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Millennium City Toastmasters Club - Gurgaon


Volume 1 (Jan16 to June16)

The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which
every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster
self-confidence and personal growth.

Presidents address
Embrace your fear
Usage of Toast
9 short stories
Leadership & Discipline
De magique of ORATION 2016!

My journey to CS
Life & Humor
Water conservation
& many more.

Millennium musings:The word Millennium has been taken from the name of our Club 'Millennium City'
Musings means: A period of thought or reflection, Like pondering/ contemplation

Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Greetings, Readers!

MCTC (Millennium city toastmasters club) is a Community club. Members of

MCTC form a diverse portfolio of professionals: Doctors, Lawyers, CFAs, IT
professionals, Sales, Marketing & PR Professionals, and Architects to list a
few. Such diversity opens gate for myriad set of knowledge and skills which
eventually helps in overall development of each member.
As Toastmasters is the perfect platform for communication and leadership
skills, MCTC is an ideal club to reap the best from the very platform. The
difference lies in its ideology. While there is a lot to achieve with respect to club awards, individual awards
and membership strength at Toastmasters; we at MCTC believe in the quality of the weekly meetings, and
everything else just follows.
Quality meetings are enjoyable for the members, and inspire them to be regular in meetings, complete
speech projects and take up leadership roles, which in turn helps to achieve individual and club level awards.
With this Ideology, MCTC has mastered the meeting rigor and has won The Rising Star award, The
President Distinguished club award and is a strong contender for The Golden Gavel Award. MCTC
members have received, The Triple crown award and multiple contestants from MCTC qualified for all the
four division level contests and eventually won awards in three contests, out of the last four.
A high quality meeting also motivates guests to become a part of the club. Many members whove recently
joined our club, gave us the feedback that they chose MCTC after having attended meetings in multiple
clubs, because of the upbeat atmosphere and amazing meeting quality at MCTC. Today, we are 43 members
as on date and almost had a split of club because of the increasing active strength.
MCTC, like every toastmasters club, encourages speakers every time they stand on the stage. Not just
speakers, but potential leaders as well. Such is the encouragement that all the members of current
Executive committee were less than 6 months old in the club when they took charge.
Do you want to take charge? Do you want to be a part of us? You are welcome. On behalf of MCTC, I heartily
invite you to be a part of our pride, our club MCTC.

Amit Gulati
President - MCTC

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Millennium City Toastmasters Club (MCTC) is a
community club in Gurgaon that meets each week to
conduct learn-by-doing workshops in which participants
hone their speaking, communication and leadership
skills in a no-pressure atmosphere. There is no
instructor. Instead, members evaluate each others
speeches. This feedback process is a key part of the
programs success. Meeting participants also give
impromptu speeches on assigned topics.
All have different set of requirements. Some join Toastmasters to fight the fear of public speaking, some to
become better leaders, some to be more effective at engaging an audience, some to develop their humor
and wit. The reasons are endless. MCTC invests time in its new members to understand their personal
reasons of wanting to join Toastmasters, aligns those needs with the different Toastmasters' projects, helps
members formulate a growth plan and datelines to ensure a sharp and focused learning chart.
Each new member is assigned a mentor who helps him/her develop as a speaker and leader. As a protocol,
speeches at MCTC can only be delivered after discussions with the speakers mentor. This ensures fast-track
personal progress and quality speeches at the meetings.
The club has members of all age groups from across the work spectrum. As peripherals, we have a lot fun at
the meetings, network for professional and personal reasons and develop our personalities!
We invite you to attend one of our meetings as a guest of the club and understand the dynamics of the

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Executive Committee Members for Period Jan16 to June16
President - Amit Gulati

Vice President Education -Shveta Gupta

Vice President Membership - Manisha Mehta

Vice president Public relationship - Nitin Sagar

Secretary - Rahul Kokadwar

Treasurer - Rakhi Aswal

Sergeant-at-arms 1 - Mohit Mendiratta

Sergeant-at-arms 2 - Dipti Singhal

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Executive Committee Installation Ceremony

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What if I dont pass in this exam?

What if I forget in between?
What if I am not good on stage?
What if I FAIL? Should I just not do this instead of FAILING?

