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The best thing about skin cancer is that it is often slow in spreading and invading the deeper layers

of the
skin. As long as the cancer is only on the surface, it can easily be removed.
There are three types of skin cancer; the first two are the most common, and the third is the most
dangerous. Yet all three types can be eliminated if treated early. The medical route or natural methods
can be used to eliminate each of these. But, either way, be sure it is gone. As long as it is treated early,
you can easily see if it is gone.
Basal cell carcinoma: This is the most common type, and the slowest growing. It does not spread until it
has been present for a number of years. It is an ulcer-like growth which spreads very slowly. The first
sign is a large pearly lump, generally on the face, nose, or area around the eyes. About six weeks later it
becomes an ulcer with a moist center and a hard border which may bleed. Scabs continually form, then
drop off, but with no healing of the ulcer. Another form is flat sores which slowly widen. Treatment is
the same as for squamous cell cancer.
Squamous cell carcinoma: Due to damage to lower-skin surface, a lump forms on the skin. Looking like
a wart or a nonhealing ulcer, physicians cut it off, freeze it off, chemical it off, or irradiate it off. A skin
graft may be applied afterward.
Melanoma: This is the most dangerous of the three, and can run in families. It often begins as what
appears to be a mole. Most people have moles, but be especially beware of those which appear after the
age of 40. Any mole that is unusual or that changes in size or color should be eliminated. If in doubt, see
a physician!
A melanoma mole arises out of the deeper pigment layer of the skin. For this reason, it spreads more
quickly. Melanomas most frequently occur on the upper back and legs. But they may also occur on
mucous membranes or under the nails.
A fourth type of skin cancer might be noted here. It is the rare mycosis fungoides. For years there will be
itching skin lesions. Eventually they become firm and begin ulcerating. Later they involve the lymph
nodes and produce cancer of the lymph (lymphoma).
Over 600,000 Americans develop skin cancer each year, and 10,000 die of it. More than 90% of skin
cancers can easily be eliminated, if done so early.
Exposure to the sun is vital to good health. Unfortunately, the ultraviolet rays also cause
wrinkles and 90% of all types of skin cancer. (It can cause cataracts too.) Yes, continue to
get out in the sunlight, but try not to overdo it. Keep in mind that, in the early stages, it is
not difficult to remove skin cancers; but you have to have a certain amount of sunlight for
general physical health. Be especially careful between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when sunlight

is strongest.
Those with a family history of skin cancer should obtain their sunlight more sparingly.
In the summer, wear light-colored clothing which has a tight weave. Consider using a
sunscreen of at least 15.
Tanning salons are more dangerous than sunlight, because people tend to overdo them.
As the ozone layer is gradually destroyed over the north and south poles, those living in
the temperate zones throughout the world become more susceptible to skin
cancerwithout even being in the sun.
Every month or so check over your body carefully and look for signs of skin cancer.
Then do something about it.
Suggestions for eliminating the skin cancer:
You can go to your physician, and he will excise it with a knife or an ointment which
will burn it off. If you delay, surgery will cut more deeply and, as with all cancer surgery,
there is the very real danger that not all the cancer will be removed.
Or you can use natural remedies. Fortunately, with skin cancer, as long as it is treated in
the early stages, you can tell if it is gone!
Garlic is a faithful standby. Cut a thin slice of garlic and carefully tape it over, what you
consider might be, a skin cancer. Try to avoid contact of the garlic on good skin. (If you
can't avoid it, the skin will redden and burn somewhat.) Russian research, from back in the
1950s, revealed that garlic is more powerful than antibiotics in destroying bacteria. It also
causes moles and skin cancers to fall off.
Put the garlic on in the morning; take it off and carefully wash the area in the evening
before bedtime. Put on a new application. Remove it in the morning, and repeat the
process. Do this for about 3 days. The mole or ulcer will dissolve and slough off. Let the
area heal. If part of it remains, repeat the process at a later time.
If you keep applying the garlic for more than 4 days, it will begin burning deeper into the
skin (you will know, because the area will become very painful.) Such deep burning is not
necessary to slough off the cancer, and could be harmful.
The herb, chaparral, works well for skin cancer. Take it as a tea or in tablet form.

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