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Girl Information:

Name (First and Last): Roopal Kondepudi

City: Singapore, Singapore
Service Unit: Cadette
Troop Number: 99

County: N/A
Grade: 8/9

Silver Award Project Advisor and Troop Advisor Information:

Troop Leader Name: Sheri Helmueller
Phone: (65) 8499 9962
Silver Award Project Advisor Name: Karen Soh
Phone: (65) 9871 7583
Did you work with any other people to help complete your project? I worked with one of the people in the
shelter Animal Lovers League, Christine, and Karen Soh, my project advisor. I also needed on my team
parental support for supervising my work at the shelter and to get to and from there. See below on the
details for my parents involvement.
Silver Award Prerequisite
1. What Cadette Leadership Journey did you complete? I took the journey aMAZE! The twists and
turns of getting along.
2. What was your Take Action project for your Journey? I worked with my troop member Erin and we
made a kind of day camp for her little sisters troop. We played team building games and helped
them get along with the people they didnt necessarily interact with the most. We showed them the
rated G movie Lemonade Mouth, which capitalizes the need to stick together as friends even when
things get rough between them.
3. What skills did you develop during your Journey Take Action project that helped you during your
Silver Award project? I learned how to cooperate with people that I do not know that well. I honed
my skills for organization, planning, communication, and patience. These helped me during my Silver
Award as I needed to talk to and work with new people who could potentially help me. At the same
time, I needed patience and tolerance when the people I contacted did not respond (see below). My
communication skills improved as I sent many emails, talked to people in person, and contacted
them over the phone. I needed to be organized to communicate with clarity, and was required to be
planned otherwise I would not have known what I was doing.
4. Did you use the Silver Award workbook available online to help you prepare for your Silver Award
Project? (optional) No, I did not.
Silver Award Description (Please use back side of this page or attach additional info if needed)
1. Title of Silver Award Take Action Project:
2. What issue did your project address? My project addressed the fact that the animal shelters in
Singapore are not able to purchase things for their animals and rely on donations, which hardly come
3. Briefly describe your Silver Award Take Action Project. What did you do?
My Girl Scouts Silver Award involved raising money and awareness for an animal shelter here in
Singapore. I worked with a nonprofit NGO called Animal Lovers League. When I went to visit the
shelter, I found how much they needed from donors, and so I held money earning opportunities,
such as bake sales, to collect money so I could purchase the items (full list below) the shelters
needed. I also had donation drives, to help raise awareness, at the same time obtaining the money
and items needed by the shelter. I put up boxes in my neighborhood to collect items such as old

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

towels and newspapers as well. To collect items, I hung up gray bags with the flier at parties or
gatherings and tell people in advance so that they would bring those items and put them in the gray
bag, whether or not I was at the party. I met with several other people who were concerned with
Singapores stray dog population, including Karen Soh, who was my project advisor.
4. What were some of the obstacles and successes of your Silver Award Take Action Project?
Some of the obstacles I faced were finding a supportive shelter which was willing to work with me. I
contacted over seven shelters by email and/or by phone but only a few of them responded positively
and were willing to let me work with them to help them out.
The primary issue I had was that I am too young to volunteer at a lot of the animal shelters. For some
shelters, as soon as I said I was 12, (now 13) all correspondence ceased. Fortunately, one shelter, the
Animal Lovers League, allowed me to come and help them out, although I needed an adult
The shelters I went to visit in person were often very far away and at the time being new to
Singapore, made it difficult to navigate. Also, when I sent emails to my troop asking them to come
with me to the shelter, unfortunately, I did not get much support perhaps since I was still new to
the troop. I had to go alone (with my mom or dad) a lot.
I was discouraged at the outcome of placing the donation boxes in my community (they were used
for trash) but I changed by tactics by morphing my action plan (into bake sales) to raise awareness
for Animal Lover's League and raise money for supplies. This method of collecting at parties worked
a lot better than the boxes, but sometimes I got very little supplies. But, as people say, baby steps! I
never gave up even though once all I got was a towel. In the end, I collected up to 8 towels, more
newspapers than I could count, washing liquid (including shampoos), cat litter, and a few animal toys
from these party collections.
However, I had a lot more success than hardships along the way. Animal Lovers League, the shelter I
worked with for this project, helped me a lot by giving me a list of items that they needed to keep
the animals healthy. This included dog food and treats, cat food and treats, dog and cat toys,
newspapers, sponges, dishwashing liquid, floor washing liquid, dust pans, and dog and cat shampoo.
It hadnt struck me that an animal shelter needed dishwashing and floor washing liquid, but I learned
that keeping the shelter clean was almost as important as taking care of the dogs. On my first visit, I
was discouraged by the mess and smell, but that also strengthened my resolve to help them. I was
encouraged on the third visit, because they were using the supplies I brought to them on the second
During my bake sale, my sister and I had the idea of making contact cards, in case people wanted to
contact the animal shelters themselves. We also printed out fliers to hand out. These were a big
success as many people took them and I also heard back from Christine that people were beginning
to call her. At first, I was nervous that nothing I had baked would sell, and I had a lot of cake, bread,
and cupcakes that I would have to eat myself. But those fears were quickly dissipated by the end of
the sale, where I had nothing left.
The dogs I helped take care of in the shelter were really friendly, so I was not in any imminent
danger. I was extremely successful in finding an awesome project advisor, Karen Soh. She was a
really helpful, giving me the contacts of many of the shelters I called or emailed. She also helped set