Dear Toastmasters,
How many number of times I have gone through these questions in my mind. Yes, the fear of failure we have all experienced at some or other point of time in our life. May be right before appearing for
that entrance exam, or making that important make or break investor presentation, or maybe even
before asking that special someone out for the first date.
This has always made me wonder what it is about failure that scares us so much.
We believe that our failure is so huge and so serious that it is conspicuous to everyone around us.
And if we fail others will look down on us. This not just de-motivates us but also makes us believe that
we are not good enough.
But the truth really is that our failure is overrated only in our own little heads. And this makes us step
away from otherwise a perfectly fine decision.
About a year back I faced a similar situation. When I was moving to Gurgaon, I had two job
opportunities to choose from. One was for a managerial position with a multi-national bank and
other one was with a start up for a much challenging role. While the start-up option seemed much
more lucrative, not just financially but also for my professional growth, it was definitely a much riskier
proposition. And the chances of failure were very high.
While I was confused and in a dilemma as to what should I chose, I thought to myself what will I do if
I wasnt afraid to fail?
And then I decided to take the plunge and I joined the start-up. Since then I wouldnt say that it has
been a completely smooth sail but then I am riding with the flow.
There are two very important lessons that I have learnt during this ride. Firstly, fear of failure is much
scarier than the failure itself. Our fear is like this heavy baggage of stone that we carry whereas
failure is really a bag of cotton. You fail, you learn and you move on.
Secondly, once we embrace our fear we can actually channelize our apprehensions more
productively. We can leverage this fear to make us work harder and make us better prepared to
face the challenges that lie ahead of us.

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At Toastmasters, week after week, all of us in every single meeting learn to embrace this fear of
failure and channelize this fear towards making us a much better speaker and leader. And thats the
beauty of Toastmasters!
Yes, it really is our attitude that defines failure it could either stop us from moving forward or
become a stepping stone to move ahead to achieve whatever we have dreamt of.
In the words of eminent writer C.JoyBell:
Dont be afraid of your fears. Theyre not there to scare you. Theyre there to let you know that
something is worth it.

Submitted by-Rakhi Aswal, Treasurer-MCTC

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Do you know what the different usages of word TOAST?

Noun :1. Toast - slices of bread that have been toasted

2. Toast - a celebrity who receives much acclaim and attention;

Usage- "he was the toast of the town"
she was the toast of the Club.
3. Toast - a person in desperate straits; someone doomed;
Usage-"I'm a Toast if this plan doesn't work";
"One mistake and you're toast"
4. Toast - a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event-

5. Usage- Everyone, drink a toast to the queen.

6. toast a single serving of a beverage;
Usage- "I asked for a Toast";

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Verb:1. toast - make brown and crisp by heating;
Usage-"toast the bread";

2. toast - propose a toast to;

Usage- "Let us toast the birthday girl!";
"He gave the first of many toasts at the
birthday party"

Submitted by-Mahiman, Member-MCTC

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9 Short stories worth reading, feeling and forwarding to all those dear to you


Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a boy in a wheelchair
caught me before I slammed my head on the ground. He said,
Believe it or not, thats almost exactly how I injured my back 3
years ago .

Today, my father told me, Just go for it and give it a try! You dont
have to be a professional to build a successful product. Amateurs started Google and Apple.
Professionals built the Titanic
Today, I asked my mentor a very successful business man in his 70s what his top 3 tips are for
success. He smiled and said, Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is
thinking, and do something no one else is doing.
Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper Im working on for my Psychology
class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, Success is when you look back
at your life and the memories make you smile.
5. *TRY and YOU shall KNOW*
I am blind by birth. When I was 8 years old, I wanted to play baseball. I asked my father- "Dad, can I
play baseball?" He said "You'll never know until you try." When I was a teenager, I asked him, - "Dad
Can I become a surgeon?". He replied "Son, you'll never know until you try." Today I am a Surgeon,
just because I tried!
Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave
me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didnt recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her
eyes and the most sincere smile and said, On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of world trade centre.

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Today, as my father, three brothers, and two sisters stood around my mothers hospital bed, my
mother uttered her last coherent words before she died. She simply said, I feel so loved right now.
We should have gotten together like this more often.
Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed. About 5 seconds
after he passed, I realized it was the first time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy.

Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe. He said he hadnt eaten anything
in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. Then my friend offered him the rest of the
sandwich he was eating. The first thing the man said was, We can share it.
Cheers to Life!!!
Submitted by-Bakul Joshi, Member-MCTC

