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Prueba de ingls con conectores So y until

1.-She quit her job--------------she is looking for a new one now

2.-Im working here----------I find a better job
3.-My life was very boring------------------- I met you
4.-I watched television----------- ---------- midnight.
5.-You're not going out to play--------- ----- you've finished your homework.
6.-It rained------ ---------- the next morning.
7. - you need to take me home---- ------ midnight or else she will get mad
8. - It was cold----- -------I shut the window
9.-Drive about 20km along this road------- -------the entrance to castle
10.-Lunch it from one oclock------ ---------three
11.-The weather is hot------------ --------

the children are swimming

12.-It was raining-- ---------------I took a taxi.

13.- We are too busy----------- ----------we cant go to cinema today
14.-The door was open-------- -------I closed it
15.-She has a lot of money------------- --------she can buy that expensive coat
16.-Thhe water wasnt clean-------- ---------------we didnt swim
17.- Walk along this road-------- ---------a bridge on your left.
18. - We will be taking care of my little brother Allan---- ---------my parents come
19.-You take the train----- ------the next station. It usually takes 5 minutes
20.-You walk across the park-------- -------

the restaurants

21.-Hal was speaking __-------- ------- quickly that no one could understand him.
22.-Ned has ____ -------_____ much money, he doesn't know what to do with it.
23.-Go down this street --- -------you get to the cathedral.
24.-We drove --------- ------- -we arrived in Madrid.
25.-It was ____ -----_ hot, I spent most of the day in the pool.

26.-I lived in Paris ----------- 2006 and then I moved to Barcelona.

27.-I shall be here ----------- -------tomorrow
28.-Tom went away. He'll be away ---- ------- - Monday.
29.-The movie was ------ ------- good that I saw it five times.
30.-That new song is ------ ----cool that it hit the top ten within a week of being
31.-She has ------- ---all.

many hats that she needs two closets to store them

57.-You finished the test ------ ------- quickly.

32.- Your sister is ---------- ------ pretty.
33.- I want to move to London --------- ----- I am studying English
34.-Lets use a plastic bag ___ ------- _the books dont get wet.
35.-I think I'll wait------- ------Thursday before making a decision.
36.-I'm moving into my new apartment next week. I'm staying with a friend------ then.
37.-You work very hard and --- -------- does he
38.-It was very sunny last Sunday, ----- ------ we went to the beach.
39.-I waited for Mary -------------- ---- 10 o'clock.
40.-He is --- ------- nice
42.-They are ----- ------- friendly.
43.- Wow, he's ----------- ------- tall!
44.-The students study in the library ----- ----- it closes.
45.-Ducks stay on the lake -------L-------June. Then they leave for Africa.
46.- Lunch if from one o'clock -- ---- three.
47.-I am saving my money ___ ---------- I can buy a new car.
48.-I dont have any money .Ill go to the bank.
49.- Youve got an exam tomorrow, must study tonight.

50.-I will stay here --- ------- you get back

51.-That takes ----- -----yourself.

little time and effort that you might as well do it

52.-Please, don't drive ----- ------- fast! I'm terrified we're going to have an
53.- I really wish you wouldn't smoke ------- ------ much! It's destroying your
54.-I am ______ _ mad right now. My boyfriend lied to me. He is ---------- __ a
55.-There are __

many problems in this world. Will there ever be peace?

56.-She is ------- ------ funny! She always makes me laugh.

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