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Ari Gold Money

Jason Capital: Yo, whats going on man? Its Jason Capital, here, Americas
#1 Success Coach For Men, and you are Americas #1, action-taking, badass
Welcome to Ari Gold Money, this is going to be a really fun celebrity report.
Im going to have a good time with this one because Ari Gold, right? You like
Ari Gold, I like Ari Gold, everyone likes Ari Gold, but we like Air Gold. Theres
something about him when you watch Entourage, you watch the way he deals
with people, with business, how he makes shit happen.
If you met him at a restaurant when he was 25 or something like that, and he was
acting the same way that he does now with that same ... were going to talk what
he does ... but if he just has that same that same affect, that same appeal, that
same energy, that same way of communicating you would have been able to just
look at him, and you would have known, this is a man who is going to succeed.
If he decides that success to him, at least part of success, means making a lot of
money, building a wealth-developing wealth, hes going to do it. You can just tell.
Lets get into it.
Heres how Ive broken down this celebrity breakdown. Two different categories.
The first one Im going to talk about the three biggest, most important things
that he does in terms of social. In terms of being social with people, and how he
handles people, how he handles things, his influence in communication in terms
of business, in terms of making money. The three biggest things he does socially
that make him money.
If you know the Pareto Principle, as you should, you know the 80/20 rule, these three
things. Theres probably only 20 percent of the things he does are responsible for 80,
90, maybe 95 percent of the results he gets. Im going to give those to you.

After than Im going to give you the three most important things that he does in
terms of actually making money. Three business practices, things you can put
into action today, because I dont really give a fuck that much about theoretical.
Im all about action. Heres what youre going to do. Heres how you do it. Now
you go out, and then you do it, and then of course you get the results or you learn
something new, and then you do it again, and now you get the results.
Thats what Im about. Thats what Im about on team Capital here. Were not like
the fucking sea of mediocrity, the 99 percent who dont take action, and just talk
shit, and just armchair fuckers filling their grocery carts with more Doritos and
white sugar infused brown water, aka Coca Cola and things like that, and just
wasting their lives away. Thats not what we do on Team Capital.
Were the top 1 percent. We aim for the top. We are the best. We are superior.
Were not afraid to admit it. I am fucking superior. You are fucking superior, thats
why I deserve wealth, thats why you are going to get that wealth. Thats why you
deserve that wealth, too.
Lets begin. Of course, actually at the end, I am going to review as promised the
number one mistake that Ari Gold makes, like the worst thing this mother fucker
does. Were going to make sure you never do it. Lets begin with social.
Number one, Ari Gold is epic. Okay, he is fucking epic at communicating what he
wants, and what he doesnt want. He is epic at communicating what he wants,
and what he doesnt want. This is the trait of a higher status male. This is the trait
of an alpha male. He knows exactly what he wants, and what he doesnt want
in any business deal, in any dinner hes going to, in any situation hes very, very
clear on the things that he wants.
Hes very, very clear on the things that he will not put up with, the things that
are just not cool in his life. We call these standards. He has the standard this
is how things have to be in my life. Take it or leave it. This is how Im choosing
to live my life. These are the things that I absolutely refuse to allow in my life.

Theyre just not allowed. If they happen youre gone. Okay, hes epic. Not only
at knowing those things, but communicating them to people. In a situation if hes
talking to Vince or to a producer or trying to make a deal or something like that,
and lets say someone mistreats him, he immediately ... he doesnt take it ... he
immediately says, I will not be treated this way. Heres whats going to happen.
Okay, hes epic at communicating what he wants. Thats not something you have to
say to someone every single day, but its something important to know that in that
situ- He will not take any of your shit if its something that he does not want in his life.
He would say, I will not be treated this fucking way. Heres what were going to
do. Immediately, he takes control, right? Hes going to communicate now. He
just communicated what he doesnt want, what hes not going to accept in his
reality. Now, hes going to communicate exactly what he does want. What he is
going to have in his life.
Heres the action step. Being epic at communicating what you want, and what
you dont want, it starts with you actually knowing what it is that you want. It
actually starts with you knowing what it is that you dont want. I actually didnt
even tell you this, but Im going to have you do a exercise right now. We want you
to pause this audio in just a second after I tell you the exercise.
Do the exercise. Then come back. Here is the exercise. I want you, right now, to
write down 5 things. The 5 biggest things that at the end of this year, whenever
youre listening to this, at the end of this year that you want in your life. If you get
nothing else this year, nothing else at all, but you get these 5 things at the end
of the year, you will be content. You will be satisfied. You will be fucking excited.
Okay, so pause this, and write down those 5 things. Then, come back.
All right. Welcome back. The reason we just did that is cause I want you to start
getting clear on what it is that you want, your outcomes. What are the things that
even if you get nothing else at the end of the year you get these 5 things, thats
what you want? Its so important to know those things. For me personally, I know

