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May be 2 months ago, every channel of television in Indonesia, broadcast

the monumental person who known as mbah surip. Really he is not so old
anought till be called mbah, but may because of his performance or may
be like to be called like that. But the destiny has decide him to die in his
55 years old. All television channel in Indonesia Broadcast his last moment
of his death because in that time he become the rising star cause of his
famous song "tak gendong kemana-mana". Really, if we see this song
from estetical aspect, it's not so excelence enought, so that when mbah
Surip create this song in 1985 and he offered it to some Production House
in Jakarta, they reject to record it. But when the good destiny come to him
in 2009, one of Production House in Jakarta want to produce it and publish
his song. What make us surprise is that this song able to attract
Indonesian people, till we know from mass media and television that his
RBT (Ring Back Tone) have been downloaded by more than 1 million
people in a month. Maybe we also ever listen to the television
broadcasting that he will recieve about 4 billyard rupiahs. But what hapen
after that? When his start go up to the sky, we listen that he died by
accident because of breath disturbence.

From those story we can take some lesson I think, that every one will
come to his own destiny when it come to him and no body can reject it
when it come. The second, what happen to mbah surip till he become so
famous as rising star in Indonesian artist is because he come with some
thing unique and different to others. When every body come with seriouse
song he come with funny song and easy listening. that's is I thing that
bring mbah Surip success in his career. The last he can be achieved by all
Indonesian people, from babies till old man.

So I suggest that if we want to be success in our community, we have to

come with two things; uniqueness and different. So we have to make a
creativity in our life and creativities only are not anaught but we have to
try to make our creativity different to others and have special uniqueness.
Like our university, UIN Maliki Malang, it’s become famouse after Prof.
Imam Suprayogo become the rector, becouse he able to make some of
what I has said before. He came with creativities in his leadership, always
make some thing different to other universities, like arabic and english
program di PKPBA and PKPBI, Ma’had, Islamization of knoledge and some
others programe that attract people in this country. So If you want to be
success in your future, you have to make a creativity and you have to try
to make your creativity different to others, unique and different to others.
Good luck and wallahu a’lam…!!

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