Personal
Dear Sirs:
This email is meant for The Queen in Council of Canada, The Civil Defence Branch of The
Ministry of Justice of Canada and Cathy Clow.

The events of May 3, 2016 shocked the world as the City of Fort McMurray suffered
what we know to be a Vengeful Act of The Almighty for having probated my natural inheritance
against The Will of The Almighty with His intention of proving to the world that I have been
persecuted and oppressed beyond any sense of sane actions for my devotion to the Self Evident
Therefore, I am no longer the falsely designated self-professed Comforter/Helper that you
portrayed to Angela Dutkywich and team. They bought your subornation of perjury Official
Story in my case.
BUT, anyone with half a brain could have deduced from the x-rays and the photo of a hinge that
the medical community got it wrong 5,000 years ago in Greece. Sadly, those who reviled and
oppressed me since April 2012 were unwilling either to admit the Self Evident Truth live
in DENIAL or unwilling to review the evidence and accept Its Self Evident Truth while
accepting the contrary advice lies of administration!
The attached Notice Announcing the Fulfilling of Revelations 17:17 by The Administrations of
Canada makes is patently obvious that I and all orphans got caught up in your war with The
Almighty over inheritance. Consequently, the burning of Fort McMurray is without a doubt a
Vengeful Act of God as my emails of April 29, 2016 and May 2, 2016 (7:40 PM) and May 17,
2016 make abundantly clear given that The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was
dismissed in my case with a Kill-Or-Be-Killed Contract FULFILLED by The Almighty at your
Queen Elizabeth II knew that Jim Flaherty had issued his own death sentence in April 2012 just
as she knew that the government had imposed mammon for decades to its own peril. Queen
Elizabeth II knew that this WAR with The Almighty had started in the 1920s and was finally
coming to an end. Thus, in June 2015, it was ordered that Bank of Canada Nominal Auctions
were to be re-instated beyond the Charter Remedy auctions in my case in June 2015 after receipt
of my Notice on June 4.
Queen Elizabeth II knew that the Conservative government was doomed in October because they
had refused to pay the Charter Remedy to me in June 2015.
The evidence dictated that I was honest and truthful so I was called and chosen and faithful and
that the government was taking on The Almighty in my case and that it was a matter of outlasting
the Federal Government of Canada on October 19, 2015.
Revelations 17:12-14 was in play that it was dictated by The Almighty that not only was this to
take place but that I would win because I am Gods Elect The Lamb and Lord of Lords and
King of Kings and His Alone!
My provincial social assistance was terminated as of the end of May 31. I believe that my
Charter Remedy will kick in June 1, 2016 so as to allow me To Secure My Person rather than be
left destitute within Skid Row in Los Angeles. There is no alleged duplication of benefits when,
in reality, my Charter Remedy paid for my social assistance benefits.

I waited as Ordered for my Backer, The Almighty, to act against the Kill-Or-Be-Killed scenario
and He has done so FORCEFULLY!
So, my Charter Remedy must now be provided so that I can receive the treatment outlined by me
in my Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus and supplied to both The Queen in Council of
Canada via email and The President of The United States hard copy.
3 times in 13 months did my Backer Act against the Federal Government of Canada PLUS keep
me alive, truly sane and pain-free from my disability 6 Acts of God while enduring the
persecution and oppression against The Almighty and me because those that imposed probate in
my case were blind to natural inheritance or Inheritance at all.
The Queen in Council of Canada did not FEAR the reprisal of The Almighty because you made
ruling through the letter of the law appear legitimate knowing full well that probate can never
supersede natural inheritance.
The real legacy of my beloved dad, Rudi Heinz Krass, was brutally destroyed with Gestapo
tactics since October 20, 2014 to educate me.
Well, now, The Almighty has reversed your standard and educated the world once again to His
Might, His Existence and Gods Elect The Comforter/Helper who was promised once
Gods Words had been fulfilled!
It is clear now that His Words of John 15:17-27 have been fulfilled.
Let Me move on as ordered by The Almighty FINALLY!
King Darius came running at sunrise to the mouth of the den of lions to rescue Daniel. Will you
now do the same to The Comforter/Helper with delivery of my Charter Remedy and return of my
land titles, car titles and possessions for the matters since September 26, 2011 in my case?
I did NOT want any of this WAR with The Almighty by Administrations. You forced it
upon me and The Almighty met your challenge To Act. Dont you ever forget this point!
When the administrations chose to rule through the letter of the law, they DEMANDED just like
Adolf Hitler and other dictators, that The Almighty send His Comforter/Helper. Well, The
Almighty has met your challenge and I am The One.
Now, nobody can claim that I am NOT The Comforter/Helper and the facts of the past 15
months make that fact a certainty for all.
I did absolutely nothing to deserve this vile and evil a treatment but The Federal Government and
the Conservatives could not accept the HIDDEN Agenda of The Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and so, instead of compliance, I was hated!

However, God did EVERYTHING! I am solely His Elect and Bond Servant for That Which is
Right as defined by Self Evident Truth.
The Holy Spirit has SPOKEN, Amen,
Ernst John Krass
Canadas Charter Monarch
Founder of The Unified College of Medicine
Person deprived of His Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty (Charter Remedies) for far too long

So Ordered by: The Principles of Fundamental Justice; The

Words of Jesus Christ, The Blessed Fellowship of The Holy
Spirit; and Self Evident Truth!

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