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Pipeline Cut-Outs

Doc. No.: <DocumentNumber*

Revision No.: 1
Release Date: 02/22/2017


This subject outlines the procedure for cutting out a section of pipeline when
required. As a standing rule, cold equipment is used at TNPI if cutting into a line
that has been operational.

Cold cuts are performed on the pipeline in order to remove a section of pipe for
new installations of piping or equipment, rerouting the pipeline or to replace
defective pipe sections. No electrical or hot equipment is used.

Before cold cutting can be done, the pipeline section must be shut down, isolated
and drained or purged of product Once the pipeline has been cut open, any
trapped product has been drained and removed and the atmosphere has tested
safe, you can continue with the next portion of the work using power equipment
and/or torches.

Cold cutting on the pipeline will usually be only one part of a larger scope of
work. This procedure, along with procedures covering the other aspects of the
scope of work, such as work area protection and co-ordination of multiple crews
will have to be considered when doing a risk assessment and developing a
written plan or Job Specific Execution Plan.


Procedure - Safe Work Permits

Procedure- Penetration of Pressure Piping

Procedure- Nitrogen Purging

Procedure- Drain Down Pipeline

Procedure- Excavating and Excavations Greater than 1.2M

Engineering Procedure- Section 9- Welding Procedures


Form - Safe Work-Confined Space Entry Permit

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Pipeline Cut-Outs
Doc. No.: <DocumentNumber*
Revision No.: 1
Release Date: 02/22/2017


The Cold Cutting equipment used to cut pipelines are a much larger version of
the simple tool used by plumbers to cut copper pipe.


piping up to 42” in diameter.

Competent or Qualified
An appointed, authorized or designated person who has knowledge and
understanding, through experience and training on specific equipment that
is sufficient to meet all job requirements as determined by the employer.


Hazards and Precautions:

1. A Safety Supervisor (Safety Watch) is required during a Pipeline

Cutout as per the TNPI Safety Manual, Piping systems tend to stay
electrically charged for a period of time after the cathodic systems
have been de-energized, and may be bonded to other piping systems.
The cathodic protection should be powered off, where possible with a
discharge time of 24 hours prior to the cut0out work.
2. Bonding cables shall be used when breaking apart piping and draining
hydrocarbons to another vessel (e.g. truck, metal pail) to prevent
ignition hazards. Grounding should also be used to equalize work area

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Pipeline Cut-Outs
Doc. No.: <DocumentNumber*
Revision No.: 1
Release Date: 02/22/2017

3. Some springing from misalignment, especially in pipeline risers, should

be expected.
4. Care should be taken to prevent sparks from mechanical ditching if the
soil is contaminated with oil, particularly if it contains high levels of light
5. If the pipeline is damaged, whenever possible, the damage should be
repaired temporally with a Plidco sleeve, or equivalent and the lines
should be purged of fluid.

Site Preparation:
1. The job coordinator will:
a. specify the location at which the cut out is being performed
b. arrange for the required section of pipeline to be exposed
c. schedule downtime through the Products Movement department
d. arrange for isolation of section of line with four nearest block
valves (two each upstream and downstream)
e. arrange for purging of the line or drain down as appropriate.
f. prepare a Job Specific written plan and complete a Risk
Assessment as required.
2. Prepare work site and arrange for equipment to be on site in advance
of the cut out date.
3. Review procedures and job specific execution plan and tour site(s) to
understand specific job requirements.
4. Excavate if required and fence the site if it is to be left unguarded.
Ensure excavation is wide, deep and long enough for adequate work
access. At the cut out points, ensure there is adequate clearance
below the pipeline for the cutter to work. Take into consideration water
accumulation and removal when excavating, prepare excavation


1. Pipe cutters and handle (as appropriate for size of pipe)
2. Extra cutting wheels
3. Bonding clamps and length of bonding cable
4. Knives and files
5. Drip tubs and tarps and absorbent
6. Fire extinguishers
7. 4 gas atmosphere monitors
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Pipeline Cut-Outs Critical

Doc. No.: 005704

Revision No.:
Release Date: 02/22/2017


Applicable Responsible
Yes/No Person
1)_____ ENSURE all pre-planning is complete.
a. _____ ENSURE all appropriate site preparations are
complete and all required tools and equipment are
available such as:
i. EXCAVATION is complete (COMPLETE Ground
Disturbance Checklist.)
ii. ISOLATIONS (4 valves if possible) is complete.
(COMPLETE Lockout List.)
iii. DRAIN DOWN or PURGING is complete
iv. EQUIPMENT is in place including required
firefighting equipment for contingency plans
v. HOLD a tailgate meeting with all personnel
ENSURE Safety Supervisor (Safety Watch) is available as per:
Safety Manual: ENSURE all required PPE is being used
ENSURE the atmosphere in the excavation(s) is being continuously
ENSURE communication is completed involving all other parties.
2)_____ POSITION tarps and drip tubs under proposed
section(s) of pipe to be cut.
a. _____ ENSURE proper bonding and grounding.

