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Paul Dewar

?t1.1P. for OUau'a Centre

roiputi tie OttmllQ-Cclltre ."'.
Hon. Lawrence Cannon
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

May 13, 2010

Dear Minister Cannon,

I write to recommend the government's appointment of Her Excellency Michaelle Jean as

Canada's representative on Haiti's Reconstruction Commission upon the completion of
her current role as Canada's Governor General.

As you are aware, the commission will be co-chaired by Bill Clinton and Haitian Prime
Minister Jean-Max Bellerive. The board will also have a representative of major donor
countries including Canada. The commission aims to transfer the full control of the
reconstruction efforts to the Government of Haiti after 18 months.

Canadians recognize that reconstructing Haiti requires full commitment to a long-haul,

large-scale redevelopment process. Redeveloping Haiti must be much more ambitious
than just reconstructing the country to its pre·earthquake status. Investments should
support the capacity of Haitian civil society to respond to the needs of the nation. Haitian
ownership of the redevelopment process is of the utmost importance.

Reconstruction will have to focus on the development of:

• An effective state with investments in health, education, housing, water and
sanitation, the establishment of an equitable tax system, and the training for its
police force.
• An active citizenship with support for Haitian non-governmental organizations so
that an active citizenship can hold governments to account; leveraging Canada's
expertise in democratic capacity·building to ensure Haitian ownership of the
redevelopment process; and mechanisms to ensure that both emergency aid and
long-tenn reconstruction respond to the needs of women and girls.
• A vibrant economy. providing grants for investments in micro-enterprise,
rebuilding the economy from the bottom up with investments in agriculture and
reforestation to stem the accelerating migration to the capital, as well as measures
to address food security issues.
House of Commons ConstinJellcy Chambre des communes Clrconscriptlon
Room 879. Confederation BUilding 1306 Wellington Street Piece 879. Edifice de 10'1 Confederation 1306. rue Wellington
Onawa. OntariO SUite 304 Ottawa fOntano) SUite 304
K1AOAtt Onawa. OntariO KIAOA6 Ottawa IOntanol
Tel: (613) 996-5322 KIY 382 Tel. l613) 996--5322 KIY 382
Fill( f6131 996-5323 Tel [613) 9<16-8682 TCICc. (613) 996-5323 Tel.: (613) 946-8682 Fax: (6131 946-8680 Tcle< (613/946-8680
The appointment of Ms. Jean, should she accept such an appointment, would be a great
Canadian contribution (0 assisting the Reconstruction Commission with its important
task. With her deep understanding of the nuances of the Haitian society, her ties to the
Canadian·Haitian community, and her vision for Haiti's redevelopment, Ms. Jean would
be a valuable leader on the Reconstruction Commission. As her recent trip to Haiti has
shown, her presence on the Commission would be popular with the Haitian people and
would strengthen their trust in the Commission's approach to reconstruction.

I thank you in advance for considering this recommendation and look forward to your
favourable response.


Paul Dewar, MP
New Democrat Foreign Affairs Critic
Ottawa Centre

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