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Judge not lest ye be judged. The verse in the Holy bible sums it all. It is one
of the greatest and the most powerful verses I have come across, and yet if I
ponder, the human mind is so fickle, so swift in making Judgements. Mind
judges immediately , without ever looking beyond the obvious, whether solid
grounds exist, it makes a picture without connecting the whole set of dots.
Many of you all, who are reading this article would have already drawn
Judgement of what this is about and may jump to the last paragraph or may
even stop reading right now..Studies by Johanathen Smallwood et al. in field
of mind wandering related with academic performance, have shown that a readers mind typically wanders
anywhere from 20-40 percent of the time while he/she reads. The more the wandering, the worse the
The deep default character of mind is that it wanders. Thoughts constantly keep us occupied as a result of
both sensory and emotional distractions and add up to measuring up and making Judgements. The universe
is so interconnected that unless you know the whole, you cannot know the part. One thing leads to another
because it is interlinked. The present moment is interlinked with all the past; the present moment is
interlinked with all the future.
Let me take you through a short story. Many years ago, that there was an old man in a village, very poor, a
woodcutter living hand to mouth, in misery and poverty. The villagers and even the king were jealous of him
because he had a beautiful white horse. A horse, as white as snow, with black eyes, a fluffy mane and a silky
tail. It was such a beauty; the very grandeur to watch the horse run and raise its legs in the air was a sight to
watch. Such a horse had never been seen before.
Kings offered fabulous prices, but the old man would say, 'This horse is not a horse to me, it is a friend, and
not a possession. How can you sell a friend? No, it is not possible.' The man was poor, there was every
temptation, but he never sold the horse.
One morning, he suddenly found that the horse was not in the stable. The whole village gathered and they
said, 'You foolish old man. We knew it beforehand, that someday the horse would be stolen. And you are
so poor, how can you protect such a precious thing? It would have been better to sell it. Now, the horse is
gone. It is a curse, a misfortune.
The old man replied in a sad but calm voice, 'Don't go too far. Simply say that the horse is not in the stable.
This is the fact; everything else is a Judgement. Whether it is a misfortune or not, how do you know?
To that the villagers reacted 'Don't try to befool us. We may not be great philosophers, but no philosophy is
needed. It is a simple fact that a treasure has been lost, and it is a misfortune. After fifteen days, on a fine
sunny day, the old man heard a snort, thundering hooves. He looked and saw a cloud of dust at a distance
and from the dust emerged a herd of horse galloping and the white horse leading the pack, his head edging
forward piercing, cutting through the air! Oh, what a sight it was! The old mans eyes filled with tears to see
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his friend again. The horse had not been stolen: it had escaped to the wilderness. And not only did it come
back, it brought a dozen wild horses with it. Again the people gathered and they said, 'Old man, you were
right and we were wrong. It was not a misfortune, it proved to be a blessing. We are sorry that we insisted.'
The old man said, 'Again you are going too far. Just say that the horse is back, and say that a bunch of twelve
horses has come with the white horse, but don't judge beyond that. Who knows whether it is a blessing or
not? It is only a fragment. Unless you know the whole story, how can you judge? You read one page of a
book, how can you judge the whole book?
This time the people could not say much; maybe the old man was again right. So they kept silent, but inside
they knew well that he was wrong. Twelve beautiful horses had come with the horse. A little training and
they could all be sold and they would fetch much money.
The old man had a young son, the only son he had. The young son started to train the wild horses. Just a
week later he fell from a wild horse and his legs were broken.
The people gathered again and people are people everywhere, like us, like you everywhere, again making
Judgements on the whole situation. 'You were right old man, your only son has lost his legs, and in your old
age he was your only support. Now you are poorer than ever.
The old man said, 'You are obsessed with Judgement. Don't go that far. Say only that my son has broken his
legs. Who knows whether this is a misfortune or a blessing? No-body knows. Again a fragment and you have
judged the whole. Life comes in fragments, and Judgement is about the total.'
It so happened that after a month, the country went to war with a neighboring mighty country, and all the
young men of the town were forcibly taken for the military. There was confusion, crying, weeping since
there was no possibility of their coming back. It was a losing battle. Only the old man's son was left because
he was crippled.
Again the people gathered, 'You were right, old man!, indeed you were right. The handicap from the
accident proved to be a blessing. Maybe your son is crippled, but still he is with you. Our sons are gone
forever. At least your son is alive and with you, and he will recover. Maybe a little limp will be left, but he
will be okay.'
The old man again said, 'It is impossible to talk to you people, you go on and on judging. Nobody knows
whether it is a blessing or a misfortune. Nobody will ever be able to know it. The story ends here but gives a
powerful message.
The message is that the moment you judge, you shrink; the moment you judge, you stop, you cease further
investigation; the moment you judge, you are no longer flowering.
A man who wants to journey to the ultimate, should make it a basic point not to judge. Very difficult, almost
impossible, because before you know it, the mind judges. But if we try, by and by, a subtle awareness arises,
where we can learn to un-learn and can suspend Judgement. Therefore, let us stop passing Judgement on
one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of others as
well as our selves.
Submitted by-Vinay Bhardwaj, Member-MCTC

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Leadership & Discipline
There are many brilliant thinkers, writers and speakers who have shared their
insights on Leadership; each one of them unique and impressive in their own
right. To me, none qualify more to speak on this topic than the officers of Indian
Armed forces. And the one fauji that stands tall in that elite group is Field
Marshal Sam Manekshaw.

Ive always been a huge fan of Sam Bahadur, as he is fondly called by his fellow
Army men. Watching him speak about Leadersip, his own experiences, and
reading about all the anecdotes; Manekshawism as they are called, is such an enriching experience.
Imagine, if he were alive today and came to MCTC to give a speech, what a sight that would be; what an
exhilarating experience that would be.

While that cannot happen, I thought as a tribute to the great Field Marshal, we should have some excerpts
from one among his numerous speeches on the subject of Leadership and Discipline. This particular speech
that I have chosen for this article is perhaps relevant to all Toast Masters and stresses on key attributes like
punctuality, discipline and humor.

