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The Collossus Wars - In the distant future, humans have brought genetic

engineering and biotechnology to whole new levels. With the discovery of

new genetic codes, new weapons and beasts are developed. Gigantic reptiles
terrorize the skies, spewing fire from biomechanical flame throwers.
Wooly Mammoths bristle with spines that can be shot at the enemy. And
these are some of the less inconceivable creatures. Collectible element - once
you defeat it, you get it. You can make your own beast or weapon from
scratch. Influenced by battletech/mech commander
Worries about the beasts looking gruesome
Manned by humans in the the hollowed-out skull cavity
become connected to the beast

"sensors" are enhanced senses linked to the human's own(compound eyes,

seeing sound/smelling colour, echolocation, lowlight vision?)

"tonnage" has to do with the size of the creature

"heat capacity" translates to blood flow

"computer grid" is the nervous system

"actuators/internal space" is the skeleton(exoskeleton, invertebrates?)

Creatures are bred with endurance, but need to eat to replenish, type of
creature used depends on type of environment (herbivore, carnivore,
omnivore, terravore, solavore)

Beasts interface with "riders" through direct sensory linkage, thus a rider
imprinted on a beast will only use that beast or versions of it, retraining the
brain is difficult and time consuming, could cause sensory overload if

Take inspiration from procyon/mechcommander/hordes

Shotgun, machine gun, gauss, missile, laser

Bipedal animals use weapons?

Did you ever think that it was us who failed to realize just how awesome God
is? Humans have a way of limiting concepts that are too big for them. We
can't truly comprehend an infinite, perfect, omnipotent, omniscient God, so
we limit him to big bearded fellow who lives just outside the earth's
atmosphere, looking down on us as we might look down on an ant colony.

Acid, fire, wood/ice/rock/bone pellets, liquid nitrogen, plasma, lasers,

boulders, wood/ice/rock/bone shards, spines, poison, chemical spray, tongue,
sonic waves, webs, water, lightning, electric field, water field, parasite
launcher, smoke field, vines, spores, long tail/appendage, shell, chemical
field, natural explosives, steam, cameleon skin, glowing, horns, teeth, claws,
anaconda body, tusks, poison field, petrifying, hooves, sand, sense blocker,
light flash, fur, bloodsucking, black hole generator, dimensional shift, seeds,
fruits, petals, sonic bullets, magnetism, levitation, wings, burrowing,
swimming, mandibles, sword/club/spear/shield-shaped limbs, rolling,
telekinesis, light absorber, energy shield, air pressure, absorbtion, pack
sense, Herd instinct, loner, fire, lava, rock,
Breath before shooting?
Limited telekinisis? Mind v.s. Body.
Heat-lasers(like mass effect)?
Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Pistol, Rocket Launcher, Grenade
Launcher, Flame Thrower, Chain Gun, Grenades, Mortar, Mine, claws, Teeth,
horns, hooves, spiked/clubbed tails,
Stealth Field
Limbs, trunk, head - upright, parallel
Stats - reflexes, speed, will-courage/intelligenge, defense - armour/endurance, sense radius, sense
accuracy, attack - accuracy/power, element, elemental weakness,
Efective Range is the only range that counts
How to account for weather like fog, smoke, rain, snow, wind, heat,

Hexagonal Map
Speed/power versus endurance
Keep the ranges low - 1/2-3/4-6/7-10/11-15
No ammo, cool off/recharge timers: recharge in 3 turns or one use per

Training scenario - Minor rivalry between felifirorms(Clan name) and

caniforms(clan name)

Each clan has divisons according to form and habitat - Ice Wolf Clan and
Jungle Cat Clan
Rpg board game similar to kingdom death: monster

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