3)_____ ENSURE vacuum truck is ready to assist with spills.

a. _____ HOSES in trench at appropriate locations
b. _____ OPERATOR is on standby
c. _____ SUFFICIENT capacity in tanks for potential spill
d. _____ TRUCK is grounded, hose joints are secure

4)_____ REMOVE coating and primer from pipe sections

upstream and downstream for bonding cable
a. _____ REMOVE sufficient section of coating for
installation of proper bonding

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Pipeline Cut-Outs Critical

Doc. No.: 005704

Revision No.:
Release Date: 02/22/2017

5)_____ INSTALL bonding clamps with cable: (cable is

connected from exposed section of pipe on one side of
cutting site to exposed section of pipe on other side of
cutting site, contact points on pipe should be at girth
a. _____ CHECK for continuity
b. _____ ENSURE a good bond

6)_____ REMOVE pipe coating from area(s) of cold cut(s).

7)_____ INSTALL skids and drip tub under pipe and:

a. _____ STABILIZE pipe with boom crane and slings.
b. _____ INSTALL on one or both sides of expected cut
as appropriate to prevent pipe from moving or swinging
after cut is completed.

8)_____ ENSURE pipe penetration is complete if required (

SEE: Procedure- Penetration of Pressure Piping)
a. _____ ENSURE pipe atmosphere has been tested.
9)_____ INSTALL cold cutters around pipe.
a. _____ ENSURE both adjustment screws are evenly

10)_____ START cold cutting:

a. _____ INSERT handle into protrusions and pulling
b. _____ ENSURE other members of work crew are clear
of ditch
c. _____ ENSURE anyone in ditch is clear of free side
(after cut)

11)_____ COMPLETE cold cut:

a. _____ CONTINUE to rotate cold cutter around pipe,
increasing depth of cut frequently.
b. _____ OBSERVE for completion of cold cutting:
i. Residual product may spill around cut.
ii. Pipe tends to swing down and sideways after

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Pipeline Cut-Outs Critical

Doc. No.: 005704

Revision No.:
Release Date: 02/22/2017

12)_____ REMOVE cutting tool by backing off the adjusting


13)_____ REMOVE any residual product from pipe at cold cut

a. _____ LOWER pipe if required.

14)_____ COMPLETE all scheduled cold cuts required by scope

of work.

Sometimes it is necessary to cut the piping back further. If this is required, the preferred method
is cold cutting. Hot cutting can be done, but not until the appropriate gas testing is completed.

15)_____ IF the planned cut is greater than 30 cm back from the

open pipe, i.e., the initial cold cut, a re-penetration of
the pipe is required for proper gas testing.
a. _____ REFER to Procedure- Penetration of Pressure
16)_____ INFORM appropriate parties, when cold cutting is
complete and pipe atmosphere has been tested, that
the remaining scope of work can commence as per the
Job Specific Execution Plan or written plan.
a. _____ INSTALL Gel or Vented Plugs if necessary.
b. _____ VENT both ends of the pipeline if gel plugs are

17)_____ CLEAN and repair tools as required.

a. _____ RETURN tools to appropriate storage location.

Installation of New Pipe

18)_____ HYDROSTATICALLY TEST the pipe section to be
used for repair in the preparation phase to ensure that
the new pipe meets the specifications of the existing

19)_____ PREPARE the replacement section for venting if required.

20)_____ by exceptional circumstances
a. _____ INSTALL a weldolet to allow venting on short
replacement sections.

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Pipeline Cut-Outs Critical

Doc. No.: 005704

Revision No.:
Release Date: 02/22/2017

21)_____ WELD IN the replacement section.

a. _____ USE the proper welding procedure appropriate
to the type of pipe being welded. Refer to Engineering
Procedures Section 9, Welding Procedures.
b. _____ ENSURE proper pipeline alignments before
c. _____ INSTALL a vent plug and back weld if venting
was required.

22)_____ REMOVE bonding cables when all work has been

23)_____ CO-ORDINATE non-destructive examination services
and complete radiography work.
a. _____ 100 % x-ray on tie-in welds is required.
magnetic particle and ultrasonic inspection of weldolet and
seal welds required to confirm integrity
24)_____ COAT the repair section with the appropriate coating.
a. _____ SEAL the weldolet and plug if applied
25)_____ COMPLETE Tie-In record including reference to pipe
and heat numbers, hydrostatic test records,
dimensions, reference weld, new weld NDE records,
GPS co-ordinates, etc.
26)_____ COMPLETE back-filling and area clean-up.
a. _____ ENSURE that all contaminated soil has been
removed from the site in accordance with provincial
waste management requirements.
27)_____ RE-ENERGIZE the cathodic protection system.
28)_____ FORWARD the removed section for analysis as
29)_____ FOLLOW re-commissioning steps in Procedure- Drain
Down Pipeline.
There are no attachments to this procedure.

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