Some years ago, my wife and I were invited to convocation at a university. I was asked to be there at four
oclock. I got into the staff car with my wife, having chased her from about eleven oclock in the morning.
Dont forget, darling, you have got to be on time. Get properly dressed; you have to leave at such and such
time. Eventually, I got her into the car. I told the driver, Thoda aayisthe, thoda jaldi, but we got to the
university and the convocation address place at four oclock. We were received by the Vice Chancellor and
his Lady. We were taken into the convocation hall, and the Vice Chancellor asked me to get on the platform,
asking my wife to do so, too. She gracefully declined, and said she much rather sit down below as she
seldom had an opportunity of looking up to her husband.

Anyway, on the platform, the Vice Chancellor sang my praises. As usual there were 2000 boys and girls who
had come for the convocation. There were deans of university, and professors and lecturers. Then he asked
me to go to the lectern and address the gathering. I rose to do so and he said (sotto voce), Field Marshal, a
fortnight ago we invited a VIP from Delhi for the same function. He was allowed to stand on the same
lectern for exactly twenty seconds. I wish you luck. I said to myself, had the Vice Chancellor mentioned this
in his letter of invitation, I wonder, if I should have accepted.

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Anyway, I reached the lectern, and I addressed the gathering for my allotted time of forty minutes. I was
heard in pin drop silence, and at the end of my talk, was given terrific ovation.

The Vice Chancellor and his lady, the Dean, the professors and lecturers, the boys and girls, and even my
own wife, standing up and giving me an ovation. After the convocation was over, we walked into the
gardens to have refreshments. And I, having an eye for pretty girls, walked up to a pert little thing wearing a
pair of tight fitting jeans and a body hugging blouse, and I started a conversation with her. I said, My dear,
why were you so kind to me, I not being an orator nor having the looks of Amitabh Bachchan, when only the
other day you treated a VIP from Delhi so shamefully. This pert little thing had no inhibitions.

She turned round and said, and I quote, Oh, that a dreadful man! We asked him to come at four oclock. He
came much later and that too accompanied with a boy and a girl, probably his grand children. He was
received by the Vice Chancellor and his lady and taken to the platform. He was garlanded by the Student
Union President, and he demanded garlands for those brats too. So, the Union President diverged with the
garland that was meant for the Vice Chancellor and gave it to the brats. Then the Vice Chancellor started
singing the worthys praises. Whilst he was doing so, this man hitched up his dhoti, exposing his dirty thighs,
and scratched away. Then the Vice Chancellor said, This man has done so much for the country, he has
even been to jail. And I nearly shouted out, He should be there now. Anyway, when the Vice Chancellor
asked him to come to the lectern and address the convocation, he got up, walked to the lectern and
addressed us thus, Boys and girls, I am a very busy man. I have not had time to prepare my speech but, I will
now read out the speech my secretary has written. We did not let him stand there. Without exception, the
whole lot of us stood and booed him off the stage.
Now, you see, Ladies and Gentleman, what I mean by discipline. Had this man as his position warranted
come on time at four oclock, fully prepared and properly turned out, can you imagine the good it would
have done to these 2000 young girls and boys? Instead of that, his act of indiscipline engendered further
indiscipline. I thanked my lucky stars, having been in the Army for so many years, that I arrived there on
time, that I had come properly dressed, that I didnt wear a dhoti to show my lovely legs, that I didnt
exacerbate an itch or eczema, to hurt the susceptibilities of my audience, by indulging in the scratching of
the unmentionables.
To conclude; discipline can be defined as conduct and behavior for living decently with one another in
Submitted by-Rajiv Diwan, Member-MCTC

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De Magique of Oration 2016!

"Shvetaaaaaaaa, the gate will close in another 4 minutes! Lets make a dash for it!!! , warned Manisha, and
boy, did we make a dash for it, or did we make a dash for it! Our coffee cups in hand, suitcases in tow, and
yes, we made a dash for it! Not only did we make a dash for it, I even called up the other toastmasters I
knew, who were loitering around the airport Nachiketaaaaaaaaaa, the gate will close in another 3
minutes! You guys better make a dash for it!! And what followed was sheer lunacy! There were at least 12
Toastmasters , making a dash for gate number 4, to board the Air Asia flight to Goa, on the morning of May
27th, 2016!
Out of breath, when we finally reached the gate, we realized that the boarding hadnt even begun yet!
Manishaaaaaaaaaa, Im going to murder youuuuuuu! shouted all the 12 toastmasters , in chorus!
Thence, began our journey to Oration 2016, in Goa! I can safely say on the behalf of all those who attended
Oration, that this was one trip , they would remember fondly for the rest of their lives.
We hope to throw some more light on the trip, with the help of this interview happy reading, guys :)
Manisha, Rakhi and Gaurav,
1 . What made you finally decide to attend Oration 2016?
Manisha -The First thing that helped me in making this decision was the Grand Orators Assemblage-GOA
and secondly, it was GOA
Rakhi - There were three main reasons which made me finally decide to attend Oration 2016. Firstly, getting
a chance to listen to and learn from top two world champions of public speaking Mr. Qahtani and Mr.
Maheswaran and also Ms. Johnson. Secondly the conference venue which is one of the most happening
fun city in India. And thirdly the idea of spending these three days with some of the best friends and other
toastmasters made Oration 2016 very exciting proposition!
Gaurav - My Wife and The Land of Sand & Beaches - Goa
Shveta - Interesting replies, guys :). For me, it was the conference convener, Ushy aunties speech (that she
gave at our club contest), and my fascination with Mr. Qahtani and Mr. Maheswarans videos, that Id
watched on YouTube! I just couldnt wait to hear them speak, in person!
2. What was the one moment you spent during these 3 days that youll remember for the rest of your life?

