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Final Video Report

Austin Ticknor
University of Advancing Technology

On 04/23/2016, Detective Keith Swanson contacted the Arizona Information

Network (AIN) to request video enhancement/analysis with an investigation into a
possible burglary. The main goal is to identify the actions that took place at the
scene of the camera footage.
Digital media, consisting of CD(s) or DVD(s), accompany this report. The
digital media contains supplemental reports and data that are an integral
part of this report. A copy of this report is located on the digital media, and
the Table of Contents contains hyperlinks to the supporting documentation.
Any printed version of this report is incomplete by itself
For this report the items I am able to deliver for the report are as follows: This
report, and 12 video files.
The Chain of custody for the evidence is as follows:
From: Phoenix Police. By: Keith Swanson. Date: 04/22/2016. Time: 10:30 PM. To: AIN
Evidence Locker #4 Tracking Number: 1Z9X45121346679536 UPS.

To verify the videos remain unchanged as I make copies of them, I took the hash
values of each video to make sure they match using a tool called MD5 Hash
checksum version 1.01.

Having verified that all of the MD5 values for the videos match the copies that were
made, I will now move on to check the technical details of the videos in question.
To verify the technical details of the videos, I will be using the tools Mediainfo
version 0.7.84 and Gspot codec viewer version 2.70a. The technical details are as

All videos follow a resolution of 720*480 with a frame speed of 29.970 frames per
second. The format is MPEG-4 for all videos and each of the videos has a codec ID of
mp42 (mp42/mp41). Though the actual codec format is shown to be avc1 for each. I
have used both tools mentioned earlier in order to do a side by side comparison.
That way I can make double sure that all of the details I uncovered are accurate.
Now its on to the videos themselves.
In the first video of 12 videos, the camera is set over the front door of a home
looking out into the street. A car pulled up and appeared to stop and drove on.
Whether it drove into the drive way of the house or not is hard to tell due to the
angel of the car and the camera.

In video 2, a person appears to be walking up to the door and closes in on the

camera and then back away appearing to be counting something with his hands.

In video 3, the same person from the previous video is standing at the doorway and
appears to enter the home through the door.

In video 4, the person walks out the door after having gone in for some reason.

In video 5, the person appears to walk up to the camera a bock its view for a few
seconds and then backs away from it.

In video 6, he appears to be walking back into the home after first ringing the

In video 7, the person has walked out the door and walked passed the camera to go
around the side of the home. A simple zoom in shows the tattoos on his right arm
for later identification.

In video 8, the person appears to be walking back towards the front door and looks
like he is trying to find a way in to the home. A spider web like tattoo can be seen
on his left arm and elbow which will come in handy again for latter identification.

In video 9, the person has ran out the door and is headed for the street with a bag
of valuables inside.

In video 10, the same car from video 1 appears to have driven away from the home.

Videos 11 and 12 are set towards the stair case inside of what could onle be the
same home as the first 10 videos. In the 11 th video, the same person from previous
videos appears to be walking up the stairs and taking a left turn at the top.

Finally in video 12, the person has torn down the curtains upon running down the
stairs with a bag of valuables as well as a hand gun and appears to be looking for
the door to get out.

From what we can tell of the person in the videos, he is wearing a hat, shirt and
baggy pants; has a tattoo on his arm, is mostly tan skinned, has a short scraggily
beard and shirt scraggily hair, has piercings on each of his eyebrows, and drives a
car whose model can be identified in the video. Its unclear the make and model due
to lack of information, but the car has a white paint job and looks like a sedan with 4
doors. From the time stamp the footage of the crime in progress take place at
11/02/28 between 12:34 PM and 12:42 PM.

Now to enhance a few images to make identification easier. We will be

showing a clear close up of his face, and his tattoos so as to make an Id possible
should this person be found.

These 2 photos are of the suspects tattoos which will make it easier to find and
identify this man.

This photo shows the mans face as well as his gun in hand, proving his intent to
commit a robbery within the house.
With all this information made possible by the tools at our disposal, it should
be pretty clear who was responsible for the burglary of the house in the video tapes.
While he remains without a name at the moment, he is at large and should be
considered armed and dangerous.

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