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1. Who is running for mayor?

a. Higgins and Fletcher

2. What does +/- 5 mean? Discuss the concept of margin of error in detail.
a. +/- 5 is the margin of error, meaning that the reported results of the
poll could vary by 5% in either direction if the poll were to be repeated
3. How can there be errors in telephone polling?
a. Telephone polling does not have the ability to reach all
demographics. Those without a telephone cannot be reached, and those who work
night shifts are less likely to be included since most phone poles are held at night.
b. Phone polls also only reach one person in each household, primarily
4. How can the phrasing of the question determine the answer?
a. Phrasing the questions in certain ways can encourage certain
answers such as: Do you support gun control policies to limit mass shootings?
which would encourage an answer of agreement more than asking Do you support
policies infringing on the second amendment?
5. What was the polling report showing the day of the election?
a. The first showed them neck and neck, the second showed Higgins in
the lead, which ended up being accurate
6. Who won the election? To what degree?
a. Higgins won by a landslide but she only pulled ahead at the end of
the election

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