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Manisha - The last day of conference evening spent at the beach with my loved ones
Rakhi -During the installation ceremony of new district officers when I saw the emotional side of Ms. Pat
Johnson I realized how passionate people are towards this organization. That is one of those special
moments out of many that I have brought back with me and I can never forget.
Gaurav - The last day in Goa at the beach
Shveta - Manisha, Gaurav, Rakhi and I, went up on the stage to accept the Rising star Trophy that our club,
Millennium City Toastmasters had won! It was an extremely proud moment for us alla moment Ill
remember for the rest of my life!
Also, receiving a trophy from the Conference convener, Ushy auntie, in appreciation for the voluntary work I
had done for Oration, was a moment of pride and joy for me!
3. Other than attending the conference, what did you do while you were there?
Manisha - I thoroughly explored the culture and cuisines of Goa.
Rakhi -Other than attending the conference we partied at the beach, went to casino, took a short Goa trip
and had lot of fun at the beach.
Gaurav- Relaxing at the beach and party
Shveta - Although we didnt have much time, we made the most of whatever we did have! We visited a
casino, went to the beach, and spent an amazing time, dancing with the other toastmasters :)
I also thoroughly enjoyed performing a Bollywood dance, on the Oration stage :)
We hired two wheelers (Activas) and rode to a casino, late at night. I rode the activa for half the distance,
and was the pillion rider for the other half. Suddenly it started raining. I just closed my eyes (while my friend
rode), and turned my face towards the sky. The ecstatic feeling I experienced at that moment, is
4. Please share some key points from Mr. Qahtanis sessions/speeches.
Manisha -

Captivating Audience
Adding Humor and making people laugh
Keeping audience hooked to your speech by engaging them through participation.

Rakhi - "Keep trying, keep trying, keep trying" Mr. Qahtani in his very engaging and humorous session took
us through his initial experiences as a toastmaster and how he never gave up but kept trying :)
Shveta - What i took away from Mr. Qahtanis speeches, was his humility, his ever smiling face, his ability to
laugh at himself! He encouraged everyone to have a goal, and not to leave any stone unturned, in order to
achieve it! "Have a clear vision, he said!
5. Please share some key points from Mr. Maheswarans sessions/speeches.
Manisha -

Zoom In, Zoom Out

Step In, Step Out

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Find In, Find Out

Rakhi - Mr. Maheswaran in his session explained how a speaker should let every single listener take back
what they want to infer instead of trying to make listeners infer what speaker wants to.
Gaurav - Learnt how to connect with the audience
The PQRST Technique of a speech Picturisation, Questionnaire, Repetition, Sensation, Transportation
Shveta - Mr. Maheswaran emphasized on how important it was to keep your story/speech unpredictable,
and to have an impact on the audience! In the end, the speaker should be able to make the audience feel,
that the story made sense, and that it how it should have been!
6. Please share some key points from Ms. Johnsons sessions/speeches.
Manisha -

Acknowledge what you learnt from others

The Rhythmic melodious poem
Go with the pace

Rakhi - Ms. Johnson is one of the most elegant speakers that one can ever see on stage. She demonstrated
practically how by just couple of degrees of connection each of us are capable of touching lives of thousands
of people :)
Shveta - I was delighted to find out that Ms. Johnson was a fabulous singer! She sang melodiously, during all
her speeches and sessions! It made me connect with her instantly, as I also love to sing! She spoke about our
integrity as toastmasters How we should always attend meetings, prepare all our speeches with utmost
dedication, fulfil our meeting assignments, etc! She welled up during the installation ceremony of the D 41
leaders, and I realized how much, the Toastmasters family meant to her! That is the kind of passion we, as
toastmasters, need to have towards whatever we do in life!
7. What was the one thing that completely baffled you at Oration?
Manisha - It was difficult to make out who the best speaker was, as all speeches were fabulous.
Rakhi - The spirit and attitude of toastmasters to make the event such a success was very heart warming.
The passion that I saw in the toastmasters at the conference transcended what I have ever witnessed
anywhere before.
Gaurav - The Participation and enthusiasm of 200 plus people
Shveta - The enthused members of D 41!!!! It was such a humongous, beautiful and energetic crowd!
Toastmasters has changed so many peoples lives, for the better! It was all pretty evident :) Listening to
world class leaders and speakers was an experience, Ill be eternally grateful for!
8. Do you think its necessary for a toastmaster to attend a conference like Oration? If yes, why?
Manisha - Yes. One must attend at least one conference in a year. Listening to the World Champion
Speakers, meeting with the District and International DTMs and Leaders is itself an enriching experience.

