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Prophase I

Leptotene Meiosis I begins with the condensation of the chromosomes.

Zygotene Homologous chromosomes synapse and pair along their entire
length, forming bivalents. The homologous chromosome pair is a four-stranded
complex called tetrad.
Pachytene Sister chromatids are visible as two long threads. Crossing over
occurs but chiasmata are not yet visible.
Diplotene Pairs of homolog chromosomes begin to separate at/around
centromere; chromatids twist and chiasmata (crossover points) become visible.
Diakinesis bivalents are shortened and thickened (tightedly coiled and
*Crossing-over (or crossover) requires the chromosomes break and reconnect to
the other chromosome.
**Crossing-over, together with independent assortment of non-homologous
chromosomes (which creates different combinations of alleles among
chromosomes), contribute to genetic variation among individuals.

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