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After Pablo Escobar the next big thing el Chapo Guzman supplying over
500 tons of cocaine In the US alone. Leading the Sinaloa Cartel of
Mexico El Chapo has been listed in the Forbes most powerful people in
the world. Born in a poor family of poppies and marijuana farmers
made his way to the top of his Sinaloa cartel which now controls
major drug trade of mexico and became the drug kingpin by 2003.
Sinaloa cartel supplies cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana,
and heroin throughout US and Europe. In 2013, the Chicago Crime
Commission named Guzmn "Public Enemy Number One" for the
influence of his criminal network in Chicago however there is no
evidence that Guzmn has ever been in that city. El chapo is a
notorious criminal with many murders in his name. El chapo has twice
escaped high security prison once back in 2001 by hiding inside a
laundry basket. Once recently in 2015 by digging a tunnel a riding a
motorcycle of his freedom. El chapo has also become a popular culture
in the Mexico with folk songs and stories of el chapo being told and
not only in mexico a poplar EDM artist skrillex dedicated a song for el
chapo referring him as the god.
In the past year el chapo has been all over the news with being
captured again after 13 yearlong manhunt in December 2014 from
escaping the prison again in 2015 and then again being captured on
January 6, 2016 and with his recent fight against his extradition to the
US which currently is at a halt after el chapos lawyer appealed in the
court on 29th June, 2016. And With his earliest prison break for the 3rd
time happened just this morning on 1st July, 2016 and this time
escaping with the help of 2 prison guards working for the Sinaloa
cartel. Early this morning at 5:35Am el chapo ws put into restraints by
two prison guards for routine cell transfer and by 6:05 guzman and
guards were nowhere to be found so the prison was put under
lockdown and by 7:15am abandon prison van was found a mile away.
With his third escape from a maximum security prison El chapo
guzman has showed that he cannot be but into restraints and there
many more of el chapo to come in the future.

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