exactly what Im going to have at the end of this year. I know exactly what it is
that I want. I know exactly what it is that I dont want.
With those 5 things, for me its a little bit more than that, but at the end of the year
the things that I know Im going to have, not only do I know Im going to have
them, and not only do I know exactly what they are, but Ive worked backwards,
and I have an exact plan that Im executing, right fucking now. Including creating
this program for you, that are all going to get me those things that I want.
Theres actually a second part of this exercise. Im going to want you to pause it
again in a second. This time I want you to write down ... Excuse me. I didnt know
that was on. My bad. Im not even going to edit that out. I dont really give a fuck.
Focus on value here. Now, I want you to write down the 5 things in your life right
now, so 5 things that are present in your reality.
Things that happened sometimes with you, your business, your friends, with
women, whatever it is. 5 things that happen to come up sometimes that you
simple just dont like. Things that you just ... They come up sometimes, and not
necessarily in your control, maybe attached to other people, but you dont like
these things. You dont want them in your life. List those 5 things. Now, hit pause,
and Ill see you in a second.
All right. Welcome back. Now not only do you have a list of 5 things at the end of
the year that you know you want, but you also have 5 things in your life right now
that you know that you dont want. You dont want these things in your life. What
you can do right now is you can literally go through each of those 5 things that
are in your life right now, and theyve kind of just been nagging you, and theyve
kind of just been there, and you can make a action step next to each of them
right now. Just get rid of them.
How are you going to handle them? How are you going to get rid of them? Make
a plan for each, and then fucking do it. Get rid of them. Get them out of your
reality. If Ari Gold had things in his life that he doesnt want, you can be damned

sure hes not just going to go to bed that night, and accept that oh I guess these
things are just in my life; Im just going to have to deal with them. Fuck no, dude.
Hes going to make a plan, and then execute that plan to rid those things from his
life. Thats number one.
Number two. Ari Gold is the epitome of assertiveness. He is the epitome of
assertiveness. He is probably one of the most assertive TV characters that Ive
ever seen. His assertiveness is the reason for his success. Its the reason for
his influence. There is a lot. I dont know who said the quote, but theres a lot of
genius in boldness.
Just in the fact of being bold, being assertive, going for it. The sheer act of going
for it, whether you get it or not is going to attract people, because people like to
be around other people who are bold, who are action takers, who are assertive
human beings.
There is a key to being assertive. You cant just ... youre not just going to be there
like Im going to be assertive now. Lets go for it. Thats not how you do it. Theres a
real mechanism behind being assertive. It starts with a clear purpose before every
single thing, every interaction, every task that you take on. When Ari Gold steps
into anything, he has a very clear purpose of what he wants by that thing.
For instance, if hes going into a meeting, and he knows he wants a $3 million
contract to Vinny Chase, thats what he wants here. That is his purpose. When
he gets into the meeting, thats the picture in his mind. Thats what hes thinking
about. He might small talk in the beginning, and make a couple jokes, because
he knows thats going to build some re-pore, and bonding, and comfort between
him and the other person before he asks for what he wants.
Theres a purpose why hes doing that. When theres a purpose why he might ask
them how much money did you make on the last movie events. Then they say we
made $27 million. Hes asking these questions on purpose, so when he asks for $3
million it seems like nothing compared to how much money theyre going to make

with Vincent. Everything is based on this clear purpose. Hes being that assertive,
because he knows what he wants, and he knows why he wants it. Okay.
When you know exactly what you want, and you know why you want it, you have
strong reasons why. Strong enough reasons why that they outweigh the reasons
why you shouldnt. Thats really what you need. You need more reasons why you
should, than why you shouldnt. When you have more reasons why should, and
you know what you want, thats going to give you the leverage to fucking assert
yourself to get what it is that you want, because your reasons for wanting it are
so strong. Theyre so clear.
Now, theres a tool that I teach all my private clients to use for this, and Im
going to teach it to you, too. Its called the OPA system. I borrowed it from my
friend Tony Robbins. It goes O-P-A. All it means is that before you step into any
interaction, any task, anything like that, youre simple going to go through the
OPA system real quick.
All it is ... It stands for Outcome, Purpose, Action. Youre going to ask
yourself, what is my outcome here? This is what Ari Gold uses. He does this
unconsciously. Hes not thinking about it, but he is constant company of the OPA
system. When he says what is my outcome here? Boom. Gets an answer. This is
my fucking outcome here, get Vinny Chase $3 million.
Now, hes clear on what he wants. Then he says why? What is my purpose for
wanting that? Why do I want that? Because its going to get me this commission.
Because its going to lead to a bigger movie for Vince, because if we dont get
it were fucked, and then my life is fucking over, because its going to be a huge
deal for Vince.
I cant wait to bring him the news, because Im fucking Ari Gold. Im the kind of guy
that makes this shit happen. Hes going to list out all the reasons why. Get so much
leverage behind his actions, and then of course the last one is action. What is my
outcome? What is my purpose? Why do I want this? The last one O-P-A, the A

