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Equality between man and woman ?

That's all pie in

the sky !

In the occidental world, men and women should be neck and

neck in the 21st. But, we must be realist, this is just a theory,
in fact, it is totally different. Everybody knows a woman who
suffers a social injustice because of her sex. I am sure you
know someone too; do I make a mistake saying it? I do not
think so, but if you do not really know anybody, I will try to
explain you some very important differences. (82)
Firstly, although we live in a modern society, we are still living
with a lot of prejudices. For example, people think there are
some jobs for men than a woman would not carry out and vice
versa. So, this concept carries on some difficulties that a
woman may meet to find a job. (136)
Besides suffering this stereotype, she is under duress to earn
less money than a man in certain cases. (155)
Moreover, the boss of a firm is used to taking on a man
because a woman almost always becomes pregnant, so that if
she needs a maternity leave and the boss will have to find a
substitute. (189)Furthermore, when she has a child, she often
needs to leave work earlier to take care of her son and if the
child is ill or if she must pick him up from the school. (221)
And finally, the majority of the actual couples are still living
like couples from the 50's that is to say the woman raising the
child and looking after the home. Not a lot of couples divide
the housework in two halves. (258)
So, how can we say that a woman may live like a man? (270)
To conclude, men's life seems to be easier than a womans
life. (284)

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