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Bilawal wishes 'good luck' to PTI for antigovt rally

KARACHI: PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Sunday wished 'good luck' to the
participants of PTI's accountability rally against the federal government and Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif.
According to details, Bilawal Bhutto expressed good wishes for the participants of the
accountability rally, which was conducted on Sunday by the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf led by
chairman Imran Khan.
The PPP chairman said that one should praise and encourage the democratic right of every party
to protest. He also criticized Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and said he was guilty of corruption.
"The Panama Papers is the biggest corruption scandal in the world," said Bilawal. "This scandal
has exposed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's corruption scandal," he added.
Bilawal Bhutto warned the government to accept the terms of reference proposed by the
opposition parties or else deal with the consequences.
The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) have started taking out
protest rallies and staging sit-ins against the federal government. So far, the Pakistan Peoples

Party has not yet begun its protest movement but has warned the government of taking to the
streets if the terms of reference proposed by the opposition are not accepted.

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