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J: Hello men, do you remember me?

L: Hey, whats up?

D: Hi bros, I missed you.

J: Me too.

L: And you? Why do you have a beer in your hand? What have you been doing?

D: Im heartbroken because my girlfriend cheated on me with a man who works with her. I
think he is called Jonathan like you.

J: Oh sorry my friend, but you shouldnt be so for her. Dont take it so hard. Look in the
bright side.

L: Try to go out with your friends to dance or play soccer. Youll get over it.

D: Yeah, Im complete agreement with you. I'll turn over a new leaf. And what about you?

L: Well, Im depressed. My ex-wife left me with nothing. Im broke.

J: Where are you living?

L: In a department which my mother gave me. Well, As a result of all the problems Im
smoking weed. I have several reasons for use it. First, Its good for health also is a relaxant.

D: I'm not complete agreement with you. But I like to try, do you have more?

J: No! What are you doing? Consider what would happen if you become addicted.

D: Thats true, we give it up drinking and smoking, but you have to thing on your feet. On the
other hand, what about you, Jhonatan?

L: Yes, you are in a good mood.

J: It is because I have the most beautiful, pure and faithful woman in the world, look at a picture
of her.

D: Shes the woman who betrayed me.

L: Wtf! Also she is my ex wife

The more the merrier

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