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

the direction of my Silver Award. Earlier, I had a very broad idea. She helped me narrow it down and
focus it in such a way that it would still have a big impact.
5. Who benefitted from your Silver Award Take Action Project?
The shelter Animal Lovers League and the dogs and cats that live there! The volunteers at the
shelter also benefitted from my enthusiasm and energy, and future volunteers will benefit with the
information I have collected, such as the contact information. My Girl Scout troop have already gone
on a shelter visit to Animal Lovers League that I have organized. I also have given Christines number
to my troop leader in case we want to do more trips. I also have benefited from working my way
through this project and seeing it through. Im also really happy that I could help the animals. For me,
that is a real benefit.
6. What was the ultimate result of your Silver Award Take Action Project?
Now, the shelter is more known to people due to my awareness efforts. The dogs living at the
shelter now have more supplies and food. I can now comprehend how much effort it takes to
maintain an animal shelter, especially since they are non-profit. I raised awareness for the shelter by
fliers and donation drives, and I also brought this information to the Girl Scouts, as I mentioned
above, and this may be used for future projects.
7. How will your project be sustained or continue beyond your involvement?
I have contacted the president of the animal club Society for the Protection of Animal Rights at
Singapore American School, pitching my Silver Award. I have suggested that we continue my efforts
in supporting Animal Lovers League with donation drives, fund raisers and visits to volunteer. As I
mentioned in #6, the information I have provided to the Girl Scouts allows my project to keep on
going for interested troops.
8. What skills did you develop while working on your Silver Award Take Action Project? Did you learn
anything about yourself in the process?
Better time management, scheduling, communication skills, planning and organization. All of the
skills I mentioned come together in many areas. For example, I needed to have communication skills
to plan and schedule a trip to the shelter, because I needed to know good timing for the volunteers
there. I needed time management and organization to help organize the trip for my Girl Scout troop,
which coincidentally ties in with planning and communication skills. I learned that I really enjoy
helping any (people or animals) in need. I am eager to help them have a life that is as lucky as mine.
Attach a copy of your project budget and your time log. [Both the budget and time log are tools for you to
use when developing your project, and are only collected so we have an idea of the scope of your project.
Remember, it is important to have a balance between the number of hours you spend planning your project,
and actually doing your project. Girl Scouts of Western Washington does not approve Silver Awards (project
advisors do), and it is up to you to determine how your project meets the suggested minimum of 50 project
Your signature: _____________________________________

Date: 9/20/13

Silver Award Advisor Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: 9/20/13

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award


Use this form to help keep track of the hours you spend working on your Silver Award. [The time log is a tool
for you to use when developing your project, and is only collected so we have an idea of the scope of your
project. Remember, it is important to have a balance between the number of hours you spend planning your
project, and actually doing your project.


Roopal Kondepudi

What was Done

# Hours
Very first Silver Award meeting information and generating ideas
Silver Award planning questionnaire
Research on different animal shelters
Research on different animal shelters
Research on different animal shelters
Emails to all shelters researched
Silver Award meeting Share out any additional information/ideas you have 2
collected for your project since our last meeting, review paperwork that is
needed to officially begin your project and prepare for project approval,
answer any additional questions.
Silver Award Meeting discussion on what to be done
Plan to speak with the committee

Speaking with the Silver Award committee

Figure out direction of project, email to committee
45 min
Documentary on animal rescue
45 min
Silver Award Meeting discussion, what to do to keep project sustainable
Meeting with project advisor
First visit to animal shelter volunteer, figure out what the shelter needs
Silver Award Meeting 2
Collection drive (at a party)
Pinewood Derby
Emails to Mr. Swarstad and Mrs. Kathleen Borsh about ideas and collection
30 min
Making flyers for collection boxes
30 min
Putting up the flyers with the boxes
50 minutes
Second visit to animal shelter drop off supplies, help walk the dogs
45 min
Making and emailing of permission slip
35 min
Planning more money earning opportunities
Baking day 1
Baking day 2
Baking day 3
Bake sale initial setup
30 min
Bake sale
Meeting and signatures of project advisor, what I learned
Visit to animal shelter giving money I earned, supplies I collected
45 min
Total Hours: 50 hours and 45 minutes

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award


Use this form to help track your income and expenses as you earn your Silver Award. Remember, Silver
Award projects should not be used as money-earning opportunities (though you can do a money-earning
activity to fund your Silver Award project).
*Income is any money or goods you bring in as you work towards your Silver Award. Sample income items
are funds from cookie sale, money-earning opportunities, etc.
Bake Sale
Pinewood Derby Bake Sale


*Expenses include items like supplies, food, mailing costs, etc. They are the things you have to spend money
on as you work towards earning your Silver Award.
MRT rides
Baking Supplies
Taxi Rides to Shelter
Supplies for Fliers (printed at home)
Buying canned food
Remainder donated to shelter

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

Money Earning Opportunities

The flier I made for donation drives

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

The fliers I made to advertise the bake sale in my neighborhood

The contact cards for the shelter I gave out to buyers

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

Visits to the Shelter

A volunteer plays with the dogs

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

A dog recognizes me on my third visit

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

Me and my project advisor Karen Soh

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

Before and after counting the remaining money I donated (with shelter director Christine)

Roopal Kondepudi

USAGSO Singapore

Silver Award

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