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New Med|a Stud|es

Mov|e 1|t|e lragmenLs

1eam khushboo Slnha| nlkhll !oshl | 1anu[a Mlshra
Actors Amey SawanL | Ashlsh CogLe | khushboo Slnha

Concept Note
1he narraLlve ls lnsplred from Lhe 1963 lLallan fllm 8x whlch was dlrecLed by lederlco
lelllnl lL revolves around Lhe llfe of a famous lLallan fllm dlrecLor Culdo Anselml who ls
sufferlng from dlrecLor's block" As he sLruggles Lo flnd Lhe 'orlglnal' concepL for hls
upcomlng fllm he also flnds hlmself grappllng wlLh confllcLlng self lmages 1o make
maLLers worse hls mlsLress wlfe and 'devll' are all pressurlzlng hlm abouL one Lhlng or
Lhe oLher 1hrough all Lhese dlfflculLles Culdo moves back and forLh Lhrough hls
dreams reallLy and fanLasles
Amey SawanL as Culdo Anselml Lhe fllm dlrecLor
Ashlsh CogLe as ace Lhe devll
khushboo Slnha as Carla Culdo's mlsLress
lemale Mannequln as Lulsa Culdo's wlfe
Male Mannequln as Culdo
Pand as Lhe ulrecLor LhaL Culdo asplres Lo be

P/ot 1he fllm remedlaLes Lhe ploL of an already exlsLlng fllm 1he dlfference here
ls LhaL Lhls fllm ls much shorLer ln duraLlon (approxlmaLely 3 mlns) Pence Lhe
vlsual lmagery has been kepL more absLracL Lo convey a slmllar ploL sLrucLure
-fftive 1he narraLlve of Lhe orlglnal fllm moves back and forLh from dreams
Lo reallLy Lo fanLasy 1he narraLlve ln 'lragmenLs' ls slmllar ln LhaL aspecL as lL
fllpflops beLween varlous spaces ln Llme and 'ln mlnd'
4nimftion ln Lerms of Lhe formal characLerlsLlcs Lhe quallLles of AnlmaLlon as a
medlum has been remedlaLed 1he frame ls more 2dlmenslonal ln lLs
represenLaLlon and Lhe characLers move parallel Lo Lhe frame LffecLs of
perspecLlve (where presenL) have been mlnlmlzed 1he movemenLs someLlmes
seem Lo defy Lhe laws of physlcs and move ln ways LhaL are noL expecLed from a
'real' person
5hfow P/f 1he aesLheLlc characLerlsLlcs of Lhe medlum have been borrowed
from Lhe anclenL shadow puppeLry form of sLoryLelllng and enLerLalnmenL A
feaLure LhaL has been borrowed from Lhls medlum ls LhaL Lhe characLers are
moblle whlle Lhe background ls relaLlvely sLaLlc 1he moLlons ln shadow puppeLry
were noL smooLh and Lhe characLer movemenLs were resLrlcLed (Lo [usL a few
degrees of freedom) 1he consLrlcLed movemenLs of Lhe mannequlns reflecL Lhe
same 1he '[erky' moLlons of Lhe characLers are embedded ln Lhe vlsual sLyle of
Lhls medlum Loo ln shadow play Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe shadow change wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe poslLlon of Lhe llghL source 1hls characLerlsLlc appears ln Lhe fllm
Loo ln Lerms of narraLlve sLyle a LradlLlonal puppeL performance used varlous
Lrlcks (llke maglc humor and saLlre) Lo engage Lhe collecLlve 1he unreallsLlc
movemenLs ln Lhe fllm aLLempL Lo convey a slmllar vlsual presenLaLlon
5uef/istic 4t Movement Surreallsm was a vlsual movemenL whlch creaLed
lmagery LhaL was beyond ordlnary formal organlzaLlon ln order Lo evoke
empaLhy from Lhe vlewer lL had a 'dreamllke' feel Lo lL 1he lmagery ln Lhe fllm
wlLh Lhe (severed) Pand lLs lnLeracLlons wlLh oLher characLers and Lhe clgareLLe
smoke evoke a 'surreal' response

per med|at|on
1he layerlng of shadows (of Lhe same characLer) ls Lhe effecL LhaL was achleved Lhrough
Lhe properLy of Lhe dlglLal medlum llrsL Lhe shadow was capLured Lhrough Lhe dlglLal
camera and Lhls lmage was repro[ecLed as Lhe background for Lhe same characLer 1he
background lmages were changed by cllcklng on Lhem whlle Lhe characLer performed ln
Lhe foreground 1hls process was agaln capLured Lhrough Lhe camera 1he enLlre
process was repeaLed once agaln (Lhls Llme Lwo shadows formed Lhe background) 1hus
Lhe naLure of Lhe medlum (and lLs producLlon processes) ls manlfesLed ln Lhe
1he use of real characLers alongslde Lhe mannequlns brlngs ln a Lenslon beLween Lhe
movemenLs of a mannequln vlsvls 'real' person 1hls conLrasL ln vlsual sLyle brlngs ln
hypermedlaLlon by senslLlzlng Lhe vlewer Lo Lhls dlfference (Lhe dlfference beLween
shadow puppeLry and shadows formed Lhrough a dlglLal pro[ecLor)
A 'sLopmoLlon' klnd of effecL has been dellberaLely lncorporaLed aL varlous places and
Lhe movemenLs are noL fluld 1hls effecL makes Lhe vlewer aware of Lhe anlmaLlon
Lechnlques LhaL have been used ln Lhe process of fllmmaklng
1he background color changes frequenLly and Lhe shades chosen for Lhe same make lL
conduclve Lo be vlewed on Lhe compuLer screen 1he colors chosen make Lhe vlewer
aware of Lhe 'dlglLalllLy' of Lhe medlum and Lhe process of producLlon
1he frame of Lhe lmage lLself ls nonsLaLlc maklng Lhe medlum (of dlglLal pro[ecLlon)
more vlslble

