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Decreasing my Obsession with Cleaning and Organizing

Krishma Dimple Mistry
823 007 901

Professor Audrene Kerr-Brown
PSCY 200
October 14th , 2013

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Numbers Tally of Decreasing my Obsession with Cleaning and Organizing









In my graph chart it shows that on day seven October 9th I had cleaned
and organized my room and my house about thirty-seven times. Then on day
six October 8th, it also shows that my second largest was twenty-one. After
that it jumps to the day one October 3rd, which was seventeen. It shows that
it goes to day three October 5th to sixteen. Then on the day four October 6th
it shows that I cleaned and organized about fifteen times. On day two
October 4th and day five October 7th it showed that I tied.
My observation before my behavior with my obsession of cleaning and
organizing my room and my house is being neat freak, to my sense I do not
like anything out of place and I dont like people throwing their paper, bag,
shoes, clothes and glasses ever where. I like all those objects to be place in a
spot. I try not to hide the objects but I tend to do it. It is also with my room.

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For example, I did not like my bed un done I have to make my bed before I
got to school, or going outside. I also like my clothes organized I do not like
them out of place, I hate my room mess and I also like to have my paper
work organized into folders. Even when I come home the first thing that I
have to clean is the shoes because I do not like them on the floor it has to be
where I organized everyone shoe to be. When it comes to the paper I always
tuck them into a place because I like everything spotless.
After my observation of my behavior with obsession of cleaning and
organizing I have noticed that I have to stop touching objects and stop being
very organized because it makes my family so mad. The certain experiences
that encourage me to show the undesired behavior is that my family always
telling me that I have stop cleaning because their do not like when their
objects get touched and put away. There was certain time when I gave in to
the undesirable behavior but there was times when I was less tempted to do
it because I knew I would get shouted at if I touched any of my family
member papers, there is also a time when I was less tempted to do my bed
because I was tired but it stilled showed that I cannot leave my room a mess.
The kind of things and events trigger my behavior to clean and organized my
room and my house is that when no one is home I try to put everything away
so the house looks neat. After I observed my behavior I felt like I was crazy
because I should not be that obsesses with cleaning and organizing the
house. Also what happened is that it made me felt that I need to relax more
but my feelings towards my behavior is shocking, surprised, and unrealistic

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because I never knew I was this obsess of cleaning and organizing the house.
The intrinsic or extrinsic for continuing to engage my undesirable behavior to
make me keep on doing it is that I like to see this house as a show room, so
from that saying it makes me clean and organized the house more.

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