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On the job Training are part of a college curriculum that aims to train and orient students

about the work and their future career. OJT is very important not only to teach students
their chosen career but to show students the reality about working.
On the Job Training is very important and should not be taken for granted, heres why:
Aside from the high evaluation grade that you will receive from the employer, the

employer may absorbed or offer you a job after graduation.

Your background OJT experience is very important when applying a job. Employers

often asked about the OJT experience and how it is related on the job that you are
applying for.
The OJT experience that you have can land you a great job. Especially in Media

related jobs, most employers often asked and require an OJT experience from a
media company. For instance, a news writer who is applying in a TV Network has
great advantage if he/she has an OJT experience in a Media company like TV, Radio
or Publishing.
Your superior in the company that you are working for as an OJT may recommend

your skills to the company affiliates or to other company that he/she knows.
OJT will be your training ground. If you still have no idea on what is meant to be a

worker, OJT will give you at least 10% of career realities.

The company that you are currently applying in often makes a background check to

successful applicants. If you have included your OJT adviser or employer in your
character references, the company may contact them to ask information about your
skills and knowledge as their student or intern.
You can consider your OJT experience as your guide on your first days at work,
especially if your OJT and current work are related. You can use your experience and
observation as an OJT to your current job if you still have issues on adjustments.

Most students have taken their OJT for granted; not realizing the importance it can bring on
their future career. Having a good performance during OJT is very important especially now
that theres a tight competition towards job seekers and the high qualification of companies.

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Objective of the OJT Program

The objective of On-Job-training (OJT) is directly related to the teaching
learning experiences and should help the student to:


Enhance their knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom in order

to become more responsive to the demands of Information Technology (IT)


Develop the value of professionalism, love of work and commitment to

people they serve.


Apply the relevant theories of IT Profession and Code of Ethics into



Feel and experience the actual world of work in computerized services.

Importance of the Practicum


It is an avenue for applying, enriching and enhancing the acquired

knowledge in the school in their particular field of endeavor.


It is a way of changing the students outlook in life through exposure in

the performance of actual work relevant to IT that may serve as a steppingstone for future career.


It develops interpersonal relationship with other employees within the

cooperating agency.

Time Requirements
The students are required to undergo 486 hours (BSIT Straight), 324 hours (BSIT
Ladderized) and 162 hours (BSCS) on On-the-Job Training as required by the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The placement agency provides the
student a Daily Time Record (DTR) which the students fill-out, and should be used
for reference at the time of evaluation.

Time Lost due to Illness or Other Reasons

Time lost because of personal reasons, including illness must be made up. Only with
the approval of the OJT Coordinator or the Supervisor can the student take time off

for personal reasons.

Students are allowed the regular holidays and may be observe religious holidays,
however; any time lost must be made up. They are also allowed to attend symposia,
however; must be made up if scheduled on a working day.

Attendance to Orientation Seminar Workshops and Conferences

On-the-Job Training students are required to attend the orientation seminar and
workshops before they are endorsed to their respective offices. They are also
required to attend post-conferences with their advisers on scheduled Saturdays or
by getting online through this wiki and writing their experiences or
problems encountered every week. These conferences are held as a way to
monitor the activities of the students and to give them opportunity to thresh out
problems they encounter in their respective offices.

Students undergoing On-the-Job Training should wear their School Uniform/OJT
Uniform/Corporate Attire when they report to their respective offices.

tudents Demeanor/ Behavior

The students are expected to behave accordingly and must observe propriety in
dress and deportment.

Parents Request Letter

The student submits a parents letter requesting the school to allow their son/
daughter to undergo On-the-Job Training.

A List of Good Dissertation Topics in Human Resource

Human resources is a growing and thriving field, and HR departments are a crucial component of any successful
organization. Human resources professionals manage the personnel who are employed by an organization, ensuring
compliance with applicable employment and labor laws, evaluating applicants for available job positions, assessing
staff performance, and fielding employee concerns. The four basic functions of human resources generally include
organizational staffing, employee training and development, ensuring motivation among personnel, and maintaining
processes and protocols that are already in place.
Careers in human resources can be both lucrative and rewarding, making it an excellent choice if youre pursuing a
postgraduate degree. When youre close to getting your human resources management degree, the final step will be
your doctoral dissertation. This extended paper requires original research and analysis, and requires you to make a
new contribution to the study of effectively managing organizational personnel. Here are a few potential dissertation
topics to help you get started finding the perfect subject to research and analyze for your doctoral dissertation paper
and presentation.

Methods for implementing different theories of human resource management in real-world organizational

Examining the capacity of human resources departments to drive organizational change

Issues and concerns in overseas outsourcing from a human resources perspective

Examining the role of organizational management in collaborating with human resources departments

Examining the role of employee negotiation power in human resources management

Investigating the use of employee training and development to increase organizational resilience against
economic crises

Examining the impact of employee training and development on organizational profits

Discussing budgetary considerations in human resources, such as accommodating the need for employee

Examining the relative value of soft skills and hard skills when selecting personel for available job positions

Finding methodologies for systematically improving poor employee selection processes

Using human resources management to smooth processes of organizational change

Monitoring and responding to recent trends and developments in approaches to human resource

Examining how a strong human resources department creates tangible value for companies and

Examining the extent to which employee performance can be effectively managed

Examining the implications of performance management for potential wage capping

Examining subjectivity versus objectivity in employee assessment and evaluation

Examining the concept of fairness in employee wages, hours, and other considerations

The implications of human resource management strategy for facilitating employee motivations

Investigating the relationship between reward and motivation among employees

Reviewing both legal and ethical aspects of maintaining workplace diversity

Examining methods of controlling subjective personal biases among human resources personnel in charge
of interviewing and hiring job candidates

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HR Topics
The links in the boxes below take you to pages which list resources by topic. If you cant see the topic that
you are searching for, please go to our A-Z index to HR Topics.

