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AP and AP prep Studio Art

What to expect in this class

Cuyahoga Falls High School

What happens in this class:

1. You will make ART and LOTS OF IT!
-you will have 2 projects due every 2 weeks.
2. You will choose a theme and stick to it! (for 12 art works)
--your theme can be broad a narrow topic will limit you too much.
3. You will write about your ideas, what youre thinking and reflect on what youve
made. You will keep a sketchbook and write reports in Google Classroom.
4. You will talk about your art and your classmates work in class critics
5. Photograph and matte your art and keep a digital record of all your work.
6. Art Shows! You will be exhibiting your art in the community throughout the year

Sketchbook Assignments
You will have 2 each week.
Topics will be posted on Wednesday
Drawings are Due on the following Wednesday.

Your Ssketchbook should be with you at all times

AP Student goals (seniors)

First semester goal is 12
high quality theme pieces
done before Christmas

Second semester goal is

12 high quality breathe
pieces done by the last
week of April.

Ap Prep Students
Your goal is 6 pieces

(if you can make more BONUS!)

These art works must be complete by
the end of the semester and are at a
high enough quality that they will go
right into your AP portfolio.

There are many guidelines you mut follow to submit work to the AP College
Board. One of the most important is this:

* NO Copyrighted IMAGES! *
That includes copying (drawing and or
collaging) from a photograph that you did
not take.
-for example: no celebrity images

Project Format (for all 24)

Through review of your previous work and ideas, class critique/feedback, and teacher-student interview
you will be assigning yourself art projects.

1st- Project proposal with sketches, research and ideas laid out.
2nd- Teacher approval then begin project execution
3rd- Completed project turned in with self-evaluation form complete.
4th- Participate in class critique
5th- Repeat

College Credit and Class Grade

Your College Credit for this class:
The college board will determine over the summer if you qualify for a college credit based on your AP
test score. However, each grading period you do receive a grade in this class. This will be determined
by multiple criteria:
Your Grade for this class:

completion and quality of the class paperwork (including digital forms) required, sketchbooks and
teacher-student interviews.
-Participation in class critiques
-# and quality of Projects complete

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