stands for action. What actions am I going to take right now to make that happen?
When he takes those actions fueled by those whys, the end result is incredibly
magnetic and powerful and influential. Assertiveness. Thats number two.
Number three. Ari Gold uses force of will as a tool. He uses force of will as a
tool. He uses it sparingly. Its a TV so they show all the great scenes where he
blows up and stuff. Those arent really ... That might happen once a month or
something. He uses it sparingly. He uses it when its needed, but he uses force
of will. If youve ever heard that in terms of like frame control, the person with the
strongest frame of reality, the person with the stronger frame is always going to
win. Theyre always going to get what they want.
When you are ... Lets say youre battling someone over a deal, for instance a
negotiation, but its with someone you work with in your company. Its not like a
pure negotiation, but its like were battling over whats the best idea here? Whats
the best action were going to take here?
If you believe so strongly that you think that your company should go with
marketing plan A, not marketing plan B, and they think you should go with plan
B, and youre like no! You know plan A is the way to go. When your confidence,
your certainty in that plan is so strong, and if its stronger than the other person,
then your force of will will make it happen. At some point the frames are going to
collide, and because yours is stronger, yours is going to win.
Ari, when this happens, when his frame collides with someone else, and hes
totally certain behind what hes doing, he blows the fuck up at them. Its funny
obviously to watch on TV, because hes incredibly witty while angry. Its very
impressive. He blows up on them, but what theyre really feeling is the force of
his will. By the time that hes done, theyre like if you believe in it that much, fuck
it, lets do it. Thats force of will winning the day.
My action step, and my challenge for you, because this is a good chance, maybe
you never do this at all, is to use force of will as a tool at least one time this week.

Just use force of will as a tool one time this week. Make the commitment. Make
the promise to yourself. If not for you, do it for me. Promise fucking Jason Capital
right now that you are going to use force of will as a tool in some way this week
to practice it, to get a feel for it.
You dont have to use it every week for the rest of your life. Just make sure you
do it once, and youre done this week. See what it feels like. See how powerful it
is. Anger is not that bad. Anger is a higher status trait. You dont want to be angry
all the time, but blowing up using force of will as a tool is fucking powerful. Ari
Gold knows it.
Those are the three biggest things he does socially in social interactions to get
what he wants, to make money. Now, lets talk about the three things he does
actually in business practices to make money as well. Number one is such an
important lesson. Ari Gold makes a little bit of money from a lot of people. He
makes a little bit of money from a lot of people. He has 100, 200, 300 clients.
Who knows how many clients he has that hes booking TV, and movies, and
producing, and writing and all these things.
Every single one of them is a number to him. Some guys make him more money
than others, but theyre all making him money. They all make him a little bit of
money from a lot of people. What you want to do in your business career as a
digital millionaire is you want to make a lot of money, excuse me, you want to
make a little bit of money from a lot of people, or a little bit of money from a lot of
different things.
My mentor, Dan Kennedy, likes to say one is the absolute worse number in
business, and he might not be wrong. He might not be wrong. If youre making a
little bit of money, if youre making a lot of money even, but just from one person,
or just from one thing, what happens when that well runs dry? Because all wells
at some point run dry. You want to be making a little bit of money from a lot of
people. This why as part of my own Team Capital mission for Team Capital to get
a million fucking bad ass, strong bad asses getting what they want, when they

