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Am / is / are

1. Fill in the blanks,
My name
Rupert and I
39 years old. I
called Henry and John. Henry
My brothers
also from London.

English and I
35 and John

from London.

2. Answer the questions,

a) Is Valeri from Wales? Yes
b) Are they hungry? No
c) It is Tuesday today? Yes
d) Are you in the army? No
e) Are they sick? Yes
f) How are you? I


3. Complete the questions and answers using contractions where possible,

a) What your name? My name Stephen.
b) Where Geoffrey? He at work
your Dad a teacher? No, he
your brothers tall? No, they
e) Where
your friends?
at the pub.
f) What the time? It 11 oclock

4. Correct the sentences,

a) is in Europe Spain
b) John a friend good is
c) from Im USA the
d) holiday my on family is
e) very happy isnt James
f) not youre tired.

1. Fill in the blanks,
My name is Rupert and I am 39 years old. I am English and I am from London. My
brothers are called Henry and John. Henry is 35 and John is 41. They are also from

2. Answer the questions,

a) Is Valeri from Wales? Yes he is.
b) Are they hungry? No theyre not.
c) It is Tuesday today? Yes it is.
d) Are you in the army? No, Im not.
e) Are they sick? Yes, they are.
f) How are you? Im fantastic.

3. Complete the questions and answers,

a) Whats your name? My names Stephen.
b) Wheres Geoffrey? Hes at work
c) Is your Dad a teacher? No, he isnt.
d) Are your brothers tall? No, they arent.
e) Where are your friends? Theyre at the pub.
f) Whats the time? Its 11 oclock

4. Correct the sentences,

a) Spain is in Europe .
b) John is a good friend.
c) Im from the USA.
d) My family is on holiday.
e) James isnt very happy.
f) Youre not tired.

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