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JULY 7, 2016
I chose this chapter because it pique my interest about the field of medical science.
Being a registered nurse, this is a subject matter that I can share connections on a personal
level. Though, it has never occurred to me that physics application has been a standard in the
branch of medical practice or medical imaging when it comes to professional medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment. No doubt this technology can save millions of lives without the price of
undergoing surgery or preventing an underlying disease.
Ultrasound has been a common practice for every pregnant women. An ultrasound is
considered safe for both the mother and the baby when it's used for medical purposes. Experts
in Canada recommend that all women have an ultrasound when they are pregnant. Every
pregnant woman I know undergo or had been diagnose about their pregnancy through this
imaging test. It helped them be more prepared and for the Ob-gyne to monitor the baby's growth
and track milestones or detect abnormalities. Unfortunately, there are people who have no
access to this technology. Here in our province, we still have the analogue ultrasound but some
hospitals, doctors use 3-D ultrasound to provide pictures of the baby with photograph-quality
Six years ago, I was diagnosed with Transient Ischemic Attack or mini-stroke. It was an
excruciating experience. I was admitted in the provincial hospital with paraplegia which affects
both of my legs paralyzed and slurred speech. I saw it as a timely warning sign, a wake- up call
and was glad to have the opportunity to try to prevent anything more serious happening. The
doctor prescribed medication for high blood pressure. I was referred by the doctor to have
further additional tests or scans will usually be undertaken to work out the cause of symptoms
and the best treatment but I feel a very disappointment. Tests and scans for this vascular
disease which includes MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography) and
scans of the head is not available here in our province. Getting an early diagnosis and treatment
after a TIA or any other disease is very important, as it reduces the risk of a further
complications. It took me several months to have a schedule of a private hospital in Cebu.
Overall, accessibility and availability when it comes to biomedical services are very dire
because of lack infrastructure and investment. Financing and availability of funds are two
important concerns for the health sector. If we improve our health services then we can also say

the same for biomedical science. To be inspired by the invaluable contribution of inventors for
the welfare of our people and for the next generation to be challenged. Recognizing and
honouring the amazing contributions of the inventions and innovation whose works improves
society as a whole. All of them had a huge impact on the world we live in today, with scientists,
engineers, researchers having given everything they have to make our lives easier.

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