want with who they want. That includes you by the way.
Part of that mission is for me to create at least 100 life changing transformative,
dominant, addictive, fucking trainings for my guys. That is part of my mission.
I know how transformative, and powerful my programs have been, and I know
what theyre going to be including this one. Every single program that I create is
me making a little bit of money from a lot of people. If I make 20 thats good. If
I make 100 thats even better. Now thats a little bit of money from 100 different
things, and thousands, and tens of thousands. Even hundreds of thousands of
different people.
For instance, right now there is money coming in from 6, not just including the
programs, but theres money some me coming in right now from 6 different
streams. I have 6 different streams coming in right now from people Ive
published, from my own companies, from Angel investing, from mastermind
groups, the digital private mastermind that I run. I have 6 different streams. 5 of
those streams require less than 30 minutes a week from me. 5 of those streams
require less than 30 minutes a weeks.
I have 6 different streams, and 5 of them are taking almost none of my time,
and I love all of them. I have 5 different places where moneys coming in from
where I ... literally its completely passive. Its automatic. Its recurring. Then the
other one, my big company, obviously I spend a lot more time in that. To me for
instance I want 20. I think 20 different streams, all of them requiring almost no
time at all would be ideal. Theres no reason it can be 20. It could be even 50.
Make a little bit of money from a lot of people. This is what Ari Gold does. This is
why Ari Gold is the wealthiest agent in Hollywood, and the other ones who have
3 clients dont make as much money. Its not that complicated. He just has more
people who are creating money for him. This is what Im going to talk about in the
digital mode of systems on how to do this. Thats the first one.
Number 2. Ari Gold in his interactions, he is always letting other people know

that they have competition. Sometimes he does it subtly, other times he does
it blatantly. Hes constantly letting people know that theres competition. That
theres other people who want him. This might seem like a social thing to you, but
its actually one of the ultimate influence triggers to get people to buy stuff from
you on the internet. This is a huge part of the digital mode system when we talk
about influence, and persuasion through emails, through videos, through sales
videos, and all that kind of stuff.
Hes constantly letting everyone know theres competition for them. Even with
Vince, hes constantly letting Vince know about his other clients, and other things
that are going on to challenge Vince. For instance, if hes trying to get Vince in a
movie and a studio is offering a certain amount of money, hes going to let them
know there are other studios who want Vince for more money. Youre offering
me 3. We actually have this great picture with this great director for 4.5, and
you guys really got to match it. You got to help me out here. Do something. Hes
letting them know that this persons in demand. Thats one of the most important
social skills you can remember is to constantly, subtly, and sometimes blatantly
let people know that you are in demand.
For instance, I have 3 different clients that are paying me $75,000 a year just to
be my private coach just for us to talk once a week just for 20, 30 minutes about
whatever they need help with, whatever they want guidance with. Even in those
coaching sessions, Im not like performing all kinds of wizardry. Im just asking
them the questions that they didnt know how to ask themselves. Theyre the
ones who come up with the answers.
The point of being a great coach is asking amazing questions, leading people
to the place where they can answer the question themselves, get themselves to
the finish line. Three guys, one of them is a really well known Hollywood director,
and the other ones actually a famous entrepreneur. Theres a lot of demand
for Jason Capital. We have a waiting list up to six months for that 75k coaching
program. I would love it if I could open it up more, but I just dont have time. I
just dont have the time for it. When I say that to you right now, in your mind, you

hear all that, but your subconscious also heres this person is in demand. Jason
Capital is in huge demand. Celebrities literally pay him for private access to him.
Like God Damn, Im fucking lucky I get some of his programs. I can access them
for pennies on the dollar. This is great.
Ari Gold does the same thing. Hes constantly letting people know that there
is competition. That he is pre-selected. That theres social proof, and you
need to be doing this too. You need to be doing it too. Dont ignore it. Its not
manipulative. To me, manipulative is taking the things that are true in your
life and leveraging them to get what you want, okay. Which is not dishonest.
Dishonest would be making shit up. Manipulative is you literally what are my
strengths? Im going to fucking use my strengths to get what I want. Thats what
manipulative is, and thats what it is, and Im all for it. I think you should be too.
Hes constantly letting people know theres competition. Very important.
Now the third practice that he does is in his business there is nothing sequential.
Its never a sequential thing. This is going to be so important for you, especially if
you are just starting off with your first digital millionaire business. Maybe if youre
in the 1k a day mastermind group. This is so crucial to understand. Youre not
sequential. Theres nothing sequential. Its not like Im going to finish A, then Im
going to finish B, then Im going to finish C, then Im going to finish D, and once I
get to E now I can watch my business start making money.
Ari Gold with him everything is controlled chaos. Its not A, then B, then C, then
D, then E, its A at the same time as B at the same time as C at the same time as
D at the same time as E, and Im going to do my fucking best to try and handle all
of them, some of them, a couple of these spinning plates might fall, but most of
them are going to stay spinning. Im going to make this shit happen. Hes always
doing ten things at once. Hes booking this person for a movie.
Hes managing his company. Hes building a new one. He has his business deal.
Other clients, hes trying to land in TV. He has this other fire he has to put out,
but hes building this other ... Theres so many things going at it all at the same

