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Cancellation Clause

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Lease, it is agreed between the Tenant and the
Landlord or his/her Agent that in the event the Tenants employer transfers the Tenant more
than fifty (50) miles from his/her present worksite, the Tenant shall have the option of
terminating this lease
A. Upon giving the Landlord or his/her Agent thirty (60) day notice in writing, by certified
mail, or
B. Upon the tenant paying to the landlord or his/her agent a sum equal to one (1) months
rent, exclusive of any security and/or damage deposit for said premises; aforementioned
sum to cover rent for thirty (60) day period.
If this lease is terminated by reason of transfer, the Security and/or Damage Deposit shall be
returned to the Tenant as provided elsewhere in this lease. A letter or copy of a letter from the
tenants employer attesting to the transfer shall be considered satisfactory proof of such transfer

Tenant Signature


Tenant Signature


Landlord Signature


Landlord Signature


2009 Dwellworks, LLC

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