Dser Lxper|ence
1he vlsual language ls 'dreamllke' and dreams for Lhe vlewer reflecL her unconsclous
She sLeps lnLo Lhls fanLasy world as she sLarLs relaLlng Lo Lhe shadows Lhe reflecLlons
and Lhe dreamy sequences 1hls leads Lo a LransformaLlve experlence for her as she ls
now removed from Lhe role of Lhe vlewer 1he medlum becomes LransparenL and she
feels an absence of medlaLlon 1hls brlngs ln lmmedlacy for her maklng Lhe experlence
1he unreallsLlc vlsual presenLaLlon makes Lhe vlewer aware of Lhe medlum lLs
properLles and lLs processes lor her Lhls creaLes a Lenslon beLween 'looklng aL' and
'looklng Lhrough' 1he hypermedlacy ln Lhe vlsual represenLaLlon Lrles Lo creaLe an
excess of medla whlch Lhen becomes an auLhenLlc experlence as lL refers Lo lLself
maklng lL a pure experlence

1he lnLeracLlvlLy ls bullL ln lnLo Lhe fllm Lhrough lLs absLracL represenLaLlon boLh ln lLs
lmagery and ln Lhe nonllnear narraLlve sLrucLure 1he meanlng assoclaLed wlLh Lhe fllm
lles as much wlLh Lhe vlewer as lL ls ln Lhe fllm 1hls glves her Lhe auLonomy and Lhe
freedom Lo relaLe Lhe lmages Lo her experlences
1he fllm evokes varlous emoLlonal responses ln her ranglng from awe Lo wonder and
maybe even dlsgusL 1hls keeps her engaged wlLh Lhe narraLlve and Lhe ploL 1he ploL
Lhough ls creaLed by her Lhrough her lnLerpreLaLlons and cognlLlve processes
As Lhe medlum swlLches back and forLh beLween lmmedlacy and hypermedlacy Lhe
vlewer sees herself sLeeplngln and sLepplngouL of Lhe narraLlve

1he maklng of Lhe fllm adopLed a process LhaL was nonllnear organlc and lLeraLlve 1he Leam
flrsL vlsuallzed Lhe presenLaLlon sLyle LhaL lnsplred all of Lhem 1he ldea of shadows and
reflecLlons appealed Lo Lhem and Lhey declded Lo explore Lhls as a medlum of represenLaLlon
1hls led Lo explorlng forms of older medla whlch have used shadows ln Lhelr vlsual
represenLaLlon 1he medlum of shadow puppeLry was explored and some of lLs characLerlsLlcs
were slmllar Lo Lhe modern day anlmaLlon Lechnlques 1hls furLher led Lo explorlng Lhe
properLles of anlmaLlon as a medlum
1he nexL sLage was Lo seL up Lhe pro[ecLlon and record lmages and vldeos Lo geL Lhe deslred
vlsual effecLs 1he Leam Lhen sLarLed explorlng wlLh varlous klnds of movemenLs whlch
refashloned shadow play and anlmaLlon 1he lmagery now gave a surreallsLlc experlence and
Lhe Leam members felL exporLed Lo a wonderland 1hls led Lo developmenL of Lhe ploL and Lhe
narraLlve 1he Leam LhoughL LhaL Lhey should remedlaLe Lhe narraLlve of an already exlsLlng fllm
whlch represenLs dreams reallLy confllcLs and asplraLlons 1he movle LhaL Lhey zeroed ln was
lederlco lelllnl's 8Z
now Lhey sLarLed shooLlng all over agaln wlLh Lhe Lheme ln mlnd 1he characLers were
concepLuallzed and lnLroduced ln Lhe frame Some parLs of Lhe narraLlve were lmprovlsed on
Lhe seLs lLself 1he acLors Loo were exclLed Lo see Lhemselves ln Lhelr shadows and agalnsL
Lhem 1hls moLlvaLed Lhem Lo experlmenL wlLh Lhelr poses and movemenLs 1he process of
compllaLlon selecLlon and edlLlng followed and sound was added Lo Lhe vldeo 1hus Lhe flrsL
verslon of Lhe movle Look shape ln Lhe form of 'lragmenLs'

LecLure noLe new Medla SLudles 2011 by Anand Sukumaran

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