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By Dovid Krafchow

The Time Has Come

The time has come to stop
fasting on the the ninth of Av or
T"shabav. T"shabav is the
practice of mourning the
destruction of the ancient
Temples and Jerusalem and
other major calamities which
have befallen the Jewish
people. This two thousand year
tradition of mourning is
destined to end, as the central
text of Rabbinic Judaism the
Talmud teaches--the Ninth day
of Av will one day become a
celebration. The time has come.
There are various reasons for
this shift in consciousness from
the past to the future. The
world is entering into the year
5,777 of the six thousand year
Hebrew calendar, as the male
aspect of creation is about to
enter into the female. Seven is
one of the greatest power
numbers in Judaism,
representing Creation and
therefore seven is patently
woman; the seven-thousandth
year, a Thousand Years of
Women and Peace, begins in
233 years--the 777, three times
woman is a clear sign we have
entered into the long awaited
future. Also, the 777 equals the
sum of 21 which is the gematria
of Gods futuristic Name Ehiya.
The Ninth of Av is quickly
approaching beginning
Saturday, August 13, ending the
evening of Sunday, August 14.
This year the day falls on the

and the Rishonim like Rashi

and Rambam continued until a
few hundred years ago when
commentaries no longing
Meaning the days are
contained Ruach
Daoka/Pushed Off until the
HaKodesh/Holy Spirit.
next day. The Lubavitcher
This last stage before Moshiach
Rebbe often commented on
is called the Archaronim/Last-these occasions--once pushed
these are the rabbis. Their time
off we should drive it off
forever. Now is the time to fulfill should end now because they
have sinned against Israel,
the wishes of the Rebbe.
against the world, and against
The great Rabbi Akiva when
God. The worst kind of sin one
witnessing the destruction of
can commit is putting a
the Second Temple laughed
stumbling block before the
because he saw the coming of
blind; the rabbis are guilty of
the Third Temple. Now, on
this crime on a worldwide
Shabbat Chazon/Seeing, we
can fulfill the Rebbes wish and stage. Every problem in the
world can be traced to the
push off the fast and celebrate
rabbis inaction. Two thousand
the future. Generally, such a
years ago the Talmud records:
proclamation would be made
the Temple was destroyed
by the rabbis, but the rabbis
have gotten fat and kicked--the because of the inaction of the
rabbinate is corrupt, and every rabbis.
The Jewish People were sent
rabbi owns a piece of the
into exile to be lights unto the
The holy Zohar says, When the nations, but the rabbis, by
heads of Israel are wrong, this is embracing religion, have
become defiled by their
bad for the nation and bad for
collusion with the Church. The
the world. The Zohar is the
Zionist State is in complete
foundational work in the
contradiction to the Torah and
literature of Jewish mystical
yet the rabbis regale instead of
thought also known as the
rebuking. The Holy Land of
Torah. The Torah is based on
Israel was not meant to be a
prophecy; the time of the
state; instead, the boundaries of
prophets ended 2,500 years
Israel teaches us where it is
ago when the Jewish People
possible to perform the 613
returned to the land Babylon;
those who returned from exile Commandments.
began the Misha ending four
hundred years later. Then the
Gemora another few hundred
years later, the Geonim took us
into the Roman exile,

Page 14

Issue 2

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