Employment Law
Topics in this subject

Employment Law

Data Protection

Discipline and Grievances


Employment Tribunals

Maternity and Parental Rights


Terms and Conditions of Employment


Learning and Development

Topics in this subject

Learning and Development

Coaching and Mentoring

CPD and Personal Effectiveness


Management Development

Training Design and Delivery

Training Evaluation

Training Needs

Training Strategy

Corporate Strategy
Topics in this subject

Corporate Strategy

Change Management

Corporate Responsibility and Governance

Mergers and Acquisitions

Organisation Development

HR Function
Topics in this subject

HR Function

Business Partnering

HR and the Economy

HR Policies

HR Records

HR Trends

Strategic HR

Diversity and Equality

Topics in this subject

Diversity and Equality

Age Discrimination

Bullying and Harassment


Equal Pay


Race Discrimination

Religious Discrimination

Sex and Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Performance Management
Topics in this subject

Performance Management


Performance Related Pay

Topics in this subject


Employer Branding


Labour Market

Selection and Assessment

Reward Management
Topics in this subject

Reward Management

Bonuses and Incentives

Employee Benefits


Salary Surveys

Talent Management
Topics in this subject

Talent Management

Human Capital

Retention and Turnover

Employee Relations
Topics in this subject

Employee Relations


Communication and Consultation

Employee Engagement

Flexible Working

Psychological Contract

Working Time

Health, Safety and Well-being

Topics in this subject

Health, Safety and Well-being

Alcohol and Drug Abuse


Management and Business Skills

Topics in this subject

Management and Business Skills


Human Resource Management Thesis Topics

A study on the perceptual between overtime and output

A study on the effect of locus of control on academic performance of the

students at tertiary level

Awareness of Employees about their actual compensation and its impact on

their motivation

Academic background of managers and their effectiveness: services, roles &


Assessing the impact of information technology on firm performance with

respect to organizational structure as an intervening variable: A study of
pharmaceutical industry of

Bullying and verbal harassment of women at work place and its impact on
work performance

Comparison between the performance of professionally developed and

undeveloped teachers: A study of public sector secondary schools of

Comparison of perception of employees and supervisors on the outcomes of

counseling on employees performance

Competency mapping as a tool for 360 degree appraisal

Determining the effect organization owner-ship and level of employees on

stress level

Effect of communication during an acquisition on employees behavioral


Effective of managerial functions on the level of satisfaction of employees

Employee Fairness perception and its effect on their motivational level and
turnover retention

Employees expectations regarding the performance of current MBA

graduates from business schools

Factors considered by individuals when selecting an organization to give


Factors influencing facultys job satisfaction

Gender stereotyping and wage discrimination in (any industry)

Gender discrimination in delegating task by managers

Gender bias in recruitment and selection for global assignments

Impact of mentoring on career success

Impact of organization evaluation tools on business performance

Impact of aligning HR with business strategy

Impact of organization climate on job satisfaction

Impact of diversity and conflict on performance

Impact of work values on organization commitment of older professionals

Impact of gender on supervisor-supervisor relationship

Labor market hypothesis Impact of wage rate on quit rate

Organization culture change and its effect on employee motivation (A

transition of the banking sector of any country)

Job related ambiguity and their consequences upon job satisfaction and
performance on national organization of Pakistan

Job satisfaction causes the organization commitment An-econometric analysis

Participation decision making and job satisfaction

Perception of employees regarding formal and informal training and their

impact on potential performance/growth in banking sector

Research on the effect of non monetary factors on employee retention in the

banking sector of Pakistan

Relationship between organizational structure and employees work content

in the private sector of Karachi

Relationship between performance evaluation and job satisfaction

Software licensing at workplace: influence of IT professionals ethical

framework and organizational culture in decision making

Study of relationship between self-regulations and intrinsic motivations on

stress level

Sexual harassment against women at workplaces and its impact on their


The effect of supervisory behavior on sales force satisfaction& turnover

intention in pharmaceuticals companies

The effect of job characteristics on job satisfaction and organizational


The effect s of succession planning on employee retention

The impact of human resource management practices on employee

commitment and turnover internet

The effect of job environment on employee satisfaction

The effect of employees supervisor relations and workload on job stress and
employees performance

The impact of managerial intelligence and leadership styles on employees

job satisfaction

To study the perception of employees about performance appraisal

effectiveness and its impact on the employee motivation

To study the effects of managerial developments strategies of star-salespersons on their performance as a sales supervisor

Trends and comparison of labor wages in different industries of (any country)

The effect of fun in training on learning value of training

The effect on burnout and depersonalization on job satisfaction of customer

sales representatives

The impact of cross cultural recruitment on the productivity of the

organization (A comparative analysis of the public and private sector

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