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Magallanes III, Emil Marc L.

I must say, that during the pendency of my Business plan subject; Mr.
Achacoso proved that he is a master of the course subject. He provided
invaluable lectures, techniques, strategies, concepts and laughter to his
students. The compliance to the course is no easy task; sleepless nights were
a thing of normalcy. But to a student, armed with the necessary tools,
anything can be done. This sort of mindset can be rooted to Mr. Achacosos
lending ear, in listening to queries of his students, he pointed and explained
the mistakes, gave high fives to those who did right and illustrated different
possibilities with depth, to develop our business plan to its full potential.
Some people say that if they have the money, they will rather have a
business than to have a 9 to 5 job. That should be the spirit. In real terms,
however, putting up a business doesnt go that well easily. Ups and downs are
usually part of the process. To minimize the failures and maximize the
successes, one must think and make a business plan; a business plan is
nothing more than a practical tool of testing and analyzing the surface before
jumping on it. Mr. Achacosos unwavering and tiring dedication to educate
students on things that matters on business are nothing short of brilliance
and yet practicable in every sense of the word.

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