time. That is one of the secrets of the worlds most successful people. Theres
controlled chaos. There will never be a point where they can just work on one
thing, and theyll finish it, and its nice and calm, and theyll get to the next thing.
Thats not how it works. Thats not how life is for a successful entrepreneur.
Thats not how it is for Ari Gold. Everything is controlled chaos.
For instance, with Jason Capital Dating, and Jason Capital Success right now
we have multiple programs that were creating. We have multiple programs that
were launching. Were doing so many different things at the same time. Yeah, it
seems a little crazy at times, but thats part of getting rich. It is not a clean, clear
sequential thing. Its completely controlled chaos. You need to make sure in your
business youre not just like Im going to write the product, and then Im going to
do this, and then Im going to do this.
Its Im going to do this at the same time I do this. Write the product the same
time that Im working on the sales letter, while Im creating up-sales, and then
Im talking to my designers, and Im building my website. Im implementing these
three different traffic strategies, and Im doing it all at the same time to build my
fucking business.
When you take the money to the bank. The bank teller doesnt look at you, and
ask well did you, when you made this money was it a clean job? Was it very
organized well? Because if it was organized well, were going to give you an
extra 20% on the dollar, but if it was really chaotic the way you made money, then
were actually going to take money away from you.
They dont give a shit. They take the money. They put it in your account no matter
how you make it. The fastest way to make it by far, youll make it 10 times faster
when you are in chaos, controlled chaos.
Those are the three biggest business practices that Ari Gold locks down to make
a lot of money. Here we are at the number one mistake that Ari Gold makes.
Here it is. Ari Gold makes himself completely too available to interruption. He

makes himself completely too available to interruption. What I mean by this is

his door is always open. His phones are always on. Hes constantly checking
email. He is constantly, all day long reacting to the whims of other people. Other
peoples to do lists. Other peoples agendas.
Now, heres the problem with that, other peoples to do lists, and other peoples
agendas, and other peoples daily whims are never going to be in his best
interest. Every single time that one of these things comes into his day, because
hes so available to interruption, and it interrupts him. Now, he has to react to it
now. He is losing money for himself, and literally becoming a slave to someone
elses to do list, becoming a slave to someone elses agenda. Fuck that.
The solution is two things. This is what I do myself. One, you must limit your
accessibility while you are working. You must limit your accessibility while youre
working, completely. When Im here at Team Capital HQ my office is completely
separate from anyone else. It is a completely different room. There are no
windows. The doors are locked.
Theres no sound. You cannot get to me. My phone is off. I do not check email. My
messenger on my computer is off. It is impossible for you to get to me. That is why
I am able to get so much done, because I never react. No ones whims are getting
in. Its my to do list, and thats the only list in the world. Thats number one.
Number two I script my days from start to finish. I script my days from start to
finish. I know from 9 to 10 Im working on todays VIP newsletter. Then from
10:10 to 11:10 Im working on the next program that Im creating for Team
Capital. Then, from 11:20 to 11:40 Im recording a new video. Then, from 11:50 ...
Everything is scripted not just your work. I know at 3:00 pm Im going to the gym.
I know at 3:45 Im done lifting. I know Im driving home. Ill get home at 4:05 to
the Capital Compound. I know what Im doing.
The whole day is scripted. Theres part where I literally script. I call it free flow
where its from this time to this time Im just going to do whatever the fuck I

feel like, but its still scripted. Because everything is scripted it is impossible
for someone to take some of my time. Someone needs 5 minutes I look at my
schedule, and I say well I have appointments all day today.
Theyll be put off probably a week or two before I can fit you in my schedule.
Because of that, it is impossible for me to be reacting. Im constantly causing
success in my life, because everythings scripted. You cant access me, so Im just
going to fucking execute exactly what Ive planned out for maximum profitability.
Now, Ari would get way more done if he wasnt so available. His door is always
open. Lloyd is always walking in. Hes constantly getting calls. Theres all this
shit going on, hes emotionally reacting to, and it fucks up his days. He isnt
productive because of it. Most people, if they limited accessibility, and the script
exactly what they were going to do, they could get done in two and a half hours
what take them 10, including Ari.
His number one mistake: hes far too available for interruption. The solutions is
one you script your days completely, and two you limit your accessibility while
you are working completely. That is how you fucking do it. Thats how we do it.
Thats how Team Capital does it. Thats how digital millionaires do it, especially if
you want to live this amazing Digital Millionaire Lifestyle.
All right, I am Jason Capital. That was Ari Gold money. Ill see you later, man.


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