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In real life, 65 percent of listening is through what we see and hear. What I learnt in Oration was actually
more than 100 percent.
Rakhi - I would highly recommend to all the toastmasters to attend at least one such conference. It is only in
conventions like this that we get an opportunity to interact with some of the world class leaders and
speakers. Its like an ocean of knowledge, so much to learn in so little time.
Gaurav - Yes, to see and meet enthusiastic toastmasters and it inspires you to become a DTM.
Shveta - I feel that each and every toastmaster must attend at least one such conference It helps us realize
that we are a part of a much bigger family, than just our club! Makes one feel connected and like a coherent
part of the toastmasters fraternity
9. Do you plan to attend Oration, next year?
Manisha No doubt about it.
Rakhi - Yes, absolutely.
Gaurav - Yes, if its in a place like Goa, Kerala or Andaman or North East
Shveta - Of course, I do!! :)
10. Did you change/develop any new views about the Toastmasters fraternity, after having attended
Oration 2016?
Manisha- Yes, I saw the enthusiasm and passion of Toastmasters who came from different cities, states
and countries to participate, to learn and lean with the Grand Orators Assemblage.
Rakhi - After attending Oration 2016 I feel that what we experience at the club level is just the tip of the
iceberg. Toastmasters doesnt just provide a platform to practice your public speaking skills but it actually
transforms people into a world class speaker and leader. After attending Oration 2016 I have really started
to understand the real magnitude as well as profoundness of Toastmasters Organization. I feel very glad as
well as fortunate to be part of this wonderful fraternity!
Gaurav - I found people very Friendly and Supportive in the entire Toastmasters Fraternity.
Shveta - Toastmasters has the ability to transform peoples lives, and give birth to world class speakers and
leaders! I feel extremely fortunate and privileged to be able to enjoy the luxury of being a Toastmaster!
Submitted by Shveta Gupta, VP Education - MCTC
With inputs from Manisha Mehta, VP Membership MCTC
- Gaurav Verma, Member MCTC
- Rakhi Aswal, Treasurer - MCTC

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Glimpses of Oration 2016

MCTC Members with

Past International President
Ms. Pat Johnson

Our VP-Ed performing on the Oration stage, in


Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016


MCTC Members with 1 Runner Up World Championship

of Public Speaking Mr. Aditya Maheswara

Shveta Gupta, VP-Ed MCTC, receiving a

token of appreciation, from the conference
convener Ushaa Dhar

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

My journey to CS

My journey to CS level has been as difficult as reaching DLF cyber city

office from sector 50 in peak hour traffic.
When I started my toastmaster's journey, I thought I already spoke well but
when I started giving my speeches, I realized that I was grossly wrong.
There is a difference between communicating (basic need) and effectively
communicating (impressing / persuading / inspiring).
If you want to ask girl out for a date, you can't just be communicating. You
can't just say 'Can we meet for a coffee?' She might still say yes, but
only if she is interested only in coffee. In today's world you need
something better to say while looking into her eyes and making her weak in her knees. (Don't take me
otherwise, had I been such an expert). But this is just to put the point across.
The platform of toastmasters provides learning amongst friends who are as good or as bad as you
yourself are and hence the first step is to attend club meetings regularly. If you start attending meetings
every week, the combination of your guilt, competitiveness and ego will automatically force you to
volunteer for speeches. And once you are on stage, people listen.
Barring first few speeches, it is important to achieve set objectives of various speeches. I found that it is the
only time when even if you exaggerate, overdo some body gestures (bend/rollover/jump) or vocal
variety (yell/cry/beg), you would get a sincere feedback and chance to improve. More importantly it
helps you in coming out of you own comfort zone. I urge you to not to miss this opportunity and try to be
true to the objectives of various speech projects. It worked for me.
OK, I know you want some serious tip. Here is one.
Only clarity in thinking can lead to clarity in communication. Be clear about what do you want to
communicate in your speeches. Know 2-3 points (even if not a serious message), that you want audience to
remember. Prepare notes (you are not Barak Obama yet) and Practice.
How did I complete my forty speeches in one year ?
Well, I never waited for completing one speech before idea for the next. In nut shell, after CC, I decided in
a single day, which advanced manuals do I plan to attempt, and started adding to each project a little bit
every day. Every week, I would choose the idea that was comparatively more developed, polish it, and call
VP-Ed of various clubs to give a speech slot. VP-Ed are good, rather very good (I, myself been one !)
Submitted by Kapil Ghorse, Area Director

