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Ashwani Kumar Bhardwaj

Lecture Ready 3

Ted Talk:

This was an interesting talk, based on persons journey in Autistic World, by Temple Grandin how
she this in changing and evolved world, she compares selective mutism or Autism stage as one step, quite
thrilled experience, which she sees in the work of Einstein, Mozart, and Tesla at some stage using as
photo image stage which they took it to scientific excellence. She tried to link it to her Brain showing a
CT scan with high visual representative control being Autistic as compare to average population
She feels people use three types of mind as they grow:
1. Photo-realistic mind- thinker;
2. Pattern thinkers who are good in music and math and
3. Visual mind like most animals, they see things as social, friend, foe or mate.
She things Autism is new world, we need to interact 20/hrs /day to interact understand and polish
they as survivors so they can be future Silicon valley participant- either as data collector, analyst,
programmer or artist. They can compare this approach of detailing like google map to be interactive with
real world and be influential in there sphere.
She has highlighted importance of Mentor essential in Autistic World, which can make difference
in life of a child for achieving new heights.

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