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Ingls VIII

Diana Bejarano

English Essay

A new field of research that has inspired lawyers and social scientists study the
relationship between human rights and art has created a rise in questioning
about the potential of artistic expression in the repair of the victims. This
interest has distanced itself from the issue of symbolic reparation as
component of the full reparation that has already been spoken by the doctrine.
In the same way the new paradigm, Yolanda Sierra referred to the
complementary elements of comprehensive reparation proposed Uprimny. In
addition, further research on art as a way to repair have opened discussions as
what kind of art is the necessary that is to be used to repair and which is the
difference between works of art by an artist freely and sorted by the State,
among others.
We propose to address the issue of whether the works of art that have been
ordered to build the State Council and the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights in Colombia are effective in the symbolic reparation for the victims of
the Colombian armed conflict.

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