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Life & Humor
One said Life is difficult,
Other asked Compared to what?
And if life is, as strange as it is, why bother about finding out how difficult or how
easy, how complicated or how simple it is.
Similar situations can we viewed from various angles and lenses. We can use a
magnifying lens to exaggerate the problems in life, or we can use telescopic lens
to take a broader view saying we all are just a small part of infinity. I prefer to
use a third lens, the convoluted glass that shows disfigured faces. It gives me a fresh perspective, openness
to accept imperfections (mine included) and ability to laugh at myself.
When I see through this lens, I realize that we all are same. Confused, innocent, funny inherently but trying
to be too serious in front of others. We all in our own way are trying to make sense of this yet stranger
world. This is the fin act irrespective of our behaving in I know it all manner many times. So if nothing is
confirmed and life is just an exploration, why not look at brighter side of things. Laugh at small things, smile
at problems and search for where is the funnier angle of situations.
Life can be lived as a Gurudutt movie or a Govinda movie. In both cases, hero has to struggle, beat up the
bad guys and work hard. Dont worry, in both cases he gets the girl in the end. But approach to entire
journey is different. I like both movies, but prefer to live in the spirit of later one.
What if we take everything too seriously and in the end we realize that life was not supposed to be lived like
this. What if we miss all the humor on the way to big achievements in life? By the way who said that big
achievements are not possible with humorous approach.
Being dedicated and being humorous are not opposite. One cant measure depth of sea using a
thermometer. These are two different dimensions and thats it. These can run in parallel also.
Imagine the scene when in childhood you spilled the milk on bed, how terrified were you? (I can still
visualize my Moms face). Well, we do make some mistakes along the way in life, but in bigger scheme of
things these are as negligible and as laughable as spilling the milk. So why make a sad face and miss humor.
It is in every situation.
But how can we be more humorous?
By training our minds to see lighter side of things. By constantly reminding ourselves that we all are kids, by
birth. (Ask your mom if you dont believe me) and kids love jokes, fun and humor.
So, Living life sincerely? I agree. But Taking life seriously? Come on. You cant be serious!
Submitted by Kapil Ghorse, Area Director
Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Water conservations
The goals of water conservation efforts include:

Ensuring availability of water for future generations where the

withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem does not exceed its natural
replacement rate.

Energy conservation as water pumping, delivery and waste water

treatment facilities consume a significant amount of energy. In some
regions of the world over 15% of total electricity consumption is devoted
to water management.

Habitat conservation where minimizing human water use helps to preserve freshwater habitats for
local wildlife and migrating waterfowl, but also water quality.

Tips for Water conservation at Home:1. Checks pipes for leakages & Check your toilet for leakage
2. Dont use the toilet as wastebasket
3. Use water meter to check for hidden water leakage
4. Take shorter water shower or eliminate shower and use bucket for bathing
5. Turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush
6. Rinse your razor in the sink
7. Use dishwasher or cloth washer only for full load
8. When washing dishes by hand, dont leave the water running for rinsing
9. Water your lawn with RO waste water
10. Dont run the hose while washing your car

Submitted by Rahul Kokadwar, Secretary MCTC

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Summary of Meeting from Jan16 to June16


Theme of Meeting




Best Table

Best Role





Amit Gulati

Yogi Desai


Ravindra Bisht



Bangkok or Jaipur (common

meeting of GTMC,MCTC &


Joshi (GTMC)

Amit Gulati


Ritu Reet



Quote unquote

Nikhil Jain




Anu Gupta &

Nikhil Jain



Think small

Ravindra Bisht

Shveta Gupta

Anuj Garg
Mehta &
Shveta Gupta

Rakhi Aswal &

Anuj Garg



Have you seen it?

Rakhi Aswal

Sumit Pahwa

Kapil Ghorse

Kapil Ghorse

Yogi Desai



Essence of the self

Nikhil Jain

Shveta Gupta


Anshul Gupta

Nikhil Jain



Love, Labels & Lies


Dipti Singhal

Anuj Garg


Amit Gulati



Personal Brand


Nitin Sagar

Amit Gulati

Anuj Garg




Data storage


Nidhi Garg





Womens day

Rakhi Aswal


Ajay Hiraskar

Ajay Hiraskar

Rakhi Aswal



Manage your time




Amit Gulati

Vishal (Guest)


Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club



Theme of Meeting




Best Table

Best Role





Rajiv Diwan






Fitness for life

Dipti Singhal

Reety (Guest)


Amit Gulati

Dipti Singhal






Shveta Gupta Anuj Garg




Made a mistake?

