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-high -maxMem=24576 -malloc=system -force-feature-level-11-0 -winxp

^^^^^^ Replace this number with how much RAM your system has in MB,
for example
I have 24GB of RAM, Which = 24576mb
Here are some of the most common to save you searching
4 GB = 4096
8 GB = 8192
12 GB = 12288
16 GB = 16384
24 GB = 24576
32 GB = 32768
64 GB = 65536
So for example, if you have 4GB of RAM, Your code will look like this
-high -maxMem=4096 -malloc=system -force-feature-level-11-0 -winxp
So complete your own personal code and paste it into the your launch parameters
steam > rust > properties > set launch options

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