Nitin Sagar

Shveta Gupta

Yogi Desai

Rahul Singh

Amit Gulati





Ushaa aunty


Shveta Gupta




A mystery sport !



Amit Gulati

Anuj Garg

Ankita Dutta



Team Building





Ankita Dutta



Mother earth, our world,

our nature & our

Dipti Singhal


Shveta Gupta Nitin Sagar

Dipti Singhal



Intelligent Machines



Amit Gulati

Bakul Joshi




Oil & the world economy












Bakul Joshi

Rakhi Aswal



Mutual fund direct



Shveta Gupta

Yogi Desai

Bakul Joshi


Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club



Theme of Meeting




Best Table

Best Role



Last six months of MCTC

Shveta Gupta

Kapil Ghorse

Amit Gulati



Big Data



Shveta Gupta -

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

Manchanda &
Shveta Gupta

Page 26 of 35

Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Education Awards

Competent Leader Award

Shveta Gupta

Competent Communication Award

Manisha Manchanda

Competent Leader Award

Nitin Sagar

Competent Leader Award

Vinay Bhardwaj

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

Page 27 of 35

Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Rising Star Club Award

MCTC receiving Rising Star Club Award

From District 41 Director Mr. Neeraj Gupta and Programme Quality Director Mr. Mukesh Kulothia
Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

International speech contest & Table topic contest
Club level completion organized on 28th Feb 2016, following members participated in the competition

International Speech Contest Participants

Shveta Gupta
Anuj Garg
Mohit Mendiratta
Manisha Mehta
Amit Gulati
Rahul Kokadwar
Manisha Manchanda

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

Table Topic Contest Participants

Mohit Mendiratta
Anjana Sharda
Manisha Mehta
Nikhil Jain
Amit Gulati
Dipti Singhal
Anuj Garg
Sumit Pahwa

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Area Level International Speech and Table Topic Contest

Amit Gulati, President MCTC, receiving winner

trophy in International Speech Contest

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

Amit Gulati, President MCTC, receiving 1st

runner up trophy in Table Topic Contest

Page 30 of 35

Millennium City Toastmasters Club

New Members of MCTC from Jan16 to June16
Following members joined MCTC in the period Jan16 to June16:-

Sr. No

Name of New Member

Month of Joining

Dipti Singhal


Anshul Gupta


Parth Sharma


Sandeep Bhatia


Rajiv Diwan


Surya Prakash


Harjinder Singh Brar


Mahiman Singh Dasila


Nirman Sharma



Vivek Mishra



Ankita Dutta



Aniruddh Kumar Sharma



Bakul Chandra Joshi



Gagan Baja



Dharmjit Singh


Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Family Get Together dated 11th June 2016 @ Sector 29

Hotel is inclined or photographer took picture like this Confused

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Farewell Party of Mr. Yogi Desai, dated 12th June 2016 @ MCTC

Good luck!!!
Keep in touch

We will miss the

great times spent

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Members name

Birth date


24 Apr


9 Mar


28 Feb

Amit Gulati

18 Jan

Varun Mittal

29 Jan

Geetesh Patidar

30 Jan

Parth Sharma

6 Mar

Gaurav Verma

9 Mar

Nikhil Jain

9 Mar

Rakhi Aswal

4 Aug

Ankita Dutta

17 Jun

Anshul Gupta
Ravindra Singh
Manisha Manchanda
Vinita Bansal
Shveta Gupta
Nitin Sagar
Hiren Mehta

27 Jul

Mahiman Dasila

5 Aug

Imtiaz Ali

8 Aug

Anuj Garg

4 Sep

Rahul Kokadwar

11 Sep

Aniruddh Sharma

11 Sep

Nirman Sharma

8 Oct

Anu Gorse

10 Oct

Sumit Pahwa

29 Oct

Kapil Gorse

27 Nov

Bakul Joshi

11 Dec

Manisha Mehta

11 Dec


28 Dec

Monika Jindal

30 Dec

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016






29 Nov



24 March




19 Jun


31 Jan

11 Jul


2 June

13 Jul


16 Jan

16 Jul


2 Dec

22 Jul


15 Feb

25 Jul


28 Jan


21 Aug









17 Jan



25 Dec


24 Apr




20 July


12 Dec





4 Dec


26 June




26 June


17 May


29th Nov


18 Jan


9 Mar





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Millennium City Toastmasters Club

Poem by Vinay Bhardwaj
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where ideas are free flowing and words come out from depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection with clear stream of reason has not
lost its way
This is the place.this is place to be on every Sunday

Magazine contributors

Mahiman Dasila
Vinay Bhardwaj
Rajiv Diwan
Shveta Gupta
Manisha Mehta
Rakhi Aswal
Bakul Joshi
Amit Gulati
Anjana Sharda
Kapil Ghorse
Rahul Kokadwar

Volume 